The Guardians (2017)

  • :
  • : 32
  • : 6
  • MBC
  • 22
  • Action Drama



Samil Supermarket Case
Episode overview
One day, a guy enters the police station and claims that he’s the real suspect of the Samil Supermarket murder case. He says the suspect imprisoned in jail for 12 years is innocent and .. show full overview
I Will Catch That Guy Who Hurt You
Episode overview
Yu Na is upset that Soo Ji didn’t keep her promise. Meanwhile, Yu Na leaves her grandmother. On her way out, she meets the boy from the volunteer service.
Episode overview
The police find the evidence to prove that Si Wan was there when Yu Na fell off from the building. They begin the interrogation, but he claims that Yu Na insisted on climbing up the .. show full overview
I Killed Her
Episode overview
Soo Ji is torn and frustrated that although she knows who killed her daughter, she cannot do anything to take him in. She decides to take matters into her own hands and goes to Si Wan’s .. show full overview
For Revenge
Episode overview
Soo Ji’s violent action makes the public completely forget about how her daughter died and turns Si Wan into a victim. Knowing that she can’t catch him alone, she decides to work for Bo Mi and Kyung Soo’s boss and wait for the right timing.
It's His Daughter
Episode overview
Soo Ji, Bo Mi, and Kyung Soo plot a plan in order to enter Woo Sung’s house. They also find out that Woo Sung has a wife, a daughter, and a girlfriend. They also find out that Woo Sung is planning to abduct someone.
What Are You Up To?
Episode overview
Soo Ji puts herself into a dangerous chase with the police as she can’t just ignore Se Bom from being kidnapped. The other members join her, and it causes their identities to be .. show full overview
You're The Only One Who Can Catch Woo Sung
Episode overview
Soo Ji figures out where Woo Sung’s daughter, Se Bom, is located. She successfully rescues her and brings her back to her mother. Meanwhile, the Guardian locate Woo Sung’s whereabouts.
Jang Soo's Case
Episode overview
Lee Jang Soo is caught for his special robbery and rape 15 years after the incident. However, the court declares him not guilty because the statute of limitation is expired and there is .. show full overview
I Will Pray for Your Daughter
Episode overview
Do Han joins the Joint Investigation HQ to catch Soo Ji. However, she is not easy to catch, thanks to the help of Bo Mi and Kyung Soo. Meanwhile, Soo Ji secretly follows Kyung Soo into a church.
Leader's Identity
Episode overview
Soo Ji tells the other members that the leader got them into a trap first and later saved them from being caught by the police. Soo Ji insists that it’s important to find him and know .. show full overview
I Know Who the Killer Is
Episode overview
Soo Ji and Kyung Soo get involved in Bo Mi’s family’s murder case. They decide to help her find her kill. Meanwhile, through the cameras, Bo Mi witnesses her own uncle being murdered.
Save Her
Episode overview
Soo Ji risks her own safety by exposing herself to create a diversion in hope of saving Bo Mi’s life. Kyung Soo keeps on chasing the real culprit from a distance. Meanwhile, Do Han is .. show full overview
Jang Do Han Found Out
Episode overview
Soo Ji is wounded, and through the monitor, Bo Mi sees her collapsed on the ground. Bo Mi makes a big decision and goes out into the world to save her. Meanwhile, Do Han finds Soo Ji.
Ready to Kill
Episode overview
Soo Ji, Kyung Soo and Bo Mi are in one place all together for the first time. They all head over to Kyung Soo’s office and plan for their next move. Bo Mi uses herself as a bait to lure .. show full overview
Will You Keep Looking for Our Leader?
Episode overview
Soo Ji wakes up and finds out that Bo Mi has taken her gun. Chief Prosecutor Yoon invites Do Han to his house and introduces him to his family. Meanwhile, Soo Ji goes back to the church.
