The Block has moved to the country. Five couples and Scotty arrive to renovate massive homes on 10 acres, on what is the biggest and most picturesque Block ever.
The Block has moved to the country. Five couples and Scotty arrive to renovate massive homes on 10 acres, on what is the biggest and most picturesque Block ever.
Find out whose comment causes grave offence to their fellow contestant. There are consequences for a team that refuses to heed Dan and Keith's warning.
Find out whose comment causes grave offence to their fellow contestant. There are consequences for a team that refuses to heed Dan and Keith's warning.
The Blockheads commence the dreaded hallway week which includes connecting the old part of the house to the new with breezeways, laundries, and a whole lot more.
The Blockheads commence the dreaded hallway week which includes connecting the old part of the house to the new with breezeways, laundries, and a whole lot more.