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Why is the Mona Lisa so famous? - Noah Charney
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Discover what factors helped Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” become the world’s most famous painting. -- More than 500 years after its creation, Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” is .. show full overview
The myth of Loki’s monstrous children - Iseult Gillespie
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Odin, the king of Asgard, was plagued by nightmares. Three fearsome figures haunted his dreams: a massive, writhing shadow; a shambling, rotting corpse; and worst of all, a monstrous .. show full overview
Why is it so hard to escape poverty? - Ann-Helén Bay
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Explore the paradox of welfare programs, and learn how they inadvertently reinforce generational poverty, and what we can do to fix them. -- Imagine that you’ve been unemployed for .. show full overview
The ingredient in almost everything you eat - Francesca Bot
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Dig into the science of soy, and discover what makes soybeans such versatile plants and whether it’s healthy for you and the planet. -- Soybeans have been cultivated in Asia for .. show full overview
The movement that inspired the Holocaust - Alexandra Minna Stern and Natalie Lira
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Trace the history of the eugenics movement in the US, and discover how the belief in ideal genetics led to forced sterilizations. -- Since ancient Greece, humans have controlled .. show full overview
4 signs of emotional abuse - Viann Nguyen-Feng
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Learn how to spot some of the most common signs of emotional abuse and what you can do if someone is experiencing these behaviors. -- Emotional abuse can be incredibly damaging, .. show full overview
Are the Northern Lights dangerous? - Fabio Pacucci
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Explore the science of solar storms, and find out why they occur and just how prepared we are for a major event. -- In September 1859, miners following the Colorado gold rush woke .. show full overview
Watch this if you're scared of snakes - Andrew Whitworth
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Travel around the world to visit some of nature’s most incredible snakes: vipers, and find out which are the most dangerous. -- As of 2021, there are 368 species of viper .. show full overview
The myth of Hades and Persephone - Iseult Gillespie
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Dig into the Greek myth of Persephone, who is abducted by Hades and is only allowed to leave the underworld every spring. -- One day, Persephone was frolicking in a meadow with the .. show full overview
Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? - Ameya Gondhalekar
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Dig into the genetic adaptations of cockroaches, and find out what makes it so hard to get rid of these tenacious creatures. -- In ancient Egypt, there was a spell that declared, .. show full overview
The biggest mistakes in mapmaking history - Kayla Wolf
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ravel through the history of mapmaking and discover what big mistakes cartographers made about the world’s geography. -- For thousands of years, people made both functional maps .. show full overview
How does heart transplant surgery work? - Roni Shanoada
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Dig into the science of how heart transplants happen, how donors are matched and find out how this complex surgery saves lives. -- Your heart beats more than 100,000 times a day. .. show full overview
What is the rarest color in nature? - Victoria Hwang
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Discover what colors are the most rare to see in nature, and how physics and evolution drive their scarcity. -- Plants, animals, or minerals found in nature bear almost every color .. show full overview
These animals are also plants … wait, what? - Luka Seamus Wright
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Explore the incredible adaptations of Elysia chlorotica, a species of sea slug that can photosynthesize food. -- The species of slug known as Elysia chlorotica may not look like .. show full overview
Why can parrots talk? - Grace Smith-Vidaurre and Tim Wright
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Explore the specialized anatomy that allows parrots to talk, scream, curse, and recite facts like humans. -- Whether they’re belting Beyoncé, head-banging to classic rock, or .. show full overview
What’s the best country to live in?
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Discover the shortcomings of using GDP to measure a country’s well-being, and what alternatives can be used to gauge quality of life. -- What’s the best country to live in? Is it .. show full overview
How does alcohol cause hangovers? - Judy Grisel
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Discover how alcohol impacts your body’s processes and causes hangovers, and find out what causes the most common hangover symptoms. -- The molecule responsible for hangovers is .. show full overview
Hagfish: The world's slimiest creatures - Noah R. Bressman and Douglas Fudge
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Discover the extraordinary capabilities of hagfish, the slime-producing fish that has survived on Earth for over 300 million years. -- In 2017, a truck screeched to a halt. One of .. show full overview
What causes yeast infections, and how do you get rid of them? - Liesbeth Demuyser
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Explore the common causes and treatments of yeast infections, which affect 3 out of every 4 people with a vagina. -- The vagina harbors hundreds of different kinds of .. show full overview
The 4 greatest threats to the survival of humanity
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Dig into the 4 biggest existential risks that threaten the survival of humanity, and explore how we can safeguard our future. -- With the invention of the atomic bomb, humanity .. show full overview
The true cost of gold - Lyla Latif
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Dig into how foreign corporations exploit African nations like Mali for their gold mining, and often rob them of proper compensation. -- In 2020, Mali produced over 71 tons of .. show full overview
This weird trick will help you summon an army of worms - Kenny Coogan
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Discover the tradition of worm grunting, and find out why earthworms come to the surface when they sense vibrations in the earth. -- In the middle of Florida’s Apalachicola .. show full overview
Why a sausage can do what your gloves cannot - Charles Wallace and Sajan Saini
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Dig into the science of touchscreens, and find out the difference between the two most common types: capacitive and resistive. -- In 2010, South Korea experienced a particularly .. show full overview
A brief history of Spanish - Ilan Stavans
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Trace the history and evolution of the Spanish language, from its origins in the 3rd century BCE to modern day. -- Beginning in the third century BCE, the Romans conquered the .. show full overview
Can you guess what's wrong with these paintings? - Noah Charney
Episode overview
Discover the scientific process art conservators use to restore centuries-old paintings and fix the damage of past restorations. -- Prior to the mid-20th century, art restorers .. show full overview
The rise and fall of the medieval Islamic Empire - Petra Sijpesteijn & Birte Kristiansen
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Trace the rise and fall of the Islamic Empire, from the prophet Muhammad in the 7th century to the sacking of Baghdad. -- In the 7th century CE, the prophet Muhammad united the .. show full overview
Can the economy grow forever?
