The Co-Optional Podcast
: 319
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Talk show
TGS Podcast - #1 ft Gunns4Hire, hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Gunns4Hire.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Gunns4Hire.
TGS Podcast - #2 ft HuskyStarcraft, hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest HuskyStarcraft.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest HuskyStarcraft.
TGS Podcast - #3 ft Myndflame, hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Myndflame.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Myndflame.
TGS Podcast - #4 ft MuzzaFuzza, hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest MuzzaFuzza.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest MuzzaFuzza.
TGS Podcast - #5 (Cat Edition) w/ TotalBiscuit, Dodger and Jesse
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Maru The Cat.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Maru The Cat.
TGS Podcast - #6 (On Time Edition) ft YOGCAST w/ TotalBiscuit, Dodger and Jesse
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Yogscast.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Yogscast.
TGS Podcast - #7 ft Mike from ZAMofficial, hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guest ZAMofficial.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guest ZAMofficial.
TGS Podcast - #8 ft Davis of TheWarpZone, hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger, & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest TheWarpZone.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest TheWarpZone.
TGS Podcast - #9 ft HuskyStarcraft?, hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest HuskyStarcraft?.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest HuskyStarcraft?.
TGS Podcast - #10 ft JONTRON, hosted by TB, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest JonTron.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest JonTron.
The Game Station Podcast #11 (Feat. PBG) - TGS is getting renovated, podcast is temporarily here
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest PeanutButterGamer.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest PeanutButterGamer.
TGS Podcast - #12 ft AngryJoe, hosted by TB, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Angry Joe.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Angry Joe.
TGS Podcast - #13 ft Husky and Ro!, hosted by Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guests HuskyStarcraft and Rosanna.
Hosted by Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guests HuskyStarcraft and Rosanna.
TGS Podcast - #14 TB, Dodger & Jesse Together in Los Angeles!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
TGS Podcast - #15 ft The Completionist, hosted by TB, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest The Completionist.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest The Completionist.
TGS Podcast - #16 ft Layne Pavoggi, hosted by TB, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Layne Pavoggi.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Layne Pavoggi.
TGS Podcast - #17 ft Wowcrendor, hosted by TB, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest WoWCrendor.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest WoWCrendor.
TGS Podcast - #18 ft Josh from Indiestatik, hosted by TB & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guest Indiestatik.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guest Indiestatik.
TGS Podcast - #19 ft JonTron & PeanutButterGamer, hosted by Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by Dodger and Jesse Cox. Featuring guests JonTron and PeanutButterGamer.
Hosted by Dodger and Jesse Cox. Featuring guests JonTron and PeanutButterGamer.
TGS Podcast - #20 ft KnightWing01, hosted by TB, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest KnightWing01.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest KnightWing01.
TGS Podcast - #21 ft ZoocDoesStuff, hosted by TB, Dodger & Jesse!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ZoocDoesStuff.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ZoocDoesStuff.
TGS Podcast - #22 ft DaveChaos, hosted by Jesse Cox, Dodger & Dancing Panda!
Episode overview
Hosted by Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guests The Dancing Panda and DaveChaos.
Hosted by Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guests The Dancing Panda and DaveChaos.
TGS Podcast - #23 PAX Edition, hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger, & Jesse Cox
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
TGS Podcast - #24 ft. InTheLittleWood & WowCrendor, hosted by TotalBiscuit & Jesse Cox
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and WoWCrendor. Featuring guest InTheLittleWood.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and WoWCrendor. Featuring guest InTheLittleWood.
TGS Podcast - #25, hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, StephenPlays and IndieStatik
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guests StephenPlays and Indiestatik.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guests StephenPlays and Indiestatik.
TGS Podcast - #26, Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger, & Jesse Cox, ft. PurpleRodri
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest PurpleRodri.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest PurpleRodri.
TGS Podcast - #27, ft. Felicia Day, Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger, & Jesse Cox
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Felicia Day.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Felicia Day.
TGS PODCAST #28, Hosted by Jesse Cox ft. Myndflame, WoWCrendor, & MunchingOrange
Episode overview
Hosted by Jesse Cox and WoWCrendor. Featuring guests Myndflame and MunchingOrange.
Hosted by Jesse Cox and WoWCrendor. Featuring guests Myndflame and MunchingOrange.
TGS Podcast #29 ft. ChuggaaConroy, Hosted by Total Biscuit & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Dodger. Featuring guest ChuggaaConroy.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Dodger. Featuring guest ChuggaaConroy.
TGS Podcast #30 ft. Jarett Cale, Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Jarett Cale.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Jarett Cale.
