Beechgrove Garden

  • :
  • : 396
  • : 2
  • BBC Two
  • 20
  • Documentary Home and garden


Episode 1
Episode overview
Horticultural tips. The team take a look at the challenges that a snowy winter has thrown at the garden, Jim returns to the vegetable plot, and Carole meets a tree doctor.
Episode 2
Episode overview
Horticultural tips. The team decide to build a garden which will weather the credit crunch, and Carole takes a look at some of the many slug and snail deterrents on the market.
Episode 3
Episode overview
Horticultural tips. To mark a seed company's Year of the Tomato initiative for 2009, Jim McColl grows a new range of tomatoes. Lesley and Carole report on the marestail epidemic.
Episode 4
Episode overview
After the winter's snow, it is time to check on some 'patients' in the garden. Plant doctors Jim, Carole and Lesley are on ward rounds making diagnoses and some tough decisions.
Episode 5
Episode overview
Jim tends to the peach, cherry and vines, while Carole adds some new fruit to the blueberry tunnel. Lesley designs a new garden making the most of a confined space.
Episode 6
Episode overview
Jim, Carole, Lesley and Carolyn help to create a community garden in the ancient Scottish town of Tain. They also try to solve some local gardening problems.
Episode 7
Episode overview
Jim explains how to prune evergreens, while Lesley starts off a new experiment in the potager garden: productive and pretty miniature gardening.
Episode 8
Episode overview
Carole practises artistic pruning, Jim plants yellow tomatoes, and Lesley takes a look at a new range of what she calls fast flowers - from seeds to flowers in six to eight weeks.
Episode 9
Episode overview
The team visits Gardening Scotland, at the Royal Highland Showground, Ingliston, just outside Edinburgh. The show is sometimes called the Chelsea of the North.
Episode 10
Episode overview
Jim, Carole, Lesley and Carolyn present a bedding-plant special. Carolyn helps revamp a communal garden in Stockbridge, Edinburgh. And Jim visits Cluny House Gardens in Perthshire.
Episode 11
Episode overview
Jim checks on the progress of the family orchard and tomato town. Lesley starts planting in her Tuscan Feast garden. Carole revels in an extraordinary iris collection in Drybridge.
Episode 12
Episode overview
Jim and Carole spend time with the plotters of Heathryfold Allotments to hear their success story as well as seeing the many initiatives going on.
Episode 13
Episode overview
The team cross the Atlantic bridge to help with the final stages of a community garden that is being created around the new community hall on the stunning slate island of Seil.
Episode 14
Episode overview
In this schools programme, the Beechgrove team are split into groups and take a look at two very special school garden projects as they try to achieve coveted 'Green Flag' status.
Episode 15
Episode overview
Gardening programme. Jim tackles a range of viewers' tomato torments, while Carole Baxter takes a look to see if the Fastflowers she sowed have lived up to their name.
Episode 16
Episode overview
Gardening programme. Jim takes a big romp around the veg plot, looking at the beautiful brassicas, blooming beans and perfect peas, and gives a new plant range the Beechgrove test.
Episode 17
Episode overview
Jim wages war on the greenhouse pests that have arrested the development of the aubergines and peppers, but finds that bringing in a little natural balance can be the best weapon.
Episode 18
Episode overview
Jim shows how a little fruit summer pudding can work wonders to increase yield, and tests a new development in the battle to keep the raspberry beetle at bay.
Episode 19
Episode overview
In the Beechgrove Garden, Jim is in the vegetable plot, troubleshooting and harvesting. He discovers onion fly on the shallots, but also finds some magnificent runner beans.
Episode 20
Episode overview
Jim sows 'green manure' in the garden, and gives the grass some tender lawn care. Plus Carole tots up the final costs on the Credit Crunch Garden, and adds the finishing touches.
Episode 21
Episode overview
Gardening tips and features. It is harvest time in the Beechgrove Garden, and Jim reaps a bumper crop of squashes, pumpkins, aubergines and peppers.
Episode 22
Episode overview
In this one-hour special, the team visit Colinton Primary School, which has ambitious ideas for creating a garden for the school and community on an old WWII firing range.
Episode 23
Episode overview
Gardening tips and features. Jim is planting spring cabbage in the vegetable plot while Carole is still harvesting sweetcorn, blueberries and a new crop of Saskatoon berries.
Episode 24
Episode overview
Gardening tips and features. Jim McColl and the team batten down the hatches for winter and look forward to spring. Marek Mozoloski shows off his greenhouse heat pump to Jim.