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Is infinite economic growth possible on a planet with finite resources? Explore how countries can balance efficiency with sustainability. -- Many economists think that an eternally .. show full overview
Why did Phillis Wheatley disappear? - Charita Gainey
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Get to know the life and works of poet Phillis Wheatley, an enslaved woman who became one of colonial America’s most famous writers. -- In 1775, General George Washington received .. show full overview
How to write like the best-selling author of all time - Jamie Bernthal
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Dig into Agatha Christie’s writing style to find out how she crafted her mystery novels and how to employ these strategies in your own work. -- With almost 100 mystery novels, .. show full overview
The Boltzmann brain paradox - Fabio Pacucci
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How do you know you’re a person who has lived your life, rather than a just-formed brain full of artificial memories, momentarily hallucinating a reality that doesn’t actually exist? .. show full overview
Coneheads, egg stacks and anteater attacks: The reign of a termite queen - Barbara L. Thorne
Episode overview
Take a look inside the conehead termite colony as a queen begins her reign as one of the longest living insects in the animal kingdom. -- A single determined termite braves .. show full overview
Would you pass the wallet test?
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Dig into the experiment known as the lost wallet test, and find out the surprising results of this study of honesty. -- Picture this: you’re working a shift in a hotel lobby when .. show full overview
What is a gig economy?
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Explore the benefits and drawbacks of the gig economy, and find out the key factors of becoming a successful freelancer. -- A 2016 survey of freelancers in six countries found that .. show full overview
The original ring of power - Alex Gendler
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More than 2,000 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato recounted the legend of the Ring of Gyges in “Republic.” The story of the ring surfaces as the philosopher, Socrates, and his .. show full overview
The benefits of daydreaming - Elizabeth Cox
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Enter the mind of a bored teenager to discover what happens in the brain when we daydream and find out what purpose it serves. -- On a daily basis, you spend between a third and .. show full overview
The myth of Zeus' test - Iseult Gillespie
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Dig into the myth of Baucis and Philemon, a couple who unknowingly showed the gods hospitality after their neighbors refused. -- It was dark when two mysterious, shrouded figures .. show full overview
How friendship affects your brain - Shannon Odell
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Dig into what happens to your brain during adolescence that changes how you value, understand, and connect to friends. -- If it seems like friendships formed in adolescence are .. show full overview
These companies with no CEO are thriving
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Get to know the different kinds of co-ops, how they work, and how they differ from traditional companies. -- Co-ops are a big part of the global economy: they employ 10% of the .. show full overview
Is it possible to lose weight fast? - Hei Man Chan
Episode overview
Is it possible to lose weight fast— in a healthy way? Dig into how different forms of dieting affect your body. -- In the wealthiest circles of Victorian England, dieters would .. show full overview
Can you solve the alien pyramid riddle? - Henri Picciotto
Episode overview
You and your team of scientists are trapped on Mars. Can you figure out how to survive on the desert planet? -- Today is the anniversary of the best-worst day of your life. The .. show full overview
The myth of Pegasus and the chimera - Iseult Gillespie
Episode overview
Discover the myth of Bellerophon, the hero who battled and killed the Chimera monster atop the winged horse Pegasus. -- Shielded from the gorgon’s stone gaze, Perseus crept through .. show full overview
Would you stop dating someone your parents didn’t like?
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Dig into the Romeo and Juliet Effect, which describes the tendency to find someone more desirable when met by parental opposition. -- In 1972, psychologists at the University of .. show full overview
What does the world's largest machine do? - Henry Richardson
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Dig into the delicate balancing act of how power grids supply energy to the world and how renewable energy factors into this process. -- In 1967, Homer Loutzenheuser flipped a .. show full overview
Is inequality inevitable?
