
Appliance science
Episode overview
Professor Gareth Roberts, FRS, conducts his audience from the oil lamp and the cooking range through modern appliances to the future of cooking and lighting using novel methods.
Home, safe home
Episode overview
Since the first caveman and hut-dweller, man has developed better protection from the elements with ever more complex homes. Today's programme traces developments in building technology: 'smart' glass and locks with 'smart' keys.
Electronics for pleasure
Episode overview
Home entertainment is simple for the talented - and the rich have had their jesters and musicians. For the rest of us, recorded sound has been developed, and now television moves into a new era.
Home, smart home
Episode overview
Since Nelson signalled to his fleet with flags, we have progressed through simple telegraphy, and the old steam wireless, to reading the meter remotely and switching on the electric blanket by cordless telephone.
Mixers, meters and molecules
Episode overview
Silicon technology can give us a miniature gas meter and help us with interior design - but now come the organics! Molecular electronics will bring both beauty and brains.
