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  • Jupiter Broadcasting
  • Talk show



Cannabis Prohibition
Episode overview
We look at the history of the controversial weed, life before it was illegal, how it became illegal, what keeps it that way, and why it’s all finally changing. Plus – We introduce the new show, chat about some of our plans, and more!
Security Theater Critics
Episode overview
The TSA is one of the stars in the US Government’s security theater that keeps the public always fearing attack. In this week’s episode we’ll demonstrate how the media is used to .. show full overview
The Kill List
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Obama keeps a list of drone targets, the Flame virus goes after the middle east, and some tuna have some real radiation problems. It must be an Unfilter news round up! Tune in to find .. show full overview
Profiting from Prisoners
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We discuss the trend towards privatized prisons, how they make money, and dirty details they don’t want you to know. Then we unfilter the headlines, with an update on Stuxnet, some .. show full overview
Made in America
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Is Prison Labor a modern day for-profit type of slavery? Or is it responsible economics responding to market pressure to keep prices low, and to make those goods at home? Plus new .. show full overview
The Syria Scam
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We examine the Syria scam, top level officials caught lying and pushing for war, while deals are made on the sidelines. We’ll bring you up to speed. Plus: We Unfilter the headlines .. show full overview
Rethinking Sugar
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Put down that soda and pour yourself a glass of water, because we’re looking at the Sugar problem in our three act show today. We unfilter the headlines, including: - A major victory .. show full overview
Meet Monsanto
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Welcome to your Monsanto bootcamp, the company considered by some, the most evil company in the world. But what have they done to deserve that title? Plus the arguments for and against .. show full overview
The Fluoride Question
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Some call it one of the most significant public health advances in history, others call it a dangerous toxic substance. In this episode we look at the Fluoride debate. And a new .. show full overview
Blackwater Academi
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Private citizen contractors engaged in the theater of battle might seem common place now, thanks to the war on terror, but in reality it’s one of the most transformational changes our .. show full overview
Never Waste a Crisis
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It’s being called one of the most tragic shootings in America’s history, we examine how the mass media is covering this event, plus the major stories that have fallen through the cracks .. show full overview
Keeping you Scared
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In today’s Unfilter we’ve got a reality check for the for the industrial media complex. From nation wide power outage scares, to synthetic propaganda, the media does its best to keep you .. show full overview
Keeping You Distracted
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We look at the tricks and distractions the campaigns and media use to keep the public focused on their pet topics. In ACT 1: We unfilter the media’s talking points around the tragic .. show full overview
Privatized Domestic Spying
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It’s been called the law enforcement tool of the new century, today we look into these massively interconnected surveillance systems, where they are being used, and the history behind .. show full overview
Two Strikes
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We clawed through all the election noise to find the real stories of the week, stories like The New York Police department’s secret “Demographics Unit” assisted by the CIA that was .. show full overview
Burn the Books
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More shootings around the nation this week, one very close to home, but you’ve likely never heard about them, and we’ve got the details. Plus the new TSA screening policies travelers .. show full overview
The Blowback Decade
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You’re being told the embassy attacks in Egypt and Libya are in response to a movie, but in fact it’s the blowback from a over a decade of a policy of mistakes and a growing anti-west .. show full overview
FBI Gone Wild
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The Internet Archive is amassing the worlds TV News Since 2009, we explore this amazing new tool, plus we cover the details of a new study linking the commonly used chemical BPA to .. show full overview
Obama’s Dronegeddon
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A major new report on the secret US drone war in Pakistan says the attacks have killed far more civilians than acknowledged, traumatized a nation, and undermined international law. Stay .. show full overview
Spooky Scary Cyberwar
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After a string of high profile Cyberattacks we could be witnessing the creation of the next generation military industrial complex. Or is President Obama desperately seeking to protect .. show full overview
Meme Spotting
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It’s been a big week for Drones, in ACT1 we’ll tell you the latest on this growing new type of warfare. Plus the gift the courts gave to the telcos, and the latest in new cyber .. show full overview
Half Ton Entrapment
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We’re being warned again that a Cyber-9/11 could be around the corner, and that action must be taken now. Plus the latest on the would be terrorist plot to bomb the Federal Reserve, and .. show full overview
Third Party Hope
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There’s a good chance you missed the third party presidential debates this week, but that’s ok we’ve got the highlights from our favorite moments. And as turns out, they had quite a few .. show full overview
Super Spin Sandy
Episode overview
It’s been called a once in a lifetime super storm, we’ll reflect on the media’s coverage of this major event, and we bust the October Surprise rumors that are spreading like wildfire .. show full overview
Election 2012
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Some call it the “race that stops a nation” and tonight it stops our show. Join us as we witness this historic night unfold. We’ll follow results from around the nation in real time, .. show full overview
Toked the Vote
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Is the will of the people in Colorado and Washington be strong enough to end over 70 years of prohibition? Now that this historic vote has been cast, we examine what lies ahead on the .. show full overview
Internet Toll Booth
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Starting next week a bitter struggle between world super powers for control of the Internet will begin, we bring you up to speed on it, and update you on the efforts underway .. show full overview
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The Pentagon has announced a $100 million dollar kickstart to an expansion of America’s espionage programs. The details are stunning, and we’ll share them with you. Up first: Is the .. show full overview
Right to Work
Episode overview
What does Right to Work mean? We explain that, and we’ll look at the historic “Right to Work” legislation that passed in Michigan this week, making it the 24th state to do so. What this .. show full overview
Killer Video Games
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The media is moving quick to blame video games as the propellent to the violent event in Newtown, Connecticut. We’ll expose their tired approach, and ask the hard questions about gun .. show full overview
CBS: The NSA Network
Episode overview
On Monday a secret program authorized by a secret court was, when exposed to the light of day, found to violate American’s rights. A Federal Judge ruled that the NSA’s bulk collection of .. show full overview
Sky "High" Sales
Episode overview
A lot’s happened over our holiday break, we’ll round up the critical revelations in the NSA spying programs, and the major legal challenges the NSA is facing.Then: On January 1st 2014 .. show full overview
Neutered Net Neutrality
Episode overview
A major blow was dealt to Net Neutrality when the court struck down the ruling preventing ISPs from abusing their monopolies and prioritizing some traffic over others. However, things .. show full overview
Obama’s NSA Reform Ruse
Episode overview
President Obama has outlined his so called reforms of America’s controversial surveillance tactics. But as expected the reforms are light on real change, and leave many of the worst .. show full overview
Unfiltering the State of the Union
Episode overview
A deconstruction of the State of the Union.
