The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

  • :
  • : 91
  • : 22
  • NBC
  • Adventure Animation Children Comedy Family Fantasy Musical Mystery



Me and My Shadow
Episode overview
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Me and My Shadow/To Catch a Hiccup
Episode overview
Piglet finds a shadow, and takes it home. His friends get somewhat jealous. That night the shadow leaves and Piglet goes to find him. Piglet gets hiccups, so the gang helps Piglet to cure his hiccups
To Catch a Hiccup
Episode overview
Piglet is singing to himself, setting a lunch table for Pooh, although he gets a bad case of the hiccups. Pooh thinks he's playing, but Piglet tried to tell him he's not playing. Poor .. show full overview
Rabbit Marks the Spot/Good-bye, Mr. Pooh
Episode overview
Sick of his friends ruining his garden while they are playing pirate, Rabbit gives them a fake treasure map "drawn from his great-great-great uncle and the greastest rabbit pirate ever, .. show full overview
Rabbit Marks the Spot
Episode overview
Ahoy, me matey swabs! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Through the 100 Aker Wood! Yo ho, everyone knows a pirate's life is free! Pirates is what we'll be! However Rabbit doesn't want them .. show full overview
Good-bye, Mr. Pooh
Episode overview
Hunny jars are only good for so many smackerels. Pooh is going to go to the tip with his old Hunny jars. Tigger thinks he's leaving the 100 Aker Wood and goes and tells everyone. Tigger .. show full overview
Bubble Trouble
Episode overview
It is a blustery day as some bubbles float through the forest... and blows Gopher's front door off... Thar she blows! Tigger and the others are playing with bubbles, however Rabbit is .. show full overview
Bubble Trouble/Groundpiglet Day
Episode overview
Pooh gets stuck in a bubble, Gopher's hole blows away in a storm, and Rabbit hosts a vegetable meeting. It is Groundhog Day but there is no groundhog, so Rabbit makes Piglet the groundhog and he changes the holiday.
Groundpiglet Day
Episode overview
Gangway! Tigger's skiing where no Tigger's skied before, although there's no snow, even although it's the first day of Winter, or is it? Rabbit's cleaned his house. Tigger and Piglet .. show full overview
All's Well That Ends Wishing Well
Episode overview
Rabbit, Piglet, Pooh, and Eeyore are throwing pennies into the well and making wishes. Pooh wished for more Birthdays and Tigger wants to have a birthday so he could make wishes that .. show full overview
Un-Valentine's Day
Episode overview
Due to the fiasco last year, all those cards clogging up the woods... oiy... Rabbit blamed Pooh for the mess. Pooh says he can't help it, loves to show how much he cares... Rabbit has .. show full overview
No Rabbit's a Fortress/The Monster Frankenpooh
Episode overview
Rabbit builds a fortress to prevent anyone from trampling into his garden only to realize that he has forgotten to put a door, thus trapping himself inside. It is a dark and stormy .. show full overview
No Rabbit's a Fortress
Episode overview
Gopher misses a turn off and hits bedrock... No time to lollygag - he's got work to do! Rabbit has made a KEEP OWT sign to keep the others out of his garden. Pooh comes with hunny pots, .. show full overview
The Monster FrankenPooh
Episode overview
Tigger wants Piglet to tell a story about spookables and things that go shopping in the night. Piglet wants to tell a story about a not so scary story... Piglet wants it to happen in the .. show full overview
Where Oh Where Has My Piglet Gone?/Up, Up and Awry
Episode overview
Pooh thinks he has misplaced Piglet and tries to find him until he found him somewhere. When Pooh tries to fly, the gang think that he is 'breaking the law' (of Gravity), so Pooh stays in his house all locked up
Where, Oh Where Has My Piglet Gone?
Episode overview
Pooh is looking and looking for... It's easier losing something than it is finding it. Pooh is looking for Rabbit's hammer, while Piglet is trying to tell Pooh he's trying to learn how .. show full overview
Up, Up And Awry
Episode overview
Christopher Robin and the gang are flying a red kite.
Eeyore's Tail Tale/Three Little Piglets
Episode overview
Eeyore becomes sick of his tail, so he abandons it. But Eeyore decides he wants it back, and Detective Tigger helps him. But the others find it and claim it as an object of their .. show full overview
Eeyore's Tail Tale
Episode overview
Rabbit is madly trying to whack caterpillars out of his garden. However the pesky critters turn on his hose and shoot him. Eeyore thinks it's a wild dance party, and thinks he's not .. show full overview
Three Little Piglets
Episode overview
One upon a time there were three little Piglets... and a Hunny tree. Rabbit tells Pooh about putting hunny in every story. The first little Piglet lives in a house of straw... next to a .. show full overview
Prize Piglet/Fast Friends
Episode overview
Piglet and his friends run a race for a running trophy. Piglet is stuck in the treehouse until he jumps off. Gopher tries to make Pooh faster so he won't be late as often.
Prize Piglet
Episode overview
Piglet is putting a small brown shoe and displays his favorite daffodil. The gang are curious about it and wonder what it is. Owl says it's a running trophy, everyone thinks Piglet is a .. show full overview
Fast Friends
Episode overview
The gang are having a fire drill... Tigger is playing the big bad fire and Piglet has to jump... He can't act any more scared, as they fumble around with Gopher's ladder... and now the .. show full overview
Pooh Moon/Caws and Effect
Episode overview
After Tigger tells the gang a scary story about "the Grab Me-Cotcha", they are alarmed to find that Pooh and Piglet are finding the honeymoon and comes home. Piglet, Tigger and Rabbit .. show full overview
Pooh Moon
Episode overview
It is night time in the 100 Aker Wood. Pooh, Rabbit, Piglet, Gopher and Tigger are having a midnight picnic. Tigger pops Too much corn and Pooh discovers his Hunny pot is empty. He asks .. show full overview
Caws And Effect
Episode overview
Again the setting is Rabbit's garden... Do you know what happens in just one more day? It's the most wonderful day of the year - harvest! Vegetables at the peak of their tastiness... But .. show full overview
