Crash Course Statistics

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What Is Statistics
Episode overview
Welcome to Crash Course Statistics! In this series we're going to take a look at the important role statistics play in our everyday lives, because statistics are everywhere! Statistics .. show full overview
Mathematical Thinking
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Today we’re going to talk about numeracy - that is understanding numbers. From really really big numbers to really small numbers, it's difficult to comprehend information at this scale, .. show full overview
Measures of Central Tendency
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Today we’re going to talk about measures of central tendency - those are the numbers that tend to hang out in the middle of our data: the mean, the media, and mode. All of these numbers .. show full overview
Measures of Spread
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Today, we're looking at measures of spread, or dispersion, which we use to understand how well medians and means represent the data, and how reliable our conclusions are. They can help .. show full overview
Data Visualization: Part 1
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Today we're going to start our two-part unit on data visualization. Up to this point we've discussed raw data - which are just numbers - but usually it's much more useful to represent .. show full overview
Plots, Outliers, and Justin Timberlake: Data Visualization Part 2
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Today we’re going to finish up our unit on data visualization by taking a closer look at how dot plots, box plots, and stem and leaf plots represent data. We’ll also talk about the rules .. show full overview
The Shape of Data: Distributions
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When collecting data to make observations about the world it usually just isn't possible to collect ALL THE DATA. So instead of asking every single person about student loan debt for .. show full overview
Correlation Doesn’t Equal Causation
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Today we’re going to talk about data relationships and what we can learn from them. We’ll focus on correlation, which is a measure of how two variables move together, and we’ll also .. show full overview
Controlled Experiments
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We may be living IN a simulation (according to Elon Musk and many others), but that doesn't mean we don't need to perform simulations ourselves. Today, we're going to talk about good .. show full overview
Sampling Methods and Bias with Surveys
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Today we’re going to talk about good and bad surveys. From user feedback surveys, telephone polls, and those questionnaires at your doctors office, surveys are everywhere, but with their .. show full overview
Science Journalism
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We’ve talked a lot in this series about how often you see data and statistics in the news and on social media - which is ALL THE TIME! But how do you know who and what you can trust? .. show full overview
Henrietta Lacks, the Tuskegee Experiment, & Ethical Data Collection
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oday we’re going to talk about ethical data collection. From the Tuskegee syphilis experiments and Henrietta Lacks’ HeLa cells to the horrifying experiments performed at Nazi .. show full overview
Probability Part 1: Rules and Patterns
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Today we’re going to begin our discussion of probability. We’ll talk about how the addition (OR) rule, the multiplication (AND) rule, and conditional probabilities help us figure out the .. show full overview
Probability Part 2: Updating Your Beliefs with Bayes
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Today we're going to introduce bayesian statistics and discuss how this new approach to statistics has revolutionized the field from artificial intelligence and clinical trials to how .. show full overview
The Binomial Distribution
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Today we're going to discuss the Binomial Distribution and a special case of this distribution known as a Bernoulli Distribution. The formulas that define these distributions provide us .. show full overview
Geometric Distributions & The Birthday Paradox
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Geometric probabilities, and probabilities in general, allow us to guess how long we'll have to wait for something to happen. Today, we'll discuss how they can be used to figure out how .. show full overview
Episode overview
There are a lot of events in life that we just can’t predict, but just because something is random doesn’t mean we don’t know or can’t learn anything about it. Today, we’re going to talk .. show full overview
Z-Scores and Percentiles
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Today we’re going to talk about how we compare things that aren’t exactly the same - or aren’t measured in the same way. For example, if you wanted to know if a 1200 on the SAT is better .. show full overview
The Normal Distribution
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Today is the day we finally talk about the normal distribution! The normal distribution is incredibly important in statistics because distributions of means are normally distributed even .. show full overview
Confidence Intervals
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Today we’re going to talk about confidence intervals. Confidence intervals allow us to quantify our uncertainty, by allowing us to define a range of values for our predictions and .. show full overview
How P-Values help us test hypothesis
Episode overview
Today we're going to begin our three-part unit on p-values. In this episode we'll talk about Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (or NHST) which is a framework for comparing two sets of .. show full overview
P-Value Problems
