BYU Provo Speeches

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Peggy S. Worthen - Spiritual Gifts
Episode overview
Earnestly seeking to know what gifts we need by asking God will often help us discover and develop previously unknown gifts that God is willing to bless us with.
Kevin J. Worthen - Knowing Who You Are
Episode overview
The family proclamation clearly declares that “each [of us] is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny.”
Dieter F. Uchtdorf - Can You Hear the Music?
Episode overview
So the process of learning to hear the voice of the Spirit not only refines us and allows us to enjoy the wondrous music of the Spirit, but it also blesses us, directs our steps, and brings us the favor and guidance of heaven.
Lawrence E. Corbridge - Stand Forever
Episode overview
We must be grounded on the rock of revelation, and although we may not know the answer to every question, we must know the answers to the primary questions. And if we do, the gates of hell shall not prevail against us and we will stand forever.
Ulisses Soares - “Always Remember Him”
Episode overview
Please consider some of the things we can do to always remember Jesus Christ every single day. The Savior said, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.”
Carrie Roberts - If You Don't Like It, Change It
Episode overview
Christ was the perfect example of someone who understood His purpose...He continued till the end because He knew His purpose and He knew His why.
Carlos A. Godoy - Enter to Learn; Go Forth to Fight!
Episode overview
You are part of the Lord’s army. You don’t need to be set apart for that. The call to stand up for the truth is not a Church calling. It is a life calling.
Randall K. Bennett - Prophetic Invitations and Promised Blessings
Episode overview
If you will act with faith in your Heavenly Father and His plan and in Jesus Christ and His Atonement and follow God’s prophets, you will be given power to do whatever the Lord needs you to do and to become whatever He needs you to become.
Jason S. Carroll - “As I Have Loved You”: Agency-Based Love in Dating and Marriage
Episode overview
Improper understandings of love–which unfortunately are common in our culture today–are responsible for many of the struggles some individuals and couples have in dating, courtship, and marriage.
M. Joseph Brough - The Modern Mighty Women of Israel
Episode overview
With the battle raging between good and evil, I have seen many a modern, mighty woman stick her banner in the ground in her own way as she takes a stand and defends the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
David W. Kastner - “The Ultimate Triumph of Truth”
Episode overview
Just as with Brigham Young, Leonardo da Vinci’s ultimate allegiance wasn’t to a single discipline but rather to the “triumph of truth.” No individual or perspective is the owner of truth; truth is as widespread and diverse as those who search for it.
Arthur C. Brooks - More Love, Less Contempt
Episode overview
If we are going to beat the problem of contempt, we’re going to need something more radical than civility—something that speaks to our hearts’ desire. We need love.
Patrick Kearon - A More Wonderful World
Episode overview
As you set goals and make plans for your life, working to relieve the suffering and lift the burdens of others should be present in your endeavors.
Kevin J. Worthen - The Y on the Mountain
Episode overview
If we choose to view events in our lives from the eternal perspective that emanates from an understanding of God’s eternal plan of salvation, our lives will be happier and more .. show full overview
Jonathan O. Hafen - “Sticks in a Bundle Are Unbreakable”
Episode overview
As we connect with ­others, our power to do good in the world is ­exponentially increased.
J.B. Haws - Wrestling with Comparisons
Episode overview
We can notice how false these comparisons most often are...That is worth noting, worth confronting, and worth ­constantly reminding ourselves.
Julianne H. Grose - Finding Your Purpose
Episode overview
Believe that you have a divine purpose. Believe that you have unique talents that are unmatched in the world. Work hard and pray. The Lord will help. He will direct you to your best self.
Phillip D. Rash - Looking to the Margins: Creating Belonging
Episode overview
What do we see Christ do with the marginalized? As previously mentioned, He ate with them, He walked with them, He cried with them, He healed them, He validated them, and He listened to them.
Ellie L. Young - The Transformative Power of Covenants
Episode overview
As we journey on the covenant path, the Lord’s long suffering is evidence of his patience and desire to walk the path with us. We are bound to him and he bound to us.
