Lizzie Dripping

  • :
  • : 9
  • : 0
  • BBC One
  • Children Family Fantasy



Lizzie Dripping and the Witch
Episode overview
Lizzie Dripping is a dreamer, the kind of girl who is always making things up. The trouble is that her dreams have a nasty habit of turning into real adventures.
Lizzie Dripping Black Sunday
Episode overview
Lizzie Dripping's Black Sunday Just because witches disappear at the drop of a hat, doesn'mean to say there aren'any - or so Lizzie Dripping believes.
Lizzie Dripping Runs Away
Episode overview
Ever since Lizzie had ' lost' her baby brother, her mother had been nagging at her,' She wouldn'carry on at me like that if she knew I'd got a witch for a friend,' thought Lizzie.
Lizzie Dripping and the Leek Nobblers
Episode overview
Nobblers Albert Arbuckle was quite certain that, growing in his garden, were leeks such as he had never grown before - leeks beautifully green and thick. Lizzie was determined that Dad .. show full overview
