Doctor Mike

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Doctor Reacts To House MD | Girl Who Can’t Feel Pain
Episode overview
Dr. Gregory House MD might be a genius doctor, but he’s a bit extreme to say the least. In “Insensitive”, Season 3 Episode 14, he encounters a patient suffering from CIPA, or Congenital .. show full overview
Doctor Mike Reads Thirst Tweets
Episode overview
I’ve heard your cries for a thirst tweets video, but always felt a little weird about reading those messages. So, I invited my sick and twisted friend, Pam, over to read them for me. Pam .. show full overview
The Truth About The Eyeball Licking Craze In Japan
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In 2013, news outlets around the world began spreading a story that caused everyone to do a double take: teenagers in Japanese had begun licking each other’s eyeballs for… fun. It wasn’t .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Osmosis Jones
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Osmosis Jones is an animated movie from 2001 starring Chris Rock as the titular white blood cell responsible for capturing viruses inside of Bill Murray's body. I remember seeing this as .. show full overview
Do Jaw Trainers Actually Work? | Responding To Comments
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Today I answer your questions about getting slapped, the leg version of your armpit, the truth about stepping on a crack and breaking your mommas back, the REM cycle, my next tattoo, .. show full overview
Medical Heads-Up With KallMeKris
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Kall Me Kris Collins and Pamela Rae Schuller are two of my funniest friends, so I thought it'd be fun if the three of us played Ellen's favorite game, Heads Up: Medical Edition. What .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Grey's Anatomy | McDreamy's Car Accident
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I've reacted to a lot of episodes of Grey's Anatomy on this channel, and am often compared to Dr. Derek Sheppard (because we both have dark hair, or something), so it only makes sense .. show full overview
10 Common Foods That Can Actually Kill You
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Recently I was shooting some videos with my team and casually mentioned that apple seeds contained cyanide. The guys were blown away by this and had no idea that eating a high volume of .. show full overview
The Most Bizarre Kickstarter “Health” Products
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Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, and so many other crowdfunding sites are full of fitness and health related products, but whether they are reliable and healthy is anyone’s guess until .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Ridiculous 5-Minute Crafts Videos
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5 Minute Crafts is one of the most successful channels on YouTube, highlighting tips and tricks to improve small parts of your every day life. Over the years they’ve made a few videos .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To The Most Extreme Diets | Freaky Eaters
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Freaky Eaters is a TLC show that highlights individuals who have unusual diets, very similar to My Strange Addiction. Often this means people who exclusively eat one thing, such as .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Try Guys | Ned's Knee Surgery
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Ned Fulmer from The Try Guys had surgery on his knee a while back, so today I'm taking a look at the video he did about it to throw my medical hat into the ring. There was a lot to break .. show full overview
One CRAZY Story From Every Country I’ve Visited
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I realized that I’ve been lucky enough to travel to a couple dozen countries around the world, so I thought it would be fun to tell one short story about every place that I’ve been. I’ve .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Surprisingly Accurate Medical Memes
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I can't believe we've already hit our 20th episode of Doctor Reacts To Medical Memes. I love reacting to these memes and I'm always so happy that we continue to find new ones that allow .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Try Guys | Zach's Mysterious Illness
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Zach Kornfeld from The Try Guys suffers from an autoimmune disease called Ankylosing Spondylitis. I realize it's a mouthful, so today I decided to react to a couple videos Zach as posted .. show full overview
TikToks That INFURIATE Doctors
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In this video we take a look at some tiktoks that make me question my future in medicine. Well, not really, but it feels like that. Today we talk about babies, stepping on legos, viagra, .. show full overview
Surprisingly Edible (and healthy) Parts Of Foods
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Food waste is a huge problem affecting America, but there are many steps we can take to change that! Turns out there are lots of food we choose to only eat certain parts of, and we wind .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Worst Rocky Injuries
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Rocky is one of the most iconic movies of all time. Along with winning best picture for new-coming writer, director, and actor, Sylvester Stallone, in 1976, the film inspired 5 sequels .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Hilarious SNL Medical Sketches
