
I Was a Teenage Thumb
Episode overview
George Ebenezer Thumb and his wife, Prunhilda, are a medieval, rural, English couple who desperately want a child.
Devil's Feud Cake
Episode overview
Yosemite Sam is given three chances to gain his own freedom by bringing Bugs Bunny to Hell.
Fast Buck Duck
Episode overview
Daffy Duck reads that a millionaire seeks a loyal, entertaining, and trustworthy companion. Daffy decides to apply for the job.
The Million Hare
Episode overview
Daffy Duck watching TV, at Bugs house, sees that they have been selected to compete on a game show called Beat Your Buddy. The first contestant to get to the TV studio wins a million bucks.
Mexican Cat Dance
Episode overview
Mexican mice take over a bullfight ring after all the people have left.
Now Hear This
Episode overview
In this very abstract cartoon, a hard-of-hearing old Britisher finds a red horn and uses it as a megaphone, unaware that it is really a lost horn from the Devil's forehead. The Britisher .. show full overview
Woolen Under Where
Episode overview
Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog are friends, housemates and coworkers who become bitter enemies, but strictly while they're on the clock. A suit of armor, a skin diving outfit, a unicycle and a makeshift tank figure in Ralph's schemes.
Hare-breadth Hurry
Episode overview
When Bugs takes Wile E. Coyote's place in a cartoon, the Bugs/Coyote roles and rules become confused.
Banty Raids
Episode overview
A hipster rooster, attracted to the hens in Foghorn Leghorn's barnyard, disguises himself as a baby foundling on Foghorn's doorstep. Foghorn adopts the girl-crazy rooster as his son, giving him access to all the chickens on the farm!
Episode overview
This was an unsold television pilot for ABC that ended up in theaters as a theatrical short.
Chili Weather
Episode overview
Speedy Gonzales comes to help his starving friends gain access to the wealth of food inside a processing plant guarded by Sylvester Cat.
The Unmentionables
Episode overview
In a spoof of TV's "Untouchables" Rocky and Mugsy chase "Elegant Ness" (Bugs) through the ACME cereal company.
Aqua Duck
Episode overview
Lost in a desert, Daffy Duck finds a gold nugget and is unwilling to part with it even though he is in desperate need of water.
Mad as a Mars Hare
Episode overview
Bug's lands on Mars, claiming it in the name Earth; Marvin has other ideas.
Claws in the Lease
Episode overview
Junior is fed up with poor living and sets out to find a home for him and Sylvester.
Transylvania 6-5000
Episode overview
After getting lost on his vacation, Bugs ends up in the middle of Transylvania. He decides to get a room for the night in a nearby castle, which of course turns out to be home to a .. show full overview
To Beep or Not to Beep
Episode overview
Wile E. Coyote hopes to stop and catch the Road Runner using a huge, boulder-throwing catapult. But no matter where Wile E. positions himself, the catapult drops the boulder on him.
