Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

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Help Us Make More Videos for Kurzgesagt
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We started a crowd funding to make it possible to make more than one video every four weeks.
The Moons of Pluto Explained – MM#3
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Pluto has five moons? Well, yeah! Learn about them in this video. Moon May! One video about cool moon stuff every Mo(o)nday in May. Next(and last): Neptunes Moon Triton. Videos, .. show full overview
We have a new name: In a Nutshell
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„Kurzgesagt“ is called „in a nutshell“ now. Thanks so much for trying to pronounce the old name.
Channel Trailer
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Well. A channel trailer. Also fan finder video. Help us caption & translate this video!
The Year 12,018 Calendar IS OUT NOW — A New Calendar for Humanity
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The 12,019 Calendar IS HERE — A New Calendar for Humanity
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It's the most wonderful time of the year: The 12,019 Human Era Calendar is here! Get the new limited edition now or regret it forever. We updated the design of the calendar, so each .. show full overview
Can You Trust Kurzgesagt Videos?
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Can you trust our videos? How do we research them nowadays? And what about our older videos?
The 12,020 Human SPACE Era Calendar
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This year’s calendar focuses on the future of humanity and how we will explore space in the next 10,000 years.
The 12,021 Human Era Calendar
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Two Chapters From Our New Book – Exclusive Preview!
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The Limited Edition Dinosaur Calendar – Now And Then Never Again
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HIDDEN WORLDS - Limited Edition Calendar!
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The new 12,023 Human Era Calendar is here! https://kgs.link/calendar WORLDWIDE SHIPPING AVAILABLE. This time you can join us on a journey through the microcosm. Curious? Head over to our shop and get it while supplies last.
Our Very First Merch Drop – Cosmic Pioneers Edition
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Be a part of our first Limited Drop, which honors our Cosmic Pioneers and their noble expeditions
Why Is the Ocean Salty and Rivers Are Not? #shorts #kurzgesagt
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How Tiny Can a Black Hole Be? #shorts
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The Ultimate Fight: Tardigrade vs. Bird #shorts #kurzgesagt
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Magnetic Pole Shift - A Doomsday Scenario? #shorts
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Earth's magnetic field is going to flip. So we're better off knowing what that means for us as well, when it plays the UNO reverse card on us.
How to Cut a Sandwich Perfectly – With Science #shorts
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There is perfect way to cut a three ingredient sandwich. ANY three ingredient sandwich. And there's also a perfect way to cut a four ingredient sandwich, you just need four dimensions. Thanks, Maths! ????
Earth as a Cube – What Would It Look Like? #shorts
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Walking around the Minecraft server might be fun, but sadly, the same couldn't be said about the Minecraft Earth...
How do Lasers Work? #shorts
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Have you ever wondered how lasers work? Well, we did!
Why Does Humanity Exist NOW? #shorts
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In chronically online language, humans might have joined the cosmic chat much later then the universe was born, but in reality, the cosmic chatroom was a very chaotic place for such a long time, that the server wasn't even available until recently.
Let's Make Earth Twice as Large! #shorts
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Good thing Earth is not twice as large, because if an apple would fall on a person's head it would give them serious head injuries instead of ground breaking ideas. ????
Are Your Friends More Popular than You? #shorts
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Remember, while playing with numbers is fun, the real value of your friendships lies within the quality of the friendships you have, and not the number of friends you have. Quality is .. show full overview
The Next Atomic Bomb Is Made of DNA #shorts
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A breathtaking scientific revolution is taking place – biotechnology has been progressing at incredible speed, giving us the tools to gain control over biology eventually. On the one .. show full overview
Earth's Hidden Gem: The Astonishing Diversity of Fauna and Flora #shorts
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So far only 17% of all species estimated to live on Earth have been categorized, out of the estimated 8.7 million!
What Happens if Earth Suddenly Stops Rotating? #shorts
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You don't even realize how fast Earth rotates, unless you pause its rotation... ????
