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  • : 1312
  • : 889
  • TV Tokyo
  • 18
  • Action Adventure Animation Anime Comedy Family Fantasy



From A to Z!
Episode overview
On the way to Snowbelle City, Bonnie discovers a small green Pokémon hiding in her bag. The Pokédex can’t identify it, so she decides to name it Squishy. Soon after, our heroes encounter .. show full overview
Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes
Episode overview
On the way to Snowbelle City, Ash and the others call Professor Sycamore to learn more about Bonnie’s new friend Squishy! Team Rocket gets excited upon hearing that it might be a new .. show full overview
A Giga Battle with Mega Results
Episode overview
Our heroes are traveling through the woods when they hear a cry for help! They find a woman whose leg is stuck in a rocky crevice, and manage to free her. She shows them the Mega Stone .. show full overview
A Fiery Rite of Passage!
Episode overview
During their trek across a vast grassland, our heroes hear a powerful roar in the distance! It’s the leader of a Pyroar pride, who is sternly commanding a young Litleo to leave the pride .. show full overview
Dream a Little Dream from Me!
Episode overview
Our heroes camp out to watch a meteor shower, and then curl up in their sleeping bags. During the night, Pikachu and Team Rocket’s Meowth wake up thirsty and run into each other on their .. show full overview
The Legend of the Ninja Hero!
Episode overview
Our heroes are delighted to bump into Ash’s friend Sanpei and his Greninja, and join them as they return to their home in Ninja Village. It’s quite a reunion, with Sanpei’s brothers and .. show full overview
A Festival of Decisions!
Episode overview
While our heroes are visiting their friend Sanpei’s home in Ninja Village, Chief Hanzo is captured by a group of mysterious ninja! Their leader is Kagetomo, a gifted ninja who has .. show full overview
A Dancing Debut!
Episode overview
Serena, her friend Nini, and Jessilee are competing in the Couriway Pokémon Showcase! The first round is a Poké Puff Performance, and it’s more than just a bake-off—the performers have .. show full overview
Meeting at Terminus Cave!
Episode overview
As our heroes enter Terminus Cave, Squishy takes off! Before the others can catch up, Squishy sends a message to a similar-looking Pokemon. This alerts Team Flare, and they scatter to .. show full overview
A Cellular Connection!
Episode overview
As our heroes continue to search for Squishy after an encounter with Team Flare, some angry Toxicroak force them off a cliff! Bunnelby launches itself at Bonnie to break her fall, but .. show full overview
A Windswept Encounter!
Episode overview
In a beautiful meadow, Ash’s Noibat accidentally runs into a Breloom, who attacks with its poisonous spores! Clemont doesn’t have any medicine, but a passing Floette sees Noibat in .. show full overview
Party Dancecapades!
Episode overview
Serena gets an invitation to a dance party hosted by Pierre, the emcee of the Pokemon Showcase! Everyone is there, including Jessie and James (of course), and even Kalos Queen Aria. .. show full overview
A Meeting of Two Journeys
Episode overview
Ash and Sawyer meet up for a battle, and Greninja and Sceptile, now evolved, are excited for their rematch! Nearby, Alain, who’s on a journey to study Mega Evolution, pauses to watch the .. show full overview
An Explosive Operation
Episode overview
In search of Team Flare and Squishy, Team Rocket meets a similar-looking Pokemon, known as Z2...and Team Flare is right behind it! The two teams battle back and forth, and Z2 changes .. show full overview
A Watershed Moment!
Episode overview
Our heroes come across an old-fashioned robot planting seeds in a wasteland, and its protector, a powerful Chesnaught! They meet the inventor’s grandson and learn about Robon the robot’s .. show full overview
Master Class Choices!
Episode overview
Our heroes are in Fleurrh City for Serena’s next Pokemon Showcase, where she’s hoping to win her third Princess Key and qualify for the Master Class. She’s going up against a hometown .. show full overview
An Electrifying Rage!
Episode overview
For once, Ash, Serena, and Bonnie are having trouble keeping up with Clemont as he rushes toward a festival to honor the Legendary Pokémon Zapdos—who arrives in a raging lightning storm! .. show full overview
Unlocking Some Respect!
Episode overview
Our heroes check out a gem exhibition, but it’s canceled when Master Thief Keyes picks the lock! He often targets the work of locksmith Ed, whose apprentice Locke recently quit. Ed has .. show full overview
Master Class is in Session!
Episode overview
It’s time for the Pokémon Showcase Master Class, and Serena’s friends and rivals have come to compete: Shauna, Miette, and Nini! For the first time, the performers are competing .. show full overview
Performing a Pathway to the Future!
Episode overview
In the semi-finals of the Pokémon Showcase Master Class, Serena comes out ahead of Jessie and Shauna to challenge Aria for the crown of Kalos Queen! As Palermo watches, Serena gives a .. show full overview
A Keeper for Keeps?!
Episode overview
Bonnie is always looking for someone to take care of her big brother—until suddenly, someone agrees to do so! Lilia is looking for a partner who can take over her father’s robotics .. show full overview
Battling at Full Volume!
Episode overview
Rock guitarist Jimmy and his Pikachu, Spike, are always looking for other strong Pikachu Trainers to battle, and Team Rocket points them in Ash’s direction! But Ash is in bed with a .. show full overview
The Synchronicity Test!
Episode overview
Clemont has been wondering about the mysterious change that sometimes happens to Ash and Greninja during battle, and he wants to get to the bottom of it—with science! He challenges .. show full overview
Making Friends and Influencing Villains!
