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  • Martial arts Sport



Chest & Back
Episode overview
It's all about pushing and pulling during this resistance workout. With 12 dynamic exercises to strengthen, tighten, tone, and build the major muscles of the upper torso, you'll quickly .. show full overview
Episode overview
You'd better Bring IT when you take on this dynamic cardio workout (some call it "the beast"). With over 30 explosive jumping moves, you won't be spending much time on the ground during .. show full overview
Shoulders & Arms
Episode overview
Get out those dumbbells and/or bands. This workout incorporates a potent combination of pressing, curling and fly movements that will do wonders for the development of the deltoid muscles (shoulders) and the biceps and triceps (arms).
Yoga X
Episode overview
If you think this will be the day to relax and take a breather, forget it. This yoga workout will challenge you like never before. You'll sweat, twist, stretch and hold all kinds of .. show full overview
Legs & Back
Episode overview
Get ready to squat, lunge, and pull during this unique series of exercises for both the lower and upper body. While the main focus lies in strengthening and developing the glutes, quads, .. show full overview
Kenpo X
Episode overview
The word Kenpo means "law of the fist" and that's exactly what you'll be throwing during this cardio-intense workout. That and a whole bunch of kicks, elbows, knees and forearms. .. show full overview
X Stretch
Episode overview
Keeping limber and loose is vital to the success of any fitness program. Aside from the stretching exercises that take place before, during and after each P90X workout, we've created .. show full overview
Core Synergistics
Episode overview
This total-body workout incorporates cardio, stretching and resistance to strengthen the core muscles (the muscle groups that girdle the waistline and back). Building a solid foundation .. show full overview
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Episode overview
You'll want to hit the beach and show off your lean, ripped muscles after finishing this intense upper-body blowout. This routine combines a variety of fun and challenging moves that .. show full overview
Back & Biceps
Episode overview
if Popeye had a favorite P90X workout, this would be it. With a boatload of curls and pull-ups, you'll add some real ammo to your guns. But don't worry, ladies- by using lighter .. show full overview
Cardio X
Episode overview
In this workout, you'll keep your heart rate well below its anaerobic threshold, the point where strength gains are made and muscle fiber is broken down. Instead, you'll sweat .. show full overview
Ab Ripper X
Episode overview
This quick routine takes only 15 minutes to complete, yet still hits all areas of the midsections to burn the fat and tone the muscle. From sit-ups to Pilates moves, you'll find .. show full overview