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These SNL medical sketches killed me. Today we talk about giving birth with Amy Schumer, John Green's The Fault In Our Stars and Ebola Virus with Sarah Silverman, testicular injuries, .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Try Guys | Labor Pain Simulator
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The Try Guys has made a ton of health videos, and I've reacted to a couple of them so far. Ned Fulmer getting knee surgery and battling with opioids, Zach Kronfeld's chronic pain .. show full overview
In The Ring With The Greatest Female Boxer ft. Amanda Serrano
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Amanda Serrano is one of the greatest fighters of all time, and her contributions to the sport of Women's Boxing can't be understated. Yes, she has won a heck of a lot of fights and has .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Ridiculous Onion Medical Headlines
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The Onion is one of the smartest and funniest voices out there, so I once again reacted to a bunch of their medical headlines and articles. Today we talk about the CDC, ribs, sumo .. show full overview
Doctor Fact-Checks TikTok Nutrition Advice
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TikTok is full of all kinds of nutritional information... and some of it is even good! Today we look at mac and cheese, eating hot foods, John McGinnis, raw honey ASMR, Garnicia .. show full overview
First Aid Hacks That Should Be Illegal
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Troom Troom is one of the cringiest YouTube channels I’ve ever seen, and their medical advice/first aid hacks are wildly inaccurate. Today we talk about sneezing, headaches, bruises, .. show full overview
My Thoughts On Russia/Ukraine As A Russian Immigrant
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I was born in Russia and immigrated to the United States when I was 6 years old. My parents wanted to give me and my sister a better life, and despite taking the incredible risk of .. show full overview
Doctor Debunks Makeup Myths ft. MannyMUA
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Manny MUA is a YouTuber, make up artist, and my long lost brother? Well that’s what twitter things anyway. Today I invited Manny to the studio to see if his vast make up knowledge dipped .. show full overview
World Records Even Doctors Can't Explain
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I loved reading the Guinness World Records books as a kid, and now I'm taking a look at them through a medical lens. I couldn't believe some of the things I saw in this video. We .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Harry Potter Injuries
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Harry Potter is one of the biggest book and film franchises of all time, and over the course of such a long story, you better believe I found some medical scenes to react to. We look at .. show full overview
Strange Addictions That Landed Them In The Hospital
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My Strange Addiction is a very controversial show, but I think it serves as a learning opportunity. Remember, while some of these addictions are presented sensationally and humorously, .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Worst Jackass Injuries
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This episode has no summary.
Doctor Reacts To Worrisome Medical Memes
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A fresh crop of memes have been harvested! Today we discuss croissants, cross fit, appendectomies, exercise, sore throats, essential oils, trans fats, stethoscopes, med school, .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To When The Try Guys Will Die
Episode overview
The Try Guys are going to die! ....someday. And while that might be alarming, relax, so will you. It's normal! The Try Guys did take things a step further though, enlisting the help of a .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To House MD | "Eye Worms"
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House M.D., Season 3 Episode 4 "Line In The Sand" is a wild one. The story centers around a child who lives with Autism Spectrum Disorder who started screaming out of nowhere. Obviously .. show full overview
The Part Of Your Body You Should NEVER Shave | RTC
Episode overview
Today I'm answering some of your questions you've left me in the comments. We talk about sleeping next to wifi routers and cell phones, dating during med school, licking pens, blood, .. show full overview
Breaking My Doctor’s Oath To Fight iDubbbz
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Over the last several months I have dedicated my time to training for my boxing debut, taking place Saturday May 14th in Tampa, Flordia against my fellow YouTuber, iDubbbz. While my .. show full overview
Here's What's LEGALLY Allowed In Your Food
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The United States Food and Drug Administration does a great job ensuring everything we put into our bodies is safe, and while that might be true, it may still come as a surprise to learn .. show full overview
Truly Painful TikTok Gym Accidents
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I love going to the gym, getting a good workout, and taking care of my body. I strongly recommend exercise to all of my patients as well. That being said, sometimes things in the gym can .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Grey's Anatomy Bomb Episode
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This episode has no summary.