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Explore how economic inequality can be measured and how it is impacted by different governmental policy choices. -- Income and wealth inequality are not new. In fact, economists .. show full overview
How did they build the Great Pyramid of Giza? - Soraya Field Fiorio
Episode overview
Explore how the ancient Egyptians built the Great Pyramid, a tomb created for Pharaoh Khufu which took over 20 years to complete. -- As soon as Pharaoh Khufu ascended the throne .. show full overview
What’s the smartest age? - Shannon Odell
Episode overview
At what age are you smartest? Dig into how your brain development affects your skills at different stages of your life. -- Tomorrow is the annual Brain Clash — a decathlon of .. show full overview
Why is it so hard to cure the common cold?
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Dig into the two main ways we fight the viruses that cause the common cold, and find out if it’s possible to create a cure. -- On average, adults catch more than 150 colds .. show full overview
Is it dangerous to wake a sleepwalker? - Emmanuel During
Episode overview
Mumbling fantastical gibberish; devouring blocks of cheese in the nude; peeing in places that aren’t toilets; and jumping out of windows. These are all things people have reportedly done .. show full overview
Why you procrastinate even when it feels bad
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The report you’ve been putting off is due tomorrow. It’s time to buckle down, open your computer ... and check your phone. Maybe watch your favorite YouTube channel? Or maybe you should .. show full overview
Is capitalism actually broken?
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Explore the different types of capitalism, how they operate, and how they impact issues like climate change and rising inequality. -- People have become increasingly worried that .. show full overview
Could one vaccine protect against everything?
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There’s a vaccine being developed now that would protect you against every strain of the flu— even ones that don’t exist yet. But influenza is constantly mutating, so is a universal .. show full overview
Ethical dilemma: Whose life is more valuable? - Rebecca L. Walker
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To protect against a possible resurgence of smallpox, the US government is funding research to improve treatments and vaccines. And since it’s unethical to expose people to a highly .. show full overview
Will there be another pandemic in your lifetime?
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We tend to think of pandemics as unlikely events, but disease outbreaks are surprisingly common. Over the past 400 years, the longest stretch of time without a documented outbreak was .. show full overview
How do oysters make pearls? - Rob Ulrich
Episode overview
Despite their iridescent colors and smooth shapes, pearls are actually made of the exact same material as the craggy shell that surrounds them. Pearls, urchin spines, the shells of .. show full overview
The sibling rivalry that divided a town - Jay Van Bavel and Dominic Packer
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One day a pair of brothers working together as shoemakers had an explosive fight that split the family business in two. Over the coming years, this disagreement divided their town— .. show full overview
4 things all great listeners know
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It’s easy to tell when someone’s not paying attention, but it can be surprisingly tricky to know what good listening looks like. Good listening is one of the most important things we can .. show full overview
Why plague doctors wore beaked masks
Episode overview
The year is 1656. Your body is wracked by violent chills. Your head pounds and you're too weak to sit up. In your feverish state, you see a strange-looking man wearing a beak-like mask, .. show full overview
How do we create a better economy?
Episode overview
Can we call any economy “healthy” in the face of dwindling resources and growing inequality? What if we cut off our addiction to endless growth, and used a new compass for modern .. show full overview
The Taj Mahal: A monument to eternal love - Stephanie Honchell Smith
Episode overview
It’s 1631. Mumtaz Mahal, beloved wife of Emperor Shah Jahan, is giving birth to their 14th child. A healthy girl is born, but Mumtaz dies soon after. Sobbing uncontrollably, the emperor .. show full overview
How will AI change the world?
Episode overview
In the coming years, artificial intelligence is probably going to change your life— and likely the entire world. But people have a hard time agreeing on exactly how AI will affect our .. show full overview
The science of falling in love - Shannon Odell
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Love is often described as heartwarming, heart-wrenching, or even heartbreaking— and your brain is responsible for all these feelings. The journey from first spark to the last tear is .. show full overview
The city built by runaways - Marc Adam Hertzman & Flavio dos Santos Gomes
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In the 1600s, an expansive autonomous settlement called Palmares reached its height in Brazil. It was founded and led by people escaping from slavery, also called maroons. It was one of .. show full overview
The best way to apologize (according to science)
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Over the years, people have come up with some truly awful apologies. From classic non-apologies, to evasive excuses, and flimsy corporate promises, it’s all too easy to give a bad .. show full overview
How puberty changes your brain - Shannon Odell
Episode overview
While we often talk about puberty’s effect on the body, what gets overlooked are the fascinating changes that happen in the brain. Puberty, in fact, begins in the brain, and lasts as .. show full overview
3 ways to end a virus
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Viruses are wildly successful organisms. There are about 100 million times as many virus particles on Earth as there are stars in the observable universe. Even so, viruses can and do go .. show full overview