She Wants to Meet You
Episode overview
Eun Joong becomes to doubt Do Han more as he acts more suspiciously. Soo Ji sneaks into Do Han’s house in order to find out who he is. Meanwhile, Soo Ji, Kyung Soo, and Bo Mi receive a new mission that involves Kyung Soo’s mother.
He's Like Us
Episode overview
Kwan Woo visits his father and promises to bring him home soon. Soo Ji secretly goes into Kwan Woo’s place and becomes more certain that he is their leader. Meanwhile, both Do Han and Kwan Woo receive text messages from each other.
You Two Are the Same
Episode overview
Soo Ji gets Do Han to tell her what she wants to know. In order to flee from the police, the two fake a hostage situation. Soo Ji, Do Han, Kyung Soo, and Bo Mi are finally gathered at the same spot.
Your Daughter Is Still Okay
Episode overview
Seung Ro becomes more and more suspicious of Do Han. In order to bait him, Seung Ro tells him to set a trap to catch Soo Ji. Do Han goes to Soo Ji and tells her that her mother is ill.
I Can't Hate Him
Episode overview
With Do Han’s help, Soo Ji gets to reunite with her mother. Do Han is filled with guilt, knowing that he could have saved Yu Na. Meanwhile, the guardians set up a trap to reveal Viper’s identity.
I'm Framing Myself
Episode overview
Eun Joong reveals to Do Han what he knows. He also tells him that he’ll turn himself in and asks Do Han to frame him in order to catch Yoon Seung Ro. Do Han agrees to hold hands with .. show full overview
I Am Lee Shin Hyuk's Son
Episode overview
The guardians track down Detective Nam, and Kyung Soo reunites with his mother at last. With Detective Nam in custody, Do Han and Seung Ro each tries to make the best out of the given .. show full overview
The Delivery Woman
Episode overview
Soo Ji disguises herself as a delivery woman and goes to Seung Ro’s house. Si Wan befriends Soon Ae’s daughter, and tries to get closer to her. Meanwhile, Do Han calls Eun Joong to tell .. show full overview
There Is a Witness
Episode overview
Do Han gets arrested for charges accusing him of fabrication of official documents. Along with Kwan Woo, Do Han gets pressured to reveal his identity. When the hearing starts, the guardians nervously wait and see.
The Delivery Woman
Episode overview
Seung Ro tells Do Han that in exchange for letting Do Han's father go, Do Han shouldn't testify for Soo Ji. However, Do Han goes against him and testifies, saying that he saw Si Wan with .. show full overview
The Hearing
Episode overview
At the hearing, Do Han testifies against Seung Ro. However, without any solid evidence, he has only his words to back his claims. Knowing that it is the only way, Do Han chooses to go down with Seung Ro by making a confession of his crime.
I'll Tell the Police about Yu Na
Episode overview
At the hearing, Seung Ro gets an unfortunate surprise. Turns out, Ms. Lee and Prosecutor Jang disguised Byung Jae’s suicide. Byung Jae steps into the hearing unannounced.
The Showdown
Episode overview
When Soo Ji turns herself in, she runs into Si Wan who has been summoned for an interrogation. She senses something isn’t right about the whole situation. Meanwhile, Do Han receives a message from Si Wan.
The Game Is Too Fun to Stop
Episode overview
Si Wan threatens Soon Ae with Se Won, and Soon Ae gives Soo Ji the keys to her handcuffs. He tells Soon Ae that if she wants her daughter back alive, she needs to kill Soo Ji. Meanwhile, the Guardians find out what Si Wan has been up to.
Captain, It's Been A Bad Day!
Episode overview
Soon Ae has no choice but to kill Soo Ji in order to save her own daughter. Fallen in a dilemma, Soon Ae hesitates. When Do Han arrives at the scene, he tries to negotiate with Si Wan in order to put an end to everything.
Are You Alive?
Episode overview
Si Wan and Prosecutor Jang are in a coma after their fall. A year passes by, and the three Guardians are still working together. Prosecutor Kim maintains his sharp and righteous character, but also receives help from the Guardians.