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Last week we introduced p-values as a way to set a predetermined cutoff when testing if something seems unusual enough to reject our null hypothesis - that they are the same. But today .. show full overview
Playing with Power: P-Values Pt 3
Episode overview
We're going to finish up our discussion of p-values by taking a closer look at how they can get it wrong, and what we can do to minimize those errors. We'll discuss Type 1 (when we think .. show full overview
You know I’m all about that Bayes
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Today we’re going to talk about Bayes Theorem and Bayesian hypothesis testing. Bayesian methods like these are different from how we've been approaching statistics so far, because they .. show full overview
Bayes in science and everyday life
Episode overview
Today we're going to finish up our discussion of Bayesian inference by showing you how we can it be used for continuous data sets and be applied both in science and everyday life. From .. show full overview
Test Statistics
Episode overview
Test statistics allow us to quantify how close things are to our expectations or theories. Instead of going on our gut feelings, they allow us to add a little mathematical rigor when .. show full overview
T-Tests: A Matched Pair Made in Heaven
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Today we're going to walk through a couple of statistical approaches to answer the question: "is coffee from the local cafe, Caf-fiend, better than that other cafe, The Blend Den?" We'll .. show full overview
Degrees of Freedom & Effect Sizes
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Today we're going to talk about degrees of freedom - which are the number of independent pieces of information that make up our models. More degrees of freedom typically mean more .. show full overview
Chi-Square Tests
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Today we're going to talk about Chi-Square Tests - which allow us to measure differences in strictly categorical data like hair color, dog breed, or academic degree. We'll cover the .. show full overview
Episode overview
Today we're going to talk about p-hacking (also called data dredging or data fishing). P-hacking is when data is analyzed to find patterns that produce statistically significant results, .. show full overview
The Replication Crisis
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Replication (re-running studies to confirm results) and reproducibility (the ability to repeat an analyses on data) have come under fire over the past few years. The foundation of .. show full overview
Episode overview
Today we're going to introduce one of the most flexible statistical tools - the General Linear Model (or GLM). GLMs allow us to create many different models to help describe the world - .. show full overview
Episode overview
Today we're going to continue our discussion of statistical models by showing how we can find if there are differences between multiple groups using a collection of models called ANOVA. .. show full overview
ANOVA Part 2: Dealing with Intersectional Groups
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Do you think a red minivan would be more expensive than a beige one? Now what if the car was something sportier like a corvette? Last week we introduced the ANOVA model which allows us .. show full overview
Fitting Models Is like Tetris
Episode overview
Today we're going to wrap up our discussion of General Linear Models (or GLMs) by taking a closer looking at two final common models: ANCOVA (Analysis of Covariance) and RMA (Repeated .. show full overview
Supervised Machine Learning
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We've talked a lot about modeling data and making inferences about it, but today we're going to look towards the future at how machine learning is being used to build models to predict .. show full overview
Unsupervised Machine Learning
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Today we're going to discuss how machine learning can be used to group and label information even if those labels don't exist. We'll explore two types of clustering used in Unsupervised .. show full overview
Intro to Big Data
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Today, we're going to begin our discussion of Big Data. Everything from which videos we click (and how long we watch them) on YouTube to our likes on Facebook say a lot about us - and .. show full overview
Big Data Problems
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There is a lot of excitement around the field of Big Data, but today we want to take a moment to look at some of the problems it creates. From questions of bias and transparency to .. show full overview
Statistics in the Courts
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As we near the end of the series, we're going look at how statistics impacts our lives. Today, we're going to discuss how statistics is often used and misused in the courtroom. We're .. show full overview
Neural Networks
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Today we're going to talk big picture about what Neural Networks are and how they work. Neural Networks, which are computer models that act like neurons in the human brain, are really .. show full overview
Episode overview
Today we're going to discuss the role of statistics during war. From helping the Allies break Nazi Enigma codes and estimate tank production rates to finding sunken submarines, statistics have and continue to play a critical role on the battlefield.
When Predictions Fail
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Today we’re going to talk about why many predictions fail - specifically we’ll take a look at the 2008 financial crisis, the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and earthquake prediction in .. show full overview
When Predictions Succeed
Episode overview
In our series finale, we're going to take a look at some of the times we've used statistics to gaze into our crystal ball, and actually got it right! We'll talk about how stores know .. show full overview
