• :
  • : 8
  • : 68
  • ZDF
  • 20
  • Drama Mini-series Thriller


One Set, Many Languages
Episode overview
Learn vocabulary with "The Swarm": the most important terms for the new series in Swedish, Japanese, French and many more.
The practical effects in The Swarm
Episode overview
How do you actually shoot scenes on the open sea when you're indoors? For the spray and the waves, there's a separate machine that pumps water continuously.
The set design of The Swarm
Episode overview
Eine Reise in die Tiefsee ist wie eine Reise ins Weltall - jedenfalls, was das Set Design angeht. Die Yrr sind eine mysteriöse Lebensform in den Tiefen des Ozeans. Wie könnten Sie aussehen?
The stunts from The Swarm
Episode overview
On land, at sea and underwater - The Swarm offers a lot of action scenes. Stunt coordinator Marco Pancrazi talks about his work.
The locations of The Swarm
Episode overview
Der Schwarm ist eine internationale Serie, die überall auf der Welt spielt. Gedreht wurde aber in Italien. Wie schafft man es, dass die Adria aussieht wie der Pazifik?
The costumes of The Swarm
Episode overview
Colors, atmosphere, location of the action - what goes into the costume design of The Swarm? A challenge from the concept drawing to the finished garment.
The making of The Swarm
Episode overview
The Swarm is a science fiction thriller with a diverse cast and international crew. How do the underwater shots work? And what do the actors experience on set?
The Revenge of the Oceans
Episode overview
This extra has no summary.
Let's Talk
Episode overview
This extra has no summary.
Frank Schätzing - Mein Schwarm
Episode overview
The creative power of author Frank Schätzing is enormous. His worldwide bestseller "The Swarm" has just been filmed as a series for ZDF. The documentary introduces Schätzing.