Olympic Fear Games
Episode overview
The Winter Propaganda Games are in full force, ramping up before the actual games begin and the media working in hand with egomaniac politicians would have you believe the Olympics are .. show full overview
Death by Metadata
Episode overview
Two topics we’ve been closing following on the Unfilter show, Drone assassinations, and the NSA surveillance programs have intersected this week. We’ll give you the details on how Obama .. show full overview
Insane In The Ukraine
Episode overview
After three months building pressure the Ukraine is exploding this week, as anti-government protests turn more and more violent. Now the United States and Russia find themselves in a .. show full overview
Military Budget Bomb
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Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Monday proposed shrinking the Army to its smallest size in 74 years, closing bases and reshaping forces to confront future threats like cyberwarfare. Old .. show full overview
The Ukraine Invasion
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Russia and United States are meeting face to face for the first time, since the situation in the Ukraine that they’ve helped create, exploded. The confirmation bias is strong, and all .. show full overview
Wikileaks Melts the Media
Episode overview
It’s the best way to watch the debate, with friends. We go MST3K on the third and final 2016 presidential debate with live pre-show, real time analysis & our thoughts after it’s all over.
Weiner's Explosive Leak
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The FBI reopens their investigation into Hillary’s private email server, along with a new avalanche of leaked emails containing legitimate bombshells about the Clinton .. show full overview
2016 Election
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Relive an absolutely historic moment as it unravels in real time. It’s our live election event with our multi-network analysis & relevant news clips from the week mixed in!
It's Trump's Turn Now
Episode overview
We dive into exactly what happened last week. We’re try to answer the question: “How did a guy that some say didn’t even want the job manage to beat a woman who has been preparing for this election for the most of the last of 40 years?”
Episode overview
Fake news is all the rage! From Obama to the media, they’d have you believe Fake News is costing us the democracy & it’s all crap. We look closer at the strange situation between RT & .. show full overview
Dakota Pipeline Mercenaries
Episode overview
The latest on the Dakota Access Pipeline & why the situation is a lot worse than you might be hearing. Plus our take on the latest in Syria, the election re-count, Trump’s cabinet picks & a thought provoking high-note. Plus a news packed Overtime!
Comey Gets Canned
Episode overview
Trump fires FBI Director James Comey & everyone one screams Watergate and Russia. But we can’t help but notice a little hypocrisy. It’s a week we won’t forget & your Unfilter show has a take like no one else.
The Comey Memo
Episode overview
Trump leaks to the Russians, Comey firing fallout, calls for impeachment & Mueller gets called in. It is a series of blockbuster news items we spring into full action & break down the essential elements of the weeks events.
The Panda Patriot
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The iron curtain of shame has fallen around any discussion regarding Seth Rich, so we discuss it anyways. The unprecedented shutdown of the discussion, where things stand & what might .. show full overview
Comey Fires Back
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We break down the important moments of James Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee. Plus NSA leaker Reality Winner, the recent London attacks, Putin’s interview with Megyn Kelly & much more!
The Salty Sessions
Episode overview
We break down Jeff Session’s Russia hearing testimony, the UK’s Internet crackdown dream, Trump’s confusion & some follow up from last week. Plus a packed Overtime, an important High Note & more!
Collusion to Obstruction
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While the investigation into Trump campaign collusion with Russia bears little fruit, the investigation into obstruction of justice could really be going somewhere. We discuss how Trump .. show full overview
Russian Nothing Burger
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Ransomware has everyone freaking out about Cyber & the whole mess makes the perfect case against giving governments back doors to technologies. Plus the latest in the Russia .. show full overview
Low Road Journalism
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The media suffers a meltdown this week after a series of tweets by Donald Trump. We’ll cover the aspects of this story that aren’t a distraction & discuss the much larger issue at .. show full overview
I Love It
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New emails this time from Donald Trump Jr expose potential intention to collude with the Russian government to get dirt on Hillary. But could it all be a dirty Fusion GPS trap? Plus .. show full overview
White House Apprentice
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It’s Jeff Sessions’ time in the Trump slam machine, but this be a long-con to accomplish a much larger goal. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s aide was arrested trying to leave the country & .. show full overview
Rich Developments
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Rod Wheeler files a lawsuit against Fox news that results in major new developments in the Seth Rich story. Plus the revolving door at the white house, some convenient bacon & a positive high-note.
Fire and Fury
Episode overview
North Korea has everyone freaking out this week, we’ll share a little historical context for the current situation & what’s new. Plus a “cyber mastermind” is caught, but we have major questions, a major win for CBD oils & much more!