What If You’re in Space without a Spacesuit? #shorts
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How horrible of a scenario do you want to be? Being in Space without a spacesuit: yes. ????
How Many Moons Could Earth Handle? #shorts
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A beautiful night sky, but it comes with wild tides. Do you accept? And how many moons would you choose?
Would You Choose Life On Earth Or in Space? #shorts
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Hundreds of generations may live and die knowing only a spaceship as their home. You might be okay with leaving Earth, never to return. But that means you are making the same decision for your children and grandchildren. Is that ethical?
A Glimpse Into Our Future
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The 12,024 Human Era Calendar has landed!
The Moment Kurzgesagt Changed Forever
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Thank you so much for being a special part of all that we do here at kurzgesagt!
Cooking a Chicken in a Particle Accelerator #shorts
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Who needs an oven when you can just use a particle accelerator?
You Swallowed a Tapeworm - What Now? #shorts
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We swallowed a tapeworm so you don't have to. Let's see what happens.
Let’s Shrink Earth to Half Its Size #shorts
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What happens when we decide to shrink Earth to half its size? And does anyone have a planet sized shrinking machine? We're asking for a friend...
Map Projections – Why Do We Have Different Maps of the Earth? #shorts
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How do map projections work? And why are there different maps and projections?
What If Our Sun Disappeared? #shorts
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Don't worry, if the Sun disappears, nothing bad happens to us... for the first 8 minutes and 20 seconds. No promises about everything after that.
Can You Escape a Black Hole? #shorts
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Well, CAN YOU? Let's look at some of the options.
Something in Your Kitchen Emits Antimatter #shorts
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There is a mysterious source of antimatter in your kitchen! One can only wonder what that source is...
24 Hours Remaining...
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What Does the Moon Smell Like?
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Looking at Earth from the Moon must feel amazing! That is...as long as you don't try to breathe without the space suit in order to figure out what it smells like. But that's what we made this video for!
Will Europe Freeze over When the Gulf Stream Stops?
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In the early 16th century, European explorers noticed something strange. Sailing down the east coast of Florida was almost impossible. Even with good winds they ended up sailing .. show full overview
AI Can Literally Lend You a Hand
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YOU Own the Moon. And Mars. And Venus.
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You also own Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus. In this Short, we're looking at law in space and the Outer Space Treaty.
ONE Gene Determines How Many Fingers You Have
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Polydactyly is a genetic condition leading to extra fingers and toes. While several genes determine your hair color, the amount of fingers or toes you have is only determined by one!
Let's Cook a Galaxy
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LET US COOK... a galaxy. Thank you for tuning in to kurzgesagt cooking classes! In today's episode we're cooking a galaxy. This simple to follow recipe includes all ingredients and .. show full overview
Let’s Go on a Fantastical Journey
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You are in the middle of everything in the Universe! But is that really true? Let's find out!
How You Can Live Forever... Maybe.
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Cryonics is the practice of preserving a dead body or brain, in the hope of reanimation. But no one knows if that will ever happen!
What Makes Kurzgesagt So Special?
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We're finally revealing the secret sauce behind kurzgesagt videos.
Why You Need a Space Elevator And How You Can Build One
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Here's a simple DIY – just make sure you have all of the parts ready before you start, ok?
Why Is the Night Sky Black?
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Assuming the universe is infinite and filled with an infinite numbers of stars, the night sky should be bright and not dark. This phenomenon, also known as Olbers' paradox, kept astronomers confused for a long time.
Your Hidden Superpower
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There are rumors of a superpower. Only a few special birbs are able to master it. They see the world differently and are able to uncover the mysteries of the universe. This superpower .. show full overview
How Old Can You Get?
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When people 'die of old age', they really die from age-related diseases like heart issues, cancer, or respiratory diseases. Sadly, most of them can’t be cured today, but let’s assume for .. show full overview
Something Travels Faster than Light
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Today on Mythbirbsters: Can shadows travel faster than light?
