• :
  • : 40
  • : 26
  • Channel 4
  • Comedy Drama



Episode One
Episode overview
It’s the first day of term and there are two new teachers; J.P. and Penny. Kurt is hiding from Carol, Susan is falling in love with J.P. and Simon is bored. While contemplating ways to .. show full overview
Episode Two
Episode overview
Simon is becoming jealous of J.P., thinking that all the girls are after him. When J.P. suggests that they try another pub, Simon gets angry and regretfully asks Bob down the local pub, .. show full overview
Episode Three
Episode overview
When Clare bans student’s facial hair in school, Kurt attempts to grow a moustache. Susan, on the other hand, is desperate to lose hers as she becomes less confident. Simon realises that .. show full overview
Episode Four
Episode overview
J.P. tells Kurt and Brian that he is gay, which means that soon enough it becomes common knowledge. Simon and Kurt then devote much energy to convince Brian that he to is gay. The joke .. show full overview
Episode Five
Episode overview
Susan’s problem with Jenny and Alec’s none-too-private snogging and Alec’s frequent nudity comes to a peak. Initially the guys aren’t very supportive, but when J.P. brings a bloke home, .. show full overview
Episode Six
Episode overview
The gang begin to realize that Penny is failing as a teacher. Jenny sees it as a reflection on her mentoring but then Penny tries to get around her by flirting with Bob throwing him into .. show full overview
Episode Seven
Episode overview
Susan decides she wants a baby, after a talk with the kids about unprotected sex. Simon tries putting her off, whilst Brian and Kurt compete to become the father.
Episode Eight
Episode overview
When a student in Kurt’s I.T. Class enters his name on a web search engine, Kurt realizes that another man with the same name has accomplished a lot more than he has. This causes Simon .. show full overview
Episode Nine
Episode overview
The English department is feeling a noticeable gap due to Simon’s absence, while Jenny has renewed energy to focus on work since splitting up with Alec. Penny is forced into full-time .. show full overview
Episode Ten
Episode overview
As Christmas draws near, the teachers, minus an absent Simon, attend the staff annual party. After Jenny tells Bob’s wife that he is very popular with the female staff, he gets lucky, .. show full overview