Michalyn Steele - Choose to Trust the Lord
Episode overview
I am learning that my faith in the Lord is not conditioned on getting what I want when I want it. Instead, I have worked to develop trust and love for the Lord that is not transactional, but is relational.
Christopher E. Crowe - "The Undiscover'd Country": Navigating Toward the Future
Episode overview
The light of the gospel and the guidance of the Holy Ghost are the constants that you can rely on to help you make the right decisions when you reach life’s inevitable crossroads.
Amy Tanner - The Gift of Uncertainty
Episode overview
In this life we know only in part, and in fact the more I learn, the more I see that I do not know. But I also believe that God knows us completely, that in our uncertainty we can accept God’s love for us as certain and constant.
J. Spencer Fluhman - The University and the Kingdom of God
Episode overview
I know some of you are tired. You are not sure you can keep at it. You go ahead and find some stillness today. Gather your strength today. Rest up today, because tomorrow we ride for Zion. And it is not quite Zion if you are not there.
Pam Musil - The Path to Transformative Change
Episode overview
All of us can find ways to be more open and receptive to the transformative change that the Lord requires of us—even that mighty change that transforms us into someone new.
Gary E. Stevenson - The Ongoing Restoration
Episode overview
The Book of Mormon is the engine that powers conversion and a change of heart, leading us closer to Jesus Christ.
Dale G. Renlund - Creating and Conveying a Christlike Culture: More Than a Job
Episode overview
Elder Dale G. Renlund reminds the faculty of BYU that their responsibility to help students draw closer to Christ is more than a job—it is a blessing.
Kevin J. Worthen - The Real Value of a BYU Education
Episode overview
A BYU education does not focus solely on the acquisition of knowledge, as important as that is. As our mission statement makes clear, a BYU education focuses on “the full realization of human potential.”
Peggy S. Worthen - Your Show Must Go On
Episode overview
Remember why you came to BYU and, more important, why you came to earth. Do your utmost. Do the best you can. And then act as if there is no alternative but to succeed.
Kevin J. Worthen - Gathering: Education in a Compact Society
Episode overview
You are a vital part of this gathering. You have something to gain from and something to offer in your interactions with those around you.
Russell M. Nelson - The Love and Laws of God
Episode overview
Because the Father and the Son love us with infinite, perfect love, and because They know we cannot see everything They see, They have given us laws that will guide and protect us.
Michael A. Dunn - Why Mountains?
Episode overview
Please remember when you look up at Y Mountain to ask yourself the question “Why Mountains?” My prayer is that you will remember that they are there not to befuddle us but to bless us.
Brigitte C. Madrian - Harry Potter and the Five Gospel Truths
Episode overview
I testify to you that there is another, a greater One, who lived, who walked the dusty roads of Galilee, who atoned for our sins, who was crucified and resurrected, and who lives again.
David Brooks - Finding the Road to Character
Episode overview
What I have been talking about today is something that seems apolitical—it is not about democracy; it is just simply about seeing each other.
Mark L. Pace - Faith Still Precedes the Miracle
Episode overview
My dear friends, examples of faith are not confined solely to the scriptures. Great faith was also demonstrated by Saints early in this dispensation. And it is clearly evident in our fellow Saints with whom we live day to day.
W. Christopher Waddell - Are You Ready?
Episode overview
In our efforts to prepare, in our efforts to be ready, we are provided a sweet assurance in Alma, where we are reminded that the Savior “has all power to save every man that believeth on .. show full overview
Ruth L. Renlund - The Power to Change
Episode overview
Perhaps we should reflect on what can and should happen to us as we link ourselves with the name of our Savior. As we do, we too can change.
Dale G. Renlund - Experience God's Love
Episode overview
Addressing our dysfunctional receptors for God’s love restores power, stability, and direction in our lives.
Jean B. Bingham - How to Be Happy Now—and Forever
Episode overview
Like a simple magnifying glass that brings things into focus using the light of the sun, the gospel of Jesus Christ will bring your life into focus with light from the Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer.