Gardening Australia

  • :
  • : 578
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  • ABC1
  • 19
  • Documentary Home and garden


Episode 1
Episode overview
Jane Edmanson goes farming on Lord Howe Island, Millie Ross discovers the secret lives of sunflowers, Tino Carnevale offers solutions for sloping gardens, and Josh Byrne plants semi-tropical edibles on his sunny deck area.
Episode 2
Episode overview
Sophie Thomson meets a city gardener leading the good life, Jane Edmanson visits a floral haven in the hills, Jerry Coleby-Williams is on St Helena island and Costa Georgiadis explores a garden created for kids to go wild.
Episode 3 - 30 Year Special
Episode overview
The Gardening Australia team celebrates the show's 30th birthday in one of Australia's most iconic gardens, on the Mornington Peninsula, to celebrate the colour, characters and compost that make Australian gardening great.
Episode 4
Episode overview
Costa Georgiadis rescues some sick-looking indoor plants, Jane Edmanson discovers the many benefits of salvias, Millie Ross shows how to keep worms happy, and we meet our new guest presenter, permaculturist Hannah Maloney.
Episode 5
Episode overview
Costa Georgiadis gets an expert's top turf tips, Sophie Thomson visits a garden designed for time-poor gardeners, Paul West cooks up a storm in a school kitchen garden, and we meet a collage artist with a passion for nature.
Episode 6
Episode overview
Sophie Thomson gets a visit from a butterfly expert, Costa Georgiadis and Millie Ross travels to west Arnhem land, Josh Byrne dives into a seagrass revegetation project and Jerry Coleby-Williams talks Cat's claw creepers.
Episode 7
Episode overview
Jerry Coleby-Williams visits a bushland botanic gardens, Millie Ross looks at climbing plants, Tino Carnevale shares tool tips, Josh Byrne explores an inspiring revegetation project and we meet a passionate frog expert.
Episode 8
Episode overview
Sophie Thomson creates a lizard friendly habitat, Tino Carnevale plants celery, Josh Byrne meets carnivorous plants native to WA, Costa Georgiadis drops into a kitchen garden in Kakadu and we meet a eucalypt aficionado.
Episode 9
Episode overview
Clarence Slockee explores a Grevillea garden, Millie Ross shares companion planting tips, Costa Georgiadis visits a creative small garden, Jane Edmanson explores a seaside garden and Tino Carnevale shares his gardening story.
Episode 10
Episode overview
Jane Edmanson pops into a historic homestead garden, Sophie Thompson learns how to build a bandicoot bungalow, Tino Carnevale enjoys the Autumn colour in Tassie and we meet a passionate propagator of Wollemi pines.
Episode 11
Episode overview
Jerry Coleby-Williams meets a champion hibiscus grower, Costa Georgiadis starts his backyard pool to pond conversion, Jane Edmanson shows us how to propagate indoor plants and we explore the wonderful world of fungi.
Episode 12 - Family Easter Special
Episode overview
Costa Georgiadis explores an urban farm giving city kids a country experience, Sophie Thomson and her girls do some crafty flower pressing and Millie Ross drops in on a small suburban garden bursting with plants and quails.
Episode 13
Episode overview
As a part of our 30th Birthday celebrations, we are diving into the archives to revisit our presenters favourite stories from over the years.
Episode 14
Episode overview
We are celebrating our 30th Birthday with another dive into the archives! We are looking back on some of the most popular My Garden Path series in an exploration of gardens, gardeners and plant lovers alike.
Episode 15
Episode overview
Tino Carnevale visits a prize-winning Chrysanthemum grower, Costa Georgiadis checks out a rooftop garden oasis, Josh Byrne cracks native seed germination and Jane Edmanson looks at some native plants made for the shade.
Episode 16
Episode overview
Josh Byrne learns about native bees in the suburbs, Jane Edmanson heads to a historic Hydrangea garden, Sophie Thomson visits a garden adapted with accessibility in mind and Tino Carnevale plants a soup bed at The Patch.
Episode 17
Episode overview
Millie Ross revamps a challenging garden bed, Josh Byrne meets composting entrepreneur, Jerry Coleby-Williams visits an Aroid addict and Jane Edmanson celebrates Botanic Gardens Day with a trip to Geelongs Botanic Garden.
Episode 18
Episode overview
Tino Carnevale tinkers with some spicy crops, Jane Edmanson explores an inner city walled garden, Josh Byrne learns about terrestrial orchid propagation and Clarence Slockee shares some native food plants perfect for pots.
episode 19
Episode overview
Sophie Thomson meets a caper cultivator, Costa Georgiadis learns about a composting critter, guest presenter Hannah Maloney helps a young couple blitz their backyard, and Tino Carnevale visits a 'sub-tropical' Hobart garden.
Episode 20
Episode overview
Sophie Thomson goes behind the scenes at a rose farm, Jane Edmanson rejuvenates potted plants, Costa Georgiadis visits a plant loving couple and we meet a landscape architect behind some of Australia's most iconic gardens.
Episode 21
Episode overview
Sophie Thomson visits an exotic sunken garden, Jerry-Coleby Williams checks out Queensland's biggest bromeliad show, Costa Georgiadis visits a citrus orchard and Jane Edmanson visits a farm helping to feed new migrants.
