Commissaire Moulin

  • :
  • : 70
  • : 0
  • TF1
  • 20
  • Action Crime



Episode overview
A young man is accused of the murder of a great fashion designer. But when he is about to be brought before justice, Moulin is seized with doubt. What if, despite an accumulation of .. show full overview
The chef's surprise
Episode overview
A young couple of Vendée hoteliers came to Paris to open a restaurant in Montmartre. Subjected to a racket by a gangster organization, they refuse to pay and their restaurant is .. show full overview
Fear of others
Episode overview
By a friend, Commissioner Moulin has just been informed of the strange case of Monique Frémont, a woman who seems to be in a permanent state of terror. A few days later, Monique Frémont .. show full overview
Shock in return
Episode overview
Floquet, a wealthy entrepreneur and follower of a religious sect, was killed by the collapse of the vault of a chapel. The investigation takes us into a mystical, silent, strange world, .. show full overview
The escapee
Episode overview
Wanting to correct a miscarriage of justice, Commissioner Moulin came up against the hierarchy. Responsible for finding a former boss of the underworld, Joseph Braun, escaped from the .. show full overview
Low tide
Episode overview
One summer, Moulin is invited by Bulocq, a fisherman by trade, to come and spend a few days of vacation on the island where, as a young boy, he spent his family vacations. During a .. show full overview
Little haunting
Episode overview
Knocks in the walls and floors, objects flying through the rooms, the fire that ignites by itself in the drawers… Do these elements allow us to conclude that a house is haunted? In the .. show full overview
One hundred thousand suns
Episode overview
It all starts when a real estate developer is killed in a traffic accident. Crime disguised as an accident? Commissioner Moulin investigates. A lead: Manuel Marchand who had trouble with .. show full overview
Special assignment
Episode overview
Nicolas Crescenti, known as "the Twisted", has become the number one public enemy. Superintendent Moulin is on his tracks and, while he is about to arrest him, "the Twisted One" escapes .. show full overview
Le diable aussi a des ailes
Episode overview
Dure réalité pour Moulin : atteint d'une fièvre carabinée, il est obligé de laisser l'avion de touriste qu'il devait emprunter à son aéro-club. Mais l'homme qui prend sa place est .. show full overview
Episode overview
La jeune employée d'une galerie de peinture est suivie dans le métro par un inquiétant personnage. À la sortie, il la rattrape, la tue et s'enfuit. Un témoin, paisible musicien, est .. show full overview
Fausse note
Episode overview
Le père de Cécile Vierne, une jeune médecin psychiatre, est mort des circonstances étranges. Cécile demande au commissaire Moulin d'élucider ce qui lui paraît être un mystère. le .. show full overview
Les brebis égarées
Episode overview
Sept attentats à l'explosif sont commis à Paris. Chargé d'enquêter sur l'un deux, le commissaire interroge Lannelongue, un idéaliste non violent et Rose-Marie Mercier, surnommée « Rom », .. show full overview
