Shocking Psychological Studies and the Lessons They Teach

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Lessons from Tuskegee and Facebook
Episode overview
Today, research with human subjects is guided by a set of three ethical principles of the 1976 Belmont Report, but that was not always the case. In the first lecture of this six-lecture .. show full overview
Pushing Good People to Do Bad Things
Episode overview
Why do good people sometimes do bad things? Professor Polk encourages us to grapple with two of the most famous psychological studies on ethics and human psychology: Milgram’s Obedience .. show full overview
Experimenting on Vulnerable Children
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Arguably, the most vulnerable people in any population are the children. Childhood development studies can also provide invaluable insights into human psychology. Here, explore two .. show full overview
Testing Psychochemical Weapons
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Government organizations such as the CIA and military are charged with protecting the public, but in these shocking experiments, vulnerable low-ranking soldiers and psychiatric patients .. show full overview
Assigning Gender and Spying on Sex
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Studies of sex and sexual identity present unique ethical challenges for privacy and consent. In the next two studies, Professor Polk takes you into the private world of sexual identity .. show full overview
Current and Future Ethical Challenges
Episode overview
Science still grapples with the ethics of studying human subjects. Increasingly, data is available about every aspect of human life through our uninhibited interactions with technology. .. show full overview