LINUX Unplugged

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  • : 309
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  • Jupiter Broadcasting
  • 17
  • Talk show


Can’t Contain Linux - Livestream
Episode overview
Livestream of episode 143. Your marvelous container powered future, what happens when your favorite open source project takes its ball and goes closed source? Subsonic is going closed .. show full overview
BuzzwordFS - Livestream
Episode overview
You thought it was Unplugged before. Here it is, in its full unscripted, belchie, unedited, extra extended glory! You’re insecure unless you’re running one of Greg’s Kernels & we .. show full overview
Snap, Flaps, and Package Drops - Livestream
Episode overview
You thought LINUX Unplugged was already uncut? You thought wrong! Here's today's full live stream, where you can check out my mad weaponized weed whacker defeat, Windows 10 rants, and .. show full overview
The Talking Gnome - Livestream
Episode overview
There is your regular show, then there's one of these! A bunch of stuff before and after the show that never makes it to the final cut! Open Source artificial intelligence in all the .. show full overview
Snaps are Go - Livestream
Episode overview
Starts off with Wes and I joking around about what stories to cover, then slips into my dirty Dropbox confession that I need your help with! Plus the post show contains some great details about Snap packages that did not make the main show!
Universal Divide - Livestream
Episode overview
It might be unplugged, but that doesn't mean we could fit everything in! No worries, we have the full live stream so you don't miss a bit! Enjoy!
SSH: Heaven or Shell - Livestream
Episode overview
Wes and I yack about our home network setup plans, and a super extended post show just for you Patrons!
Happy Birthday Debian - Livestream
Episode overview
One of the neat things if you have a chance to catch this version of Unplugged, is you'll hear me make reference to some fancy new terminal we'd been talking about. With the full version, you'll get the reference, and that's gotta be worth somethin!
All Wimpy’s Vault! - Livestream
Episode overview
Sorry it's a little late, it was such a huge show I had to run out the door after it was done. Lots of good pre-show stuff, and post show as always that never makes it into the final cut. Enjoy!
Best of MATEs - Livestream
Episode overview
Why not check out this week's unplugged in it's original form, and check out that run time!
The Theory of Liri - Livestream
Episode overview
I think the live stream is better than the actual show this week, so I'd catch this one if you can!
A Brisk MATE for Solus - Livestream
Episode overview
This extra has no summary.
Death by Download - Livestream
Episode overview
What's better than a new episode of Unplugged? The full live version! Well, technically maybe not. But if you like your self some unplugged, why not have a little more just for being a Patreon? -Chris
Niche Distros Need Not Apply - Livestream
Episode overview
We really had fun today, and why not get all the show!
Chilling with Kylin - Livestream
Episode overview
There was certianly some stuff that should have made the recording, but I did not hit the button in time. But you can still catch them all!
AWS Loses Its ShIOT - Livestream
Episode overview
We had some fun on the livestream, before I even thought of hitting the record button. This is the only place to catch it if you did not make it live!
Celebrating Linux on Pi Day - Livestream
Episode overview
We discuss the future of LAS in the pre-show, then get into a great Unplugged!
Ubuntu's Bare Gnome - Livestream
Episode overview
I really enjoyed our pre-show chat. Its a shame I did not have it on disk, but we streamed it!
Internet of Troubles - Livestream
Episode overview
We had a special guest during the pre-show, enjoy!
