Grand Theft Auto IV 999% Driving Speed

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The GTA 4 Fast Traffic Playthrough, part 1
Episode overview
In traffic at a speed of 9999999 - yep, I saw a tiktok of someone playing GTA with that, found the mod that it used and have started my own playthrough. Good luck, me. Grand Theft Auto .. show full overview
GTA with the cars turned ALL the way up
Episode overview
This game is completely perfect, and I love it very, very much. The cars are far too fast but with planning, with gumption, and above all, with a seemingly endless amount of time, I .. show full overview
Can you fall in love when every car travels at 10,000 km/h?
Episode overview
Fast traffic Grand Theft Auto IV continues! With traffic speed way, way up, Niko tries to make his way over to Michelle for a beautiful date. Will they get to the bowling alley? Will .. show full overview
A lift for Jermaine, but every car except mine goes 999 km/h
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Hello! Hello! It's another wonderful highlight of the fast traffic GTA 4 playthrough! Mission 6, Easy Fare, is a simple mission designed to introduce Pay n Spray to the player. However .. show full overview
Two simple GTA 4 missions BUT all cars travel at light speed
Episode overview
Pick up the Little Jacob! Break the window! Get back to the base! All this and more - mainly crushing failure - in this week's episode of Fast Traffic GTA IV. You can catch these .. show full overview
I beat a GTA 4 mission with the traffic going 9999 km/h, AGAIN
Episode overview
Jacob is dead. Jacob is dead. Jacob is dead. Jacob is dead. Jacob is dead. Every time he dies we remember we're alive. Anyways I'm playing the GTA IV game more! This game rules. Here we .. show full overview
Playing GTA 4 with 9999 km/h traffic, AGAIN
Episode overview
GTA 4 with fast traffic doesn't stand a chance. Tom Walker is here! That's right I'm back! I'm back and I'm using the "[doing blank], AGAIN" format for the title (, AGAIN) because .. show full overview
Pulling over vans, but every other car goes at 9,999 km/h
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Attempting the "pull over three vans" mission AKA Crime and Punishment in Grand Theft Auto IV while the traffic is going simply wild. This was the first mission to truly break me. To .. show full overview
I finished EIGHT MISSIONS in GTA 4 with 999% speed traffic
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That's one damn youtube-core title. Damn. What have I become. ANYWAYS, It's the return of your favourite GTA 4 series - I'm playing through GTA 4 with the traffic set to "Far Too .. show full overview
Can you complete Brucie's missions with every non-essential car at 9999 speed?
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GTA 4's street racing is a little bit harder when half the cars are unstoppable meteorites, but Tom Walker (guy writing this blurb) is too stubborn and dumb to stop now! NOTHING will .. show full overview
Can I make it to the second island when every other car goes 9999 km/h?
Episode overview
Tom Walker's fast car GTA playthrough continues! The cars are fast and unpredictable but progress is STEADY and EARNED. Tom marches determinedly through the car-infested streets of .. show full overview
"Tommy Salami" passes MORE MISSIONS in GTA 4 with every car going FAR too fast.
Episode overview
Fast Car GTA continues! This week Tom grapples with cars, that classic GTA 4 mission structure and salami-based slander. Demi walks in and smells cured meats and just like that a man's .. show full overview
I get hit by every car in GTA 4, but I clear 6 missions (and give up on one.)
Episode overview
SIX missions! Seven attempted but don't WORRY about that! It doesn't MATTER that I gave up on that STUPID mission that's IMPOSSIBLE! We spend more time with the McReary's, Playboy X, and .. show full overview
Can I beat GTA IV's HARDEST MISSION when every car travels at 9999 km/h?
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GTA 4 Fast Car continues! Three Leaf Clover. The mission I remembered before starting this playthrough, the mission l've dreaded the whole time. The bank heist. Arguably the most .. show full overview
What can we endure, when every car in GTA 4 goes at 9999 km/h?
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Grand Theft Auto Fast Car continues! Here, the autos theft life from precious Niko as we pilot a garbage truck, try to get involved with some diamonds and enrage the citizens of Boston. .. show full overview
The GTA 4 Fast Traffic Playthrough reaches The Tunnel of Death
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BOY OH BOYYY I sure do get hit with a car in this one gang! "The tunnel of death" ohhh I'm soooo scared - that is not sarcastic I am actually so scared. I'm shaking in my boots and my .. show full overview
I completed FOUR missions in GTA 4 with traffic going 9999 km/h
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NO-ONE bothers my boy Bernie! He deserves to run in the park all he wants! My boy Bernie needs to keep his cardio up and get used to his fun new run cycle, and if anyone hassles him .. show full overview
The ACTUAL hardest mission in GTA 4, with every car at 9999 speed.
Episode overview
Catch the Wave - my goodness. Multi point escort mission? Escort both a gigantic brittle truck and a soft human man? Long shootout and driving section at the end? AND you're so stupid .. show full overview
