
Chiller Dillers
Episode overview
Chilly and Maxie are playing music. It is disturbing a man who then tries to catch the two to make money with them.
Lotsa Luck
Episode overview
Woody Woodpecker and his friend Sugarfoot the horse are having all kinks of bad luck... then Woody finds a four-leaf clover. From there, his luck only gets worse! Woody foils a bank .. show full overview
Under Sea Dogs
Episode overview
Chilly and Maxie the Polar Bear are sleeping in their igloo. A submarine breaks through the ice and into their house. Chilly's polar bear pal decides to have fun with the submarine's explorer.
Jerky Turkey
Episode overview
Charlie Beary buys a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. Junior doesn't want the turkey cooked for the holiday meal, so he tries to prevent his parents from killing the bird. The film ends .. show full overview
Woody the Freeloader
Episode overview
Woody fakes an illness to get all the comforts of home from a little old lady, but her dog knows better.
Fat in the Saddle
Episode overview
Woody takes a job as a Pony Express rider. It seems that no one can get the mail to go through. A notorious Indian bandit causes Woody and his horse all kinds of trouble.
Feudin Fightin-N-Fussin
Episode overview
Woody Woodpecker tangles with a hillbilly couple who are trying to catch him for dinner.
Paste Makes Waste
Episode overview
Charlie, all set for a day's golf game, is horrified to discover it is pouring rain outside. Bessie suggests that since he can't play golf, he can help wallpaper the house instead. .. show full overview
Peck of Trouble
Episode overview
Woody drives the two park rangers of Gallstone National forest insane by pecking holes in all the trees.
A Lad in Bagdad
Episode overview
While visiting in Baghdad, Woody runs into a a crooked Magic Lamp salesman. The salesman sells a Woody one of his many lamps, but it turns out that this one really is magic & the salesman tries to get it back.
Highway Hecklers
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
Bugged in a Rug
Episode overview
Charlie trips on a hole in his carpet and decides the family needs a new one. He buys one but decides to install it himself (rather than hiring a professional). Things do not go smoothly.
One Horse Town
Episode overview
Woody and Sugarfoot try to settle down in a town set in the old west, but Dirty Dan, the town bully, claims that it's a one horse town and chases Woody off. Woody just keeps coming back.
