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  • Musical


Darlingside [Episode 16]
Episode overview
Darlingside leis an t-òran Extralife aig Belladruim 2018. Darlingside perform Extralife at Belladrum 2018.
Episode 1
Episode overview
Sealladh bho Fhèis Bhealadruim le sùil air na bhios an gnìomh thairis air trì oidhcheannan air Àrd-ùrlar Gàrradh na Fèis. Se seo an còigeamh bliadhna deug de dh’ Fhèis Bhealadruim agus .. show full overview
Episode 2
Episode overview
Live performances from the second night of the 2018 Belladrum festival.
Episode 3
Episode overview
Sealladh bho Fhèis Bhealadruim le sùil air na bhios an gnìomh thairis air trì oidhcheannan air Àrd-ùrlar Gàrradh na Fèis. Se seo an còigeamh bliadhna deug de dh’ Fhèis Bhealadruim agus .. show full overview
Highlights - Episode 1
Episode overview
A look back at some of the sensational bands who took to the Garden Stage on the beautiful Belladrum Estate in Beauly in Inverness-shire across the three-day festival.
Highlights - Episode 2
Episode overview
Blas de chuid de na còmhlain a bha cluich air Àrd-ùrlar Gàrradh na Fèis thairis trì làithean aig Fèis a’ Chridhe Thartan, Bealadruim, air an oighreachd àlainn faisg air a’ .. show full overview
Highlights - Episode 3
Episode overview
Blas de chuid de na còmhlain a bha cluich air Àrd-ùrlar Gàrradh na Fèis thairis trì làithean aig Fèis a’ Chridhe Thartan, Bealadruim, air an oighreachd àlainn faisg air a’ .. show full overview
Highlights - Episode 4
Episode overview
Blas de chuid de na còmhlain a bha cluich air Àrd-ùrlar Gàrradh na Fèis thairis trì làithean aig Fèis a’ Chridhe Thartan, Bealadruim, air an oighreachd àlainn faisg air a’ .. show full overview
You Me At Six
Episode overview
Bheir Fiona NicCoinnich fàilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh air Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim bho 2018, le sùil air còmhlan a’ chluich an Àrd-làir Garden air an oidhche mu dheireadh .. show full overview
Calum MacPhail [Episode 5]
Episode overview
Belladrum - Cridhe Tartan (Highlights) Calum MacPhàil leis an t-òran Caledonia. Calum MacPhail sings Caledonia. Caledonia: Òran fuaimearra bho Chalum MacPhàil, a chluich e aig .. show full overview
Highlights - Episode 6
Episode overview
Bheir Fiona NicCoinnich fàilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh air Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim bho 2018, le sùil air còmhlain a’ chluich an Àrd-làir Garden den fhèis air oighreachd .. show full overview
The 101 [Episode 12]
Episode overview
Cliché: Òran fuaimearra bho The 101, a chluich iad aig Belladruim 2018. The 101 perform an acoustic version of Cliche.
Whiskey Shivers [Episode 20]
Episode overview
Whiskey Shivers leis an t-òran Reckless aig Belladruim 2018. Whiskey Shivers perform Reckless at Belladrum 2018.
Episode overview
Bheir Niall Iain Dòmhnallach fàilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh air Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim bho 2018, le sùil air còmhlan a’ chluich an Àrd-làir Garden air an fheasgar .. show full overview
Nina Pallot
Episode overview
Bheir Fiona NicCoinnich fàilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh air Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim bho 2018, le sùil air luchd-ciùil a’ chluich an Àrd-làir Garden air an oidhche mu .. show full overview
Ward Thomas
Episode overview
Belladrum - Cridhe Tartan (Highlights) 2018 Ward Thomas leis an t-òran Lie Like Me Ward Thomas sing Lie Like Me Lie Like Me: Òran àlainn fuaimearra bho Ward Thomas aig Belladruim .. show full overview
The Charlatans
Episode overview
Bheir Niall Iain Dòmhnallach fàilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh air Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim bho 2018, le sùil air còmhlan a’ chluich an Àrd-làir Garden air oidhche Haoine den .. show full overview
The Supernaturals [Episode 17]
Episode overview
I Don’t Think So: Òran fuaimearra bho The Supernaturals, a chluich iad aig Belladruim 2018. The Supernaturals perform an acoustic version of I Don’t Think So at Belladrum 2018.
Songhoy Blues [Episode 21]
Episode overview
Songhoy Blues leis an t-òran Sekou Oumarou aig Belladruim 2018. Songhoy Blues perform Sekou Oumarou at Belladrum 2018.
Hò-rò [Episode 19]
Episode overview
Hò-rò perform a mouth music medley at Belladrum 2018.
Episode overview
Ryan McMullan leis an t-òran Letting Go For A Little While aig Belladruim 2018. Ryan McMullan performs Letting Go For A Little While at Belladrum 2018.
Colonel Mustard and The Dijon 5 [Episode 8]
Episode overview
Tha Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim air a bhith ruith o 2004 nuair a bha an ceòl a’ dol airson aon là. A-nis, tha an fhèis a ruith fad trì làithean agus abair rionnagan ciùil a .. show full overview
Ward Thomas
Episode overview
Bheir Fiona NicCoinnich fàilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh air Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim bho 2018. Anns a’ phrògram-sa, chìthear Ward Thomas, an còmhlan tuath-cheòl le blas .. show full overview
Hunter and The Bear [Episode 22]
Episode overview
Hunter agus The Bear leis an t-òran Charlotte St aig Belladruim 2018. Hunter and The Bear perform Charlotte St at Belladrum 2018.
Amy Macdonald [Episode 15]
Episode overview
Down By The Water: Òran àlainn fuaimearra bho Amy Macdonald aig Belladruim '18. Amy Macdonald performs Down by the Water at Belladrum 2018.
Cridhe Tartan (Highlights)
Episode overview
Fiona MacKenzie presents highlights from the 2018 Belladrum Tartan Heart music festival. Tonight’s featured act is an energetic rock outfit from England by the name of You Me At Six - .. show full overview