Episode 22
Episode overview
Jane Edmanson and Millie Ross help create a garden, Costa Georgiadis visits a knockout flower display, Tino Carnevale shares tips for picking bare rooted plants and Sophie Thomson shares her favourite winter flowers.
Episode 23
Episode overview
Jane Edmanson visits a stunning winter garden, Costa Georgiadis heads to a salon cutting hair but growing plants, Tino Carnevale checks out an organic farm and Millie Ross turns fallen leaves into garden gold.
Episode 24
Episode overview
Clarence Slockee shares some traditional land management techniques, Millie Ross visits the work of a Taungurung artist, Tino Carnevale plants native edibles at The Patch and Costa Georgiadis meets a D'harawal Elder.
Episode 25
Episode overview
Costa Georgiadis visits a thrifty workspace garden, Sophie Thomson explores pint sized conifers, Clarence Slockee visits an urban farm growing food and jobs and Jane Edmanson explores a diverse native bush garden.
Episode 26
Episode overview
Jane Edmanson rids her plants of fungus gnats, Josh Byrne explores bushland in Kalgoorlie, Sophie Thomson visits a farm putting community first and Costa Georgiadis meets a women who changed her life through gardening.
Episode 27
Episode overview
Tino Carnevale goes behind the scenes at The Patch, Jane Edmanson visits a couple's iconic greenhouse, Josh Byrne meets an Australian horticultural legend and we meet two inspirational floral designers.
Episode 28
Episode overview
Jerry Coleby-Williams explores plants with taste for metal, Jane Edmanson visits a garden celebrating Victoria's flora, Costa Georgiadis explores carnivorous plants and Sophie Thomson visits a botanist's dog-friendly garden.
Episode 29
Episode overview
Clarence Slockee visits a state park managed for its cultural value, Tino Carnevale learns some top care tips for Begonia's, Millie Ross meets a man who crafts his own gardening tools and Sophie Thomson makes seed tape.
Episode 30
Episode overview
Millie Ross harnesses the power of a hot compost, Sophie Thomson gets espalier tips from an expert, Jane Edmanson revisits a stunning native garden and we meet a landscape designer with an iconic style.
Episode 31 Spring Special
Episode overview
Costa Georgiadis joins a school's celebration of a 30-year commitment to the local landscape, Millie Ross builds a blooming letterbox, Josh Byrne meets a teenage bee keeper and we visit a tulip farm bursting with blooms.
Episode 32
Episode overview
Sophie Thomson shares tips for maximising spring colour, Tino Carnevale visits a garden with a bright future, Costa Georgiadis visits an inner-city balcony garden and Josh Byrne improves sandy soil.
Episode 33
Episode overview
Costa Georgiadis visits a traditional Italian family farm, Millie Ross builds a strawberry tower, Sophie Thomson shares tips for seedling care and Clarence Slockee visits a school with gardening on the curriculum.
Episode 34
Episode overview
We remember Peter Cundall's emotional trip to a memorial garden, Jane Edmanson visits an urban meadow, Josh Byrne explores WA's wildflowers, and Sophie Thomson frames pictures of succulents.
Episode 35
Episode overview
Sophie Thomson revisits an innovative house and creative garden, Jane Edmanson calls in on musician Rusty Berther, Josh Byrne builds a garden seat, and Tino Carnevale shares tips for keeping rainwater on a steep block.
Episode 36
Episode overview
Tino Carnevale starts a patch at his new home, Jane Edmanson reveals the secrets of planting a floral clock, Sophie Thomson shares her favourite vertical veggies and we meet a conservationist growing plants for cassowaries.
Episode 37
Episode overview
Costa Georgiadis and Sophie Thomson visit neighbours who grow food together, Tino Carnevale shares tips on fern care, Jane Edmanson visits the Kevin Heinze community garden and Millie Ross tastes some edible succulents.
Episode 38
Episode overview
Costa Georgiadis visits a young couples rooftop garden, Sophie Thomson explores wild roses, Jane Edmanson visits a family's hobby farm, Millie Ross goes bird watching and Tino Carnevale is planting his favourite tomatoes.
Episode 39
Episode overview
Jane Edmanson shares her top tips for beginners at the nursery, Josh Byrne does some essential maintenance on his climbing plants and we visit host of ABC TV's Dream Gardens, Michael McCoy.
Episode 40
Episode overview
Millie Ross is at a sprawling garden bursting with spring colour, Josh Byrne visits a winery living the paddock to plate dream, Tino Carnevale plants pulses and grains at The Patch and Sophie Thomson makes natural confetti.
Episode 41
Episode overview
Clarence Slockee meets a local gardening legend in Kiama, Costa Georgiadis drops into the trial garden at the Sydney Botanic Gardens, Jane Edmanson plants out three productive pots and Millie Ross explores sub-alpine flora.
Episode 42
Episode overview
Josh Byrne visits a nature-play group uniting young and old, Jerry Coleby-Williams investigates critically endangered wild macadamia trees and Millie Ross meets the canine star of an important weed eradication program.
Episode 43 - Christmas Special 2019
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
