Monty Python's Flying Circus

  • :
  • : 45
  • : 446
  • BBC One
  • 22
  • Comedy



Whicker's World
Episode overview
Njorl's Saga: Iceland 1126, organist, announcer, Hermit, credits with plumbing; man apologizes to court and police; animation- Spider escapes into himself, police follow; Njorl's Saga .. show full overview
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Norris' Ford Popular
Episode overview
The Kon Ti Ki: RA 1, RA 2: Mr. & Mrs. Brian Norris's Ford Popular, The Norris's explore the migration of his ancestors from Surbiton and Hounslow; credits; headmaster calls in schoolboys .. show full overview
The Money Programme
Episode overview
The Money Programme features a look at money `lots of it, on film and in the studio', song: The Money Song; credits; Erizabeth L: Episode Thlee: The Almada, a drama directed by Slit-Eyes .. show full overview
Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror
Episode overview
Blood, Devastation, Death, War and Horror presents a man who speaks in anagrams `If you're going to split hairs, I'm going to piss off!'; anagram credits; Mrs Scum has 12 hours to beat .. show full overview
The All-England Summarise Proust Competition
Episode overview
All-England Summarize Proust Competition; Mt. Everest, start again!; International hairdressing expedition to climb Everest; animation- coming attraction for `A Magnificent Festering'; .. show full overview
The War Against Pornography
Episode overview
Housewives solve the labor problem and clean up the arts; credits; Mr. Gumby goes to have a lobotomy; animation- Good Evening; George and Gladys watch a program on mollusks `Yes, the .. show full overview
Salad Days
Episode overview
Credits; Biggles dictates a letter `Algy, are you gay?'; animation- flying things; climbing the north face of the Oxbridge Road; sailors mistake #24 Parker street for a lifeboat; two .. show full overview
The Cycling Tour
Episode overview
Mr. Pither crashes on his bicycle `the pump got caught in my trouser leg'; replaces sandwiches; falls again; tells woman in garden; falls again; falls again; asks doctor for directions; .. show full overview
The Nude Organist
Episode overview
East Scottish Airways faces a bomb threat; organist talks about the place of the nude man; announcer talks about laughter; credits; `and now for ten seconds of sex'; announcer talks .. show full overview
E. Henry Thripshaw's Disease
Episode overview
Tudor job agency, dirty book shop, the Life of Sir Phillip Sidney who personally captures 6,000 copies of Tits and Bums, animation-Gay Boys in Bondage; Reverend Arthur Belling from St. .. show full overview
Dennis Moore
Episode overview
Boxing Tonight: Sir Kenneth Clarke meets a boxer in the ring for Oxford professorship of fine arts; credits; Dennis Moore steal lupins from the rich `Stand and deliver! Your lupins or .. show full overview
A Book at Bedtime
Episode overview
Quarrel over starting show with credits; credits; A Book at Bedtime featuring a poor reader whom gets help reading aloud; kamikaze Scotsmen, kamikaze advice center; more kamikaze .. show full overview
Grandstand (or: The British Showbiz Awards)
Episode overview
Thames Television announcer; organist, announcer, Hermit; The British Show Biz Awards presented by Her Royal Highness the Dummy Princess Margaret, the remains of Sir Alan Whattle, new .. show full overview
