Is It Real?

  • :
  • : 31
  • : 6
  • National Geographic
  • 20
  • Documentary History



Episode overview
Following the reports of mutilated farm animals in Puerto Rico, eyewitnesses began coming forward to describe the predator. Said to have glowing red eyes, the face of a gargoyle and the .. show full overview
Extreme Sleepwalking
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Is sleepwalking a legitimate murder defense? Sleepwalkers are known to do some bizarre and often complex activities while sleeping, but generally these amount to little more than .. show full overview
Episode overview
Throughout the centuries, a few rare souls have claimed to experience stigmata, the act of spontaneously developing bleeding wounds on their bodies. The location of these wounds .. show full overview
Episode overview
A small ape-like man is said to inhabit the mountains of Sumatra. The "little man", or orang pendek, has been sighted for centuries, but so far, proof has been elusive. Researchers are .. show full overview
The Nostradamus Effect
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The followers of 16th century prophet Michel de Nostredame say he accurately foresaw events like the rise of Hitler and the 9/11 attacks. Skeptics say his writings are so vague that we .. show full overview
Da Vinci Code
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Is it Real? explores Dan Brown’s controversial book, ‘The Da Vinci’s Code’. The best selling fiction novel has sold over 30 million copies, but it has raised huge controversy because .. show full overview
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Plato was the first to write about the advanced island civilization that suddenly disappeared from the surface of the planet. While the philosopher provided some very specific details .. show full overview
Bermuda Triangle
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Beginning with the publishing of Charles Berlitz's book The Bermuda Triangle in 1974, it became popular to blame the disappearance of planes and ships on supernatural events, but this .. show full overview
Miracle Cures
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Out of desperation, people go in search of a miracle to cure their chronic or deadly health problems. Their journey take them in many directions. Some attend miracle crusades conducted .. show full overview
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With the 1897 publication of Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, vampires entered mainstream consciousness. Prior to that, however, these supposedly undead blood-drinkers had been alive in .. show full overview
Jack The Ripper
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The seemingly unsolvable 1888 crimes of Jack the Ripper continue to fascinate. Even today, over a dozen new books on the subject are published each year. One such book makes the case .. show full overview
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Hauntings are often attributed to paranormal activity, ranging from bothersome poltergeists to possessive demons. How much of this activity is truly supernatural and how much exists .. show full overview
Russian Bigfoot
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Neanderthals are known to have died out some 30,000 years ago, yet stories persist of a relic population, called Almas, still surviving in the mountains of Mongolia. Two investigators .. show full overview
Alien Invasion
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With the 1968 publication of Erich von Daniken's Chariot of the Gods, the flood gates were opened for some "experts" to declare that Earth was visited long ago by extraterrestrials. .. show full overview
Ancient Astronauts
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Life on Mars
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Mankind has been fascinated with our red planetary neighbor since the dawn of time. Years after the scare caused by Orson Welles' War of the Worlds broadcast, we've dismissed the idea .. show full overview
Feral Children
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While stories of children being "raised by wolves" are exagerated, there have been a few documented cases of a child having grow up alone in the wild. Whether abandoned by parents or .. show full overview
King Arthur
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The legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table is well known, having been told for centuries and immortalized in films and books. The questions, however, remain about the .. show full overview
Ghost Ships
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Ocean-going vessels mysteriously missing their crews; ships long ago sunk damned to eternally sail the seas with the dead at the helm. Stories of ghost ships have been told by .. show full overview
Shroud of Turin
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