
Looking Through Your Skin
Episode overview
To be asked to diagnose a fault inside such a complex system as the human body without being able to look inside it would appear to make the task very difficult, yet this is a problem .. show full overview
Signals From the Mind
Episode overview
It is part of everyday social experience that we receive and send out signals indicative of our emotional or mental state. 'He looked happy' ... 'she sounded rather anxious' ... 'he .. show full overview
You as an Engine
Episode overview
The body can be regarded as a rather special internal combustion engine, insofar as its ability to perform mechanical work is concerned. Some of this work is expended to keep it alive, .. show full overview
Pumps, Pipes and Flows
Episode overview
The heart was at one time thought to be the very seat of life and personality, and indeed we still speak of black hearted villains and soft hearted aunts. This was so presumably because .. show full overview
Spikes and Waves
Episode overview
It is one of the properties of muscle and nerve cells that their activity is accompanied by electrical events which can be detected outside the cells. An extreme manifestation of this .. show full overview
Probes, Sondes and Sounds
Episode overview
If one had to associate a particular instrument with doctors in general, it would certainly be the stethoscope. It enables him with convenience and decorum to listen to the noises inside .. show full overview
