
How Much Money Does Pewdiepie Make????? (Updated 2015)
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Hey there, I did a video on how much pewds makes a couple months ago, and it got a lot of views. So I decided I would to another more updated and accurate video on his earnings. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe!
Has Youtube Met Its Match?????
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In this video all I really talk about is how facebook plans on adding ads to videos shared on there site. I thought it was interesting and just wanted to share it