TGS Podcast #31 ft. JP McDaniel, Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ItMeJP.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ItMeJP.
TGS Podcast #32 ft. Yamimash, Hosted by Jesse Cox, Totalbiscuit, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by Jesse Cox, TotalBiscuit and Dodger. Featuring guest Yamimash.
Hosted by Jesse Cox, TotalBiscuit and Dodger. Featuring guest Yamimash.
TGS Podcast #33 ft. Lucahjin, Hosted by Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Lucahjin.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Lucahjin.
TGS Podcast #34 ft. BlameTheController, Hosted by Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest BlameTheController.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest BlameTheController.
TGS Podcast #35 ft. SideStrafe, Hosted by Jesse Cox, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest SideStrafe.
Hosted by Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest SideStrafe.
TGS Podcast #36 ft. KnightWing01, Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest KnightWing01.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest KnightWing01.
TGS Podcast #37 Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
TGS Podcast #38 Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
TGS Podcast #39 ft. ElderGeekDotCom Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ElderGeekDotCom.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ElderGeekDotCom.
TGS Podcast #40 ft. ImAnderZEL Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ImAnderZEL.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ImAnderZEL.
TGS Podcast #41 ft. CinnamonToastKen Hosted by TotalBiscuit, JesseCox, & Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest CinnamonToastKen.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest CinnamonToastKen.
TGS Podcast #42 ft. TheCompletionist Hosted by TotalBiscuit & Jesse Cox
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guest The Completionist.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guest The Completionist.
TGS Podcast #43 Featuring ChuggaConroy Hosted by TotalBiscuit & Jesse Cox
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guest ChuggaaConroy.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Featuring guest ChuggaaConroy.
TGS Podcast #44 ft. Criken Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Criken.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Criken.
TGS Podcast #45 ft. ForceSC2Strategy Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ForceSC2Strategy.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ForceSC2Strategy.
TGS Podcast #46 Feat. TalesOfLumin
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest TalesOfLumin.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest TalesOfLumin.
TGS Podcast #47 Feat. TradeChat
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest TradeChat.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest TradeChat.
TGS Podcast #48 Ft. Markiplier, Myndflame, WoWCrendor, and Jesse Cox!
Episode overview
Hosted by WoWCrendor and Jesse Cox. Featuring guests Myndflame and Markiplier.
Hosted by WoWCrendor and Jesse Cox. Featuring guests Myndflame and Markiplier.
TGS Podcast #49: Live at PAX East 2013 ft. RELEASE THE CRIKEN!
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Criken.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Criken.
TGS Podcast #50 Ft. DMJared, WoWCrendor, Dodger, and Jesse Cox!
Episode overview
Hosted by WoWCrendor, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest DMJared.
Hosted by WoWCrendor, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest DMJared.
TGS Podcast #51 ft. AngryJoe, Lisa Foiles & WowCrendor, hosted by TotalBiscuit
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and WoWCrendor. Featuring guests Angry Joe and Lisa Foiles.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit and WoWCrendor. Featuring guests Angry Joe and Lisa Foiles.
TGS Podcast #52 ft. ZeitgeistReview Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ZeitgeistReview.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ZeitgeistReview.
TGS Podcast #53 Featuring Jwittz Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Jwittz.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Jwittz.
TGS Podcast #54 Featuring Rurikhan hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger, and Jesse Cox
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Rurikhan.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Rurikhan.
TGS Podcast #55 Featuring AzuriteReaction Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest AzuriteReaction.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest AzuriteReaction.
TGS Podcast #56 Featuring Caddicarus hosted by TotalBiscuit, Dodger, and Jesse Cox
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Caddicarus.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest Caddicarus.
TGS Podcast #57 Ft. DissidiusWasTaken hosted by WowCrendor, Dodger, and Jesse Cox
Episode overview
Hosted by WowCrendor, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest DissidiusWasTaken.
Hosted by WowCrendor, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest DissidiusWasTaken.
TGS Podcast #58 Featuring ItMeJP hosted by Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ItMeJP.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest ItMeJP.
TGS Podcast #59 hosted by Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger.
TGS Podcast #60 Ft. SmoothMcGroove hosted by Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest SmoothMcGroove.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest SmoothMcGroove.
TGS Podcast #61 Ft. WoWCrendor hosted by Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest WoWCrendor.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest WoWCrendor.
TGS Podcast #62 Ft. ThatOneVideoGamer hosted by Totalbiscuit, Jesse Cox, and Dodger
Episode overview
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest The Completionist.
Hosted by TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox and Dodger. Featuring guest The Completionist.
Played by:
Played by:
Occasional Host
Played by:
Played by:
Jesse Cox