Episode overview
Team Rocket finds some delicious macarons in the forest and happily digs in, only to be attacked by a group of Phantump who think the treats are theirs—but one little Phantump with .. show full overview
Championing a Research Battle!
Episode overview
After hearing Gym Leader Olympia’s ominous prediction, Champion Diantha visits our heroes just as Ash and Greninja are doing some special training. To find out more about the bond they .. show full overview
A Full-Strength Battle Surprise!
Episode overview
On their way to Snowbelle City, our heroes run into their friend Sawyer, who’s already won his eighth Gym badge. Ash wants to show off what he’s learned about Greninja, and Sawyer wants .. show full overview
All Hail the Ice Battlefield!
Episode overview
Our heroes and Sawyer arrive in Snowbelle City, and Ash is fired up to win his final badge at the freezing Gym! First up is Wulfric’s Abomasnow, whose Ability causes hail to fall on the .. show full overview
Seeing the Forest for the Trees!
Episode overview
Ash is alone in the forest after losing at the Snowbelle Gym. Serena tracks him down, but they end up in a shouting match, and she runs off after angrily telling Ash to start acting like .. show full overview
A Real Icebreaker!
Episode overview
After a breakthrough, Ash is back at the Snowbelle City Gym for a rematch with Wulfric—and this time, things are quite different! Wulfric challenges Ash to show him a fiery battle, and .. show full overview
A Diamond in the Rough!
Episode overview
A visit to a friend confronts our heroes with a most unusual group of challenges! Our heroes are visiting the wetland where Ash’s friend Goodra now lives when they run into a group of .. show full overview
A Gaggle of Gadget Greatness!
Episode overview
Ash, Serena, and Bonnie are having a tough time keeping up with Clemont! Where is he going in such a hurry? It’s the Gadget Festival, where playful inventors exhibit their mechanical .. show full overview
A League of His Own!
Episode overview
Our heroes have arrived in Lumiose City for the Kalos League, where they meet up with Tierno, Trevor, Sawyer, and even Alain! The very first matchup is Trevor vs. Alain—and it’s an .. show full overview
Valuable Experience For All!
Episode overview
At the Kalos League, Ash defeats Astrid and her Mega Absol to move into the semifinals, securing a spot alongside Alain. There’s just one spot left—and Tierno and Sawyer are battling for .. show full overview
Analysis Versus Passion!
Episode overview
Alain and Remo are battling in the semifinals of the Kalos League, and it’s clear these two Trainers have a heated rivalry—but Remo’s Mega Garchomp is no match for Alain’s Mega .. show full overview
A Riveting Rivalry!
Episode overview
It’s Ash’s Pikachu versus Sawyer’s Aegislash in the semifinals of the Kalos League! Sawyer presents a strategic challenge when Aegislash leaves the battlefield covered with fallen trees, .. show full overview
Kalos League Passion with a Certain Flare!
Episode overview
The day before the Kalos League finals between Ash and Alain, our heroes meet Alain’s young friend Mairin when she rescues Clemont’s wayward Chespin! Team Flare is also in Lumiose City, .. show full overview
Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted!
Episode overview
The long-anticipated Kalos League finals are getting under way, as Ash faces off against Alain in a full six-on-six battle! The two seem evenly matched, trading one knockout after .. show full overview
Down to the Fiery Finish!
Episode overview
The Kalos League finals between Ash and Alain are in full swing, as Alain’s Charizard defeats an exhausted Pikachu. Next, Alain’s Bisharp defeats Goodra and falls to Greninja—and just as .. show full overview
A Towering Takeover!
Episode overview
The Kalos League award ceremony is interrupted as giant creeping vines engulf the stadium and threaten to take over Lumiose City! Lysandre broadcasts Team Flare’s manifesto: they want to .. show full overview
Coming Apart at the Dreams!
Episode overview
As Lysandre’s attempt to take over Lumiose City continues, our heroes are doing what they can to defeat him. Ash and his Pokémon have been captured, but when Alain realizes that his work .. show full overview
The Right Hero for the Right Job!
Episode overview
Lysandre’s threat to the world continues, but our heroes have split up and are fighting back on several fronts! Ash and Alain face Lysandre in battle, and Malva joins them in solidarity. .. show full overview
Rocking Kalos Defenses!
Episode overview
Team Flare appears to be defeated for now—Clemont has destroyed their control system at great personal cost, and Alain and Ash have battled Lysandre to a standstill. But as the villain .. show full overview
Forming a More Perfect Union!
Episode overview
An amazing assembly of powerful Pokémon and Trainers—including the Kalos Gym Leaders and two Champions—have come to help our heroes stop Team Flare! This teamwork allows Ash and Alain to .. show full overview
Battling With a Clean Slate!
Episode overview
The Lumiose Gym has been through a lot, but everyone is working together to get it up and running again. Clembot is back, too, although Clemont hasn’t been able to restore its memories. .. show full overview
The First Day of the Rest of Your Life!
Episode overview
Lumiose City is nearly back to normal, and Serena has an idea for a celebration. With Professor Sycamore’s help, she and Shauna put on a special performance for everyone! They’re soon .. show full overview
Facing the Needs of the Many!
Episode overview
After returning Goodra to its home, our heroes are suddenly confronted by a giant creeping vine—just like the ones Team Flare unleashed on Lumiose City! The scientist Xerosic is trying .. show full overview
Till We Compete Again!
Episode overview
At the Lumiose airport, Ash is heading home to Kanto, Serena is catching a flight to Hoenn, and Clemont and Bonnie have come to see them off. Dedenne doesn’t seem to understand what’s .. show full overview
