Evil Lives Here

  • :
  • : 154
  • : 42
  • Investigation Discovery
  • Måndag 23
  • Crime Documentary



Not My Boy
Episode overview
George and Margaret Keller never suspected that the man terrorizing their city could be a member of their own family. As it dawns on them that their son is hiding a sinister secret, they must decide whether or not to turn him in.
She Made Me Do It
Episode overview
As a boy, Eric Witte's father taught him to protect his family. But as his father grows increasingly violent, Eric realizes that he is the evil his family needs protection from.
My Brother, The Devil
Episode overview
Wallace Jeffs comes to realize that his half-brother, FLDS leader Warren Jeffs, is not what he appears to be.
The Horror I Don't Remember
Episode overview
Sherry Shafer never had a good relationship with her younger brother, Brian Britton, but she never expected to lose everything because of him; today, all she has left is the fear that one day he will return to finish what he started 26 years ago.
Son of the Prophet
Episode overview
Dennis Ryan grows up believing his father's violent teachings will prepare him to save the lives of everyone in their farmhouse, then the teenager discovers the horrible truth.
My Secret Nightmare
Episode overview
Tiffany Shore grows up knowing her father is evil but keeps his secrets, then she escapes only to be devastated by the discovery that he has committed acts far more heinous than she could have ever imagined.
My Brother's Secrets
Episode overview
Sean Lewis isn't surprised to hear his brother, Patrick, has been arrested again. But this time, Sean learns that every time he had helped his brother get out of some jam he was unwittingly helping a monster continue living a secret double life.
Our House of Horrors
Episode overview
Alice Swafford was always envious of the perfect life her childhood neighbor, William Jennings Choyce, and his family seemed to have. But after she married him, she slowly realized that nothing under the surface was as perfect as it seemed.
Trapped in Hell
Episode overview
At a police station, Susan Hamlin confesses she belongs to a cult and plans to kill her husband.
On the Run
Episode overview
Lindsay Wrinkles knew her father had a short temper but never expected to be on the run from him.
