The League

  • :
  • : 84
  • : 3022
  • FXX
  • 22
  • Comedy Sport



Sitting Shiva
Episode overview
Kevin struggles with being married to the Shiva champ. Andre's newfound confidence is unbearable. Taco hits the links. The guys attend a funeral.
Episode overview
Jay Glazer does a big favor for Andre. Kevin is diagnosed with Low T. Ruxin meddles with Baby Geoffrey's Little League team.
The Height Supremacist
Episode overview
Andre gets punished by the rest of the League. Jenny picks her team based on height. Ellie invites Darren Sproles to a dance. Pete needs the help of TacoCorp.
When Rafi Met Randy
Episode overview
The beautiful story of Randall and Rafael's meeting in a mental institution and how it forever changed their lives.
The Hot Tub
Episode overview
Kevin and Jenny get a hot tub. Taco shops for a new home. Pete tries to put an end to hand holding.
Breast Awareness Month
Episode overview
Andre uses Breast Cancer Awareness Month as an excuse to wear pink. Taco starts his own Charity. Kevin has a run in with his doctor.
The Heavenly Fouler
Episode overview
Andre rescues a cat. Pete has to choose between a great prank and a great girl. Kevin plays basketball with his priest.
Man Land
Episode overview
Jenny's dad takes the guys camping. Andre and Russell go into business together. Pete's new team name offends Kevin who refuses to say it.
Taco Standard Time
Episode overview
Taco takes on the end of Daylight Savings Time. The guys try to help to Lane during a difficult time. Andre and his cat M'Lady are on the rocks.
Epi Sexy
Episode overview
Pete is dating a girl who has seizures during sex. Andre starts wearing glasses. Taco's frittata friend teaches Jenny to cook.
Episode overview
Taco and Andre both want the guys to watch football at their new establishments. Pete tries to hide something he has in common with Andre. Ruxin is disgusted by his co-worker's hygiene habits.
Ménage à Cinq
Episode overview
Taco finds a new strain of marijuana. Andre tries to control Pete's relationship with one of his patients. Trixie Von Stein's return complicates Russell and Andre's already competitive relationship.
The Beach House
Episode overview
There is more at stake this year than just the Shiva; Ted's beach house is also up for grabs. Ruxin tries to impress an agent. Jenny has grown attached to the Shiva.
