
  • :
  • : 37
  • : 50
  • MBS
  • 1
  • Animation Anime Comedy Drama Romance



Home Cooking and Girlfriend
Episode overview
Kazuya and Chizuru have decided to make a movie together so that Granny Sayuri can see it. That's all well and good, but now they have to sit down and work out all the details.
Girlfriend Next Door
Episode overview
Ruka demands an explanation from Kazuya and Chizuru, and Mini overhears it all going down! What will she do with this information?
Expert and Girlfriend
Episode overview
With the momentum of the crowdfunding campaign stalling, Kazuya must turn to Mini, who happens to be an expert on the matter!
D-Day and Girlfriend
Episode overview
Mini's earnest appeal makes things awkward. Meanwhile, Umi makes a request in return for retweeting the campaign.
Filming and Girlfriend
Episode overview
Filming for the movie begins, and seeing her act in the flesh, Kazuya realizes that Chizuru exists in a whole different dimension from him. Meanwhile, Mini is hatching a plot of her own.
Final Scene and Girlfriend
Episode overview
Kazuya and Chizuru end up at a ski resort, finding themselves having to shoot the final scene for the movie all on their own. Chizuru decides she has something to say to Kazuya.
Kazuya and Girlfriend
Episode overview
It's Ruka's birthday, and Kazuya has to stay true to his word and grant her anything she desires. But what does she want, really?
Family and Girlfriend
Episode overview
Sayuri tags along with Kazuya and Chizuru as they scout out the cinema they'll be screening their movie in, and it brings back memories for her.
Parting and Girlfriend
Episode overview
With Sayuri's prospects looking bleak, Kazuya pulls off the only thing he can do for Chizuru and her.
Spontaneous Trip and Girlfriend
Episode overview
Not knowing what to do, Kazuya looks to good old Sumi for advice. She decides to take him on a trip to help clear his mind.
Girlfriend and Boyfriend
Episode overview
Kazuya decides to rent Chizuru out for an entire day and puts together a date plan to help cheer her up. Will he be successful?
Ideal Girlfriend and Girlfriend
Episode overview
Seeing Chizuru overcome with grief, Kazuya decides to give her an outlet and sees the ensuing moment as a big change in their relationship.