We Are Making a VIDEO GAME
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The universe is a fascinating yet unexplored place – it's about time to change that! Join the Star Birds on their journey across space, mine asteroids, and discover new technologies .. show full overview
We Are Making a VIDEO GAME
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The universe is a fascinating yet unexplored place – it's about time to change that! Join the Star Birds on their journey across space, mine asteroids, and discover new technologies .. show full overview
24 Hours Remaining
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Congratulations, you've found a hidden video!
Our Brains Are Not Special. But Why Are We?
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Only science can tell us we're not special and get away with it...
The Deadly Power of a Coin-Sized Black Hole
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We're back answering questions that no one has asked. You're welcome.
Can We Stop the Extinction?
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Languages are disappearing! Why is this happening and what does it mean for our future?
We Need to Rethink Exercise - The Workout Paradox
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⬇PLEASE NOTICE ⬇ After reading your feedback and looking into it, we have to say you are right: This video was too simplified and didn't explain things clearly enough. Scripts start .. show full overview
Can Our Universe Destroy Itself?
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Can our universe destroy itself? Everything in the universe strives to be in the most stable state possible. For example, a ball on top of a hill is in an unstable state. When pushed, it .. show full overview
The Sun is NOT Yellow!
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Repeat after us: The. Sun. Is. Not. Yellow.
You're Not Ready
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Gear up, humans! Our Survival Kit For The Future is your last line of defense against the impending AI takeover. From sock-based anomaly protection to the most important towel you’ll .. show full overview
Fentanyl Explained
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Fentanyl hits your brain in seconds, numbing pain and flooding you with euphoria. But it's up to fifty times stronger than heroin, making a safe dose hard to eyeball. In 2022, there were .. show full overview
This Happens When You Get a Tattoo
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Your tattoos are inside your immune system, literally. With each very tasteful piece of art, you kick start a drama and your immune system is stepping in to protect you from yourself.
The Perfect Sofa – According to Science
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Mathematicians have spent over fifty years trying to find the magic formula for the sofa with the largest sitting area that can be moved along an L-shaped corridor in one piece without lifting it. Welcome to the Sofa Problem.
Will This Video be Deleted in 24 Hours?
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Does free will exist? Do you even want to have free will? Or do you sometimes wish that some of your daily decisions could be made for you? We thought so. That’s why we created the .. show full overview
Humanity's Greatest Journey
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It’s finally time to reveal the 12,025 Human Era Calendar! This is more than just a way to mark the days – it’s our chance to share something with you all which is truly one-of-a-kind, .. show full overview
What Is Mpox? And How Dangerous Is It?
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How to Survive a Parachute Jump Without a Parachute
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Your parachute failed. You’ve got 60 seconds before impact. What now?
Let's Climb a Ladder to Space – Will We Float or Fall?
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If you climbed a ladder into space and let go, would you float or fall? It depends entirely on where your ladder is.
Let's Talk About The Last 10 Months
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Join us as we take a look back over an astonishing year and the passion project that was by our side through it all.So much hard work, detailed illustrations, meticulous research, and .. show full overview
Do We See the Same Colors?
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Is the red you see the same as the red your buddy Eric sees? Let's find out!
How EXACTLY Does Beaming Work?
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USAGE OF SERVICE AT YOUR OWN RISK Kurzgesagt is not liable for any loss or deletion of consciousnesses or client destruction!
Lightning: Nature’s Plasma Highway
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Lightning is like a super hero movie. The best scenes come when the positive and negative forces finally meet each other.
Your Brain Deletes Your Childhood Memories
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Ever wonder why you can’t recall memories from your early years? Turns out, your brain rewires itself so fast it erases your earliest memories – and that’s a good thing.
Whales Evolved from This Animal
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Did you know whales evolved from dog-sized land animals? Meet Pakicetus, the ancestor that started it all.
Are You a Machine?
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Would you pass the Turing Test and prove you are human?
How Chicken Heads Stopped Rabies
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Imagine solving a rabies outbreak with chicken heads.