Everything That Went Wrong On My Tour
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I went on the adventure of a lifetime performing Doctor Mike: A-LIVE, my first ever live show! My producer, Sam, and I wrote this show, and then we built out a killer creative team to .. show full overview
When Modern Medicine Goes Too Far ft. Dr. Paul Offit
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Dr. Paul Offit is the Director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of the FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee. He's also the author of .. show full overview
The Grim Reality Of Life At 800+ Pounds
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TLC continues to produce shows with titles that I am not a big fan of. Previously we reacted to Family By The Ton featuring Casey, a man who overcame being 800 pounds and continues to .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Hysterical Medical Memes
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In today’s meme review we cover a wide variety of medical subjects such as the healing power of cats, back pain, failed operations, almond milk, corneas in your eyes, UTI’s, Kim .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Funny Parks & Rec Medical Scenes
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I never realized how many medical scenes were in Parks and Rec, but after so many of your recommendations I decided to give it a look! Turns out there was a wide variety of things for us .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To DRAMATIC Lifeguard Rescues
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Bondi Rescue is an Australian reality show about the lifeguards who work at Bondi Beach in Sydney. They have a YouTube channel where they upload a ton of their most amazing clips, so I .. show full overview
The Truth About My Fight "Controversy" w/ iDubbbz
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In May I was lucky enough to be invited to Tampa, Florida to compete in the first ever "Creator Clash", an influencer boxing event designed to raise money for charity. Together with the .. show full overview
Correcting Medical Mistakes In My Videos
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I pride myself on combatting medical misinformation wherever it pops up, and unfortunately, it appears to have popped up in my own videos! That's right, over the course of the 500+ .. show full overview
Is Willpower Really Like A Muscle? ft. Roy Baumeister
Episode overview
Professor Roy Baumeister wrote the book on willpower... literally! Professor Baumeister is the author of Willpower: Rediscovering The Greatest Human Strength. He's spent his entire .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To AWKWARD Dhar Mann Videos
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I've reacted to Dhar Mann's medical videos before, and they made me cringe. Looks like he's uploaded some new ones since then and I decided to see if the quality had improved at all. .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Risky Ryan Trahan Videos
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Ryan Trahan is currently traveling across the US with the singular goal of delivering a penny to MrBeast. Of course, in classic Ryan fashion, he is only allowing him to travel with funds .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Destructive TikToks
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TikTok is home to some highly entertaining stunts. While they may be fun to watch, they are often dangerous, with people people their lives in serious jeopardy. You should absolutely .. show full overview
The Reality Of Life As A Little Person
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Our Little Family is a TLC reality show about the Hamill's, a family of 5 who are all little people. They live with Achondroplasia, the most common type of short-limbed dwarfism. I am .. show full overview
Medical Emergencies Caught On Live TV
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Live TV is so exciting because anything can happen, and sometimes that means injuries. Today I'm reacting to injuries and medical emergencies that happened on live tv. We're talking .. show full overview
Ridiculously Absurd 5-Minute Crafts “Health Hacks”
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I was pretty harsh in my critique of Five Minute Crafts when I took a look at their first-aid hack earlier this year, but since then they’ve put our some new videos with new hacks on how .. show full overview
The Most Dangerous Fear Factor Challenges
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Fear Factor was one of my favorite shows growing up. With Joe Rogan as the host, contestants would compete in a series of horrifying challenges to win money. God bless America. I decided .. show full overview
Doctors React To Shocking Sex Stories
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Sex Sent Me To The ER is a TLC show where actors re-enact actual medical emergencies that occurred during sex that resulted in an ER visit. It's cringey and incredible. Because the .. show full overview
Things You Should NEVER Do In A Hospital
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I have spent thousands of hours in hospitals, and over that time I've picked up on some definite do's and don'ts. Because most people (hopefully) might not spend too much time in the .. show full overview
The Truth About Therapy ft. Lori Gottlieb
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Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist and the New York Times Best-Selling author of "Maybe You Should Talk To Someone", which I listened to on Audible. I invited Lori on to the YouTube .. show full overview
Giving My Nephew REALISTIC College Advice
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My nephew, Daniel, is off to college! While I'm very proud of how hard he's worked to get here, I can't help but feel I can offer some advice that he might find useful. So, I put on my .. show full overview
The Worst Medical Takes On Twitter
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Twitter is full of hot takes, and from time to time things get medical, much to my disappointment. Today I had Sam compile some of the most outrageous and bizarre medical takes from .. show full overview
Draw My Life - Coming To America
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I was born in Russia in 1989. It was the only world I knew. When I turned 6 my parents told me the next day we would be moving to America and leaving Russia behind forever. I've resisted .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Survivor Medical Emergencies
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Survivor is coming up on its 43rd season this fall (whaaat??), and with all that reality TV goodness in the can already I knew there would be some medical moments to react to. Turns out, .. show full overview
What Happens When You Only Eat McDonalds For 30 Days
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Super Size Me is one of the most well-known and successful documentaries of all time. In the early 2000s, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock challenged himself to eat nothing but food from .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Medical Memes That Go Too Far
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I asked my friend, Pam, to join me on the couch and react to medical memes in our 23rd episode! Today we walk about Titanic, Crocs, choking hazards, CPR, surgery, operation, apples, .. show full overview
Doctor Plays Overrated/Underrated
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I've seen a bunch of great creators playing "Overrated Underrated", so I thought I'd give it a try but with a medical twist. My producer, Sam, compiled a list of medical terms (and some .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Rarest Diseases | Body Bizarre
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Body Bizarre is a show from TLC that once again has a name I don't really appreciate. That being said, the stories covered in this show are fascinating and provide us a valuable glimpse .. show full overview
Dr. House's Most Ridiculous Clinic Scenes
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House MD is one of my favorite shows, and that's why I've reacted to so many episodes on this channel. That being said, the appeal of house isn't just the long and complicated cases he .. show full overview
The Truth About Your Farts | RTC
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Lots of great questions here today that I'm excited to answer! We talk about heart beats, tumors, creator clash and iDubbbz, the trolley problem, pens, nipples, mastectomies, scratching .. show full overview
My Terrible Experience... As A Patient
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I have been struggling with a series of injuries over the last several months. I decided to take this treatment into my own hands. I visited a highly-rated acupuncturist in the city who .. show full overview
When Virtual Surgery Goes Wrong...
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I've played a lot of Surgeon Simulator on this channel, but I've never gone as far as to play Surgeon Simulator: ER (Experience Reality), playable on the Oculus Rift S in Virtual .. show full overview
A Medical Look Into What Killed Every President
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CORRECTIONS: *Kennedy was killed in 1963, not 1968. typo that slipped through. Sorry! *Garfield was not killed IN Baltimore, but rather in DC at a train station CALLED Baltimore. .. show full overview
Medical Confessions with Peyton List
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Peyton List is an actor who's appeared in shows like Jessie, Bunk'd, and now in Cobra Kai on Netflix! She and I got together to hang out and play Medical Confessions, where we each come .. show full overview
Draw My Life - My High School Journey
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Despite how smooth and polished Dan, Caroline, and Sam make me look on camera with their producing and editing, I promise you I am an awkward weirdo and it was even worse when I was in .. show full overview
Fact-Checking MrWhoseTheBoss Health Hacks
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MrWhoseTheBoss is an awesome tech YouTuber, and he leaned into his tech-side over the course of a 100-day body transformation. I thought it would be fun to review his lifestyle changes .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Family Guy Medical Scenes
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I reacted to Family Guy medical scenes a couple of years ago and you all seemed to enjoy it, so today I decided to react to some more! Today we talk about dog bites, breaking your neck .. show full overview
Unbelievable Shark Tank Health Pitches
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You all loved my first Shark Tank medical review, so here I am with episode 2. Today we look at a couple massive Shark Tank hits, as well as some not-so-successful scams. Squatty Potty, .. show full overview
My Husky Lost Her Leg (but shouldn’t have)
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Roxy is a very important member of my family, and she just had to go through a very difficult experience. Because of a sarcoma (cancer) in her front right paw, and some questionable .. show full overview
Doctor Fact-Checks Simpsons Medical Scenes
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I've received so many comments asking me to react to more Simpsons medical scenes, so here we are! Today we look at Homer's plastic surgery and gastric bypass, Homer pinning his skin .. show full overview
Kal Penn Studied How To Perform Surgery For Harold & Kumar
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Kal Penn has one of the strangest resumes in Hollywood. You most likely remember Kal as half of the stoner comedy duo “Harold and Kumar”, or if you’ve watched a lot of medical dramas .. show full overview
Kal Penn: From White Castle to The White House
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This episode has no summary.
TikToks To Never Show Your Doctor
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TikTok not only has bad advice about medical cures and treatments, but advertisements for some useless and misleading devices. Today I look at some dangerous and murky claims made .. show full overview
Diseases I've Only Seen In Textbooks
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Body Bizarre is a TLC show highlighting unusual diseases people live with around the world. Today we look at a man whose body has ballooned in size because of a deep sea diving accident, .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts To Brutal South Park Medical Scenes
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Back by popular demand, another South Park medical scene reaction! Today I'm talking about Kenny being lit on fire and George Clooney trying to save him from South Park: Bigger, Longer, .. show full overview
Steve-O Describes His Most Painful Injury
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During this clip from my full interview with Steve-O on my new podcast "The Check Up with Doctor Mike", the legendary Stephen Glover from Jackass shares the details of his most painful .. show full overview
Steve-O Is Dying For Your Attention | The Checkup
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Steve-O is an icon. Everyone knows him as one of the faces of Jackass, but what most people don't know is that Steve-O is more than just a stunt man known for falling down stairs in a .. show full overview
When Things Go Wrong On Naked & Afraid
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This episode has no summary.
Grooming My Giant Dog In NYC
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Bear is my Newfoundland that lives with me in my apartment in NYC. While his size and amount of floof might be adorable and lovable, it makes keeping him clean and hygenic a very .. show full overview
My Body Transformation For My Boxing Pro Debut
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My pro boxing debut is next week against Chris Avila. This is a big step up for me after my exhbiition fight against iDubbbz at Creator Clash in Tampa last May. I've been training like .. show full overview
Doctor Reacts to Wild Medical Stand-Up Comedy
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You all loved when I reacted to medical stand up comedy with my friend, Dr. Lou Espina, so I thought I'd try it again, this time with a stand up comedy expert, Pamela Rae Schuller! We .. show full overview
What Clothes Are Bad For Your Health? | RTC
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You sent in some really great questions in this new responding to comments video! Today we discussed how clothes can affect your health, compression gear, weight lifting gloves, ties, .. show full overview
Doctor Reveals "Healthiest" Grocery Store Items
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There are so many options when shopping for food at the grocery store, so I wanted to show you how I, as a doctor, mike the right decisions for my health when walking down the aisles. .. show full overview
The Most "Realistic" Video Game Injuries
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Unboxing Marques Brownlee aka MKBHD
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Marques Brownlee, also known as MKBHD, is one of the most prolific YouTubers on the platform. Boasting over 16 million subscribers, Marques prides himself on having the most cutting edge .. show full overview
Doctor Fact-Checks American Dad
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This episode has no summary.
Why You Don't Get Sleepy At Night ft. Matthew Walker
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Professor Matthew Walker is a Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He is also the founder and director of the Center for Human Sleep .. show full overview
Doctor Diagnoses Unreal Racing Crashes
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Nascar, Indycar, F1... all very exciting sports, but also unfortunately come with risk of injury during a crash. Today I've compiled a bunch of infamous crashes where miraculously .. show full overview
The Truth About Sleep with Matthew Walker
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Professor Matthew Walker is a Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He is also the founder and director of the Center for Human Sleep .. show full overview
"Strange Addictions" That Shock Doctors
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TLC's My Strange Addiction is a complicated show. While I don't like the title or some of the campy ways they portray serious conditions people are dealing with, I do think we can use .. show full overview
People Who Somehow Survived Freak Accidents
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Here are five of the most incredible survival stories I've come across during my career in medicine. Phineas Gage survived a tampering iron that passed through his head. Aron Ralston .. show full overview
This Hurt.
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I lost my pro boxing debut against Chris Avila. Those are difficult words to write, but an even more difficult thing to actually experience. It was my first fight since defeting .. show full overview
Doc On The Street Answers Medical Q's | Curbside Consult NYC #2
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A new episode of Curbside Consult, where I headed to Central Park to answer real medical questions from real people! We talked about male birth control, the stages of male puberty, .. show full overview
Proven Sleep Tips | How To Fall Asleep Faster
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It can be difficult to get good, consistent sleep, but as a physician it's one of the things I recommend most strongly to my patients. Getting a good night's sleep every night can .. show full overview
Ranking The "Healthiest" Taco Bell Items
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Andrew Rea is THE number one man in the world of YouTube food, but you probably know him better as the face, the voice, the hands, and the mind behind the Babish Culinary Universe. When .. show full overview
The WORST 5-Minute Crafts “Health Hacks”
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5 Minute Crafts has video promoting a wide variety of first aid treatments and cures for mild medical ailments such as headaches and sores. Usually... often... almost exclusively, these .. show full overview
Dane Cook Is Above It All | The Checkup Podcast
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Dane Cook is one of the most prolific stand up comedians of all time. At one point in 2005 he performed a tour in 80 arenas for audiences of over 20,000 every single night. He's a .. show full overview
TikTok "Health" Products You Should NEVER Buy
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Be very careful when you're fed an ad on TikTok for a new medical device, but often times they can either be meaningless wastes of money or pose a legitimate risk to your health! It's .. show full overview
Doctor Plays Heads-Up w/ Comedian Sebastian Maniscalco
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After I interviewed Sebastian Maniscalco on my podcast, I challenged him to a game of Medical Heads Up to raise money for the Tag You're It foundation, which seeks to assist US Veterans, .. show full overview
What's Wrong With Sebastian Maniscalco? | The Checkup
Episode overview
Sebastian Maniscalco is a world-class stand up comedian who has sold out some of the biggest and most historic venues in the world. He just released a new special on Netflix called "Is .. show full overview
Doctor Mike’s Cringiest Moments
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Throughout the years I've had some chaotic and cringey moments on camera. I asked my editors to pull together the ones that stood out. Let me know down below if you think there are other moments we may have missed!
Doctor Mike’s Cringiest Moments
Episode overview
Throughout the years I've had some chaotic and cringey moments on camera. I asked my editors to pull together the ones that stood out. Let me know down below if you think there are other moments we may have missed!
Medical Memes That Just Hit Different
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In reviewing today's memes we talk about yawns, sleep, selling organs, watermelon, epipens, vocal chords, apples, bacteria cultures, x-rays, therapy, eye exams, pharmacology, Chris .. show full overview
Medical Memes That Just Hit Different
Episode overview
In reviewing today's memes we talk about yawns, sleep, selling organs, watermelon, epipens, vocal chords, apples, bacteria cultures, x-rays, therapy, eye exams, pharmacology, Chris .. show full overview
