History of Denmark

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  • Danmarks Radio (DR)
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  • History



Thunderclaps and witches pyres
Episode overview
Of Maren Splid and the viking age. Piet van Deurs is in Ribe to start off DR-TVs historical series, Denmarkstories, transmitted from the scene where events took place, to see the story .. show full overview
The king is dead - long live the king!
Episode overview
Christian the 3rd dies from gangrene, boils and bad teeth on new years night between 1558 and 1559. It all happens at Koldinhus, where Piet van Deurs now tells the story of the past .. show full overview
Queen Gunhild
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In 1835 two men are digging a boundary ditch near Vejle. Suddenly skeletal remains of a human appears. The authorities are called, and it turns out to be a centuries old bogcorpse... a .. show full overview
The great wreck
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The dramatic events of Christmas night, 1811 on the western sea, off Jutland. Ships were crushed and dead sailors washed up on shore from Thorsminde to Esbjerg, when two giant .. show full overview
The city under ground
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Roskilde is being dug. In the old city of the canons, skeletons and coins that change history are found. It's happening this summer, that Piet van Deurs is travelling with the show .. show full overview
In the night, cold and clammy.
Episode overview
The great defeat in 1864 is what its about in danish history. From the victory of Fredericia, to the defeat at Dybbøl. Piet van Deurs talks to the current chief of defense about the .. show full overview
Prisoners Island
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The alcatraz, devils island, or what you want to call the island, where criminals and orginals for whom nowhere else had room, were isolated then. Piet van Deurs is on the farthestmost .. show full overview
The prisoners of Mantel tower.
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The largest castle ruin in northern europe. Piet van Deurs is till on Bornholm with Denmarkstories. This time at Hammershus, the giant fortress of bishops and kings in the baltic sea. In .. show full overview
Canutes bones.
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A summersday in 1086, Denmarks king died in front of the altar of Saint Albani church in Odense, murdered by furious countrymen, fearing the loss of power and privileges. The murder of .. show full overview
The final journey.
Episode overview
Skeletons from dogs and 11 horses has been found interred with the chieftain. Nails, remains of an anchor and marks from a buried viking ship. But where in the world is the chieftain .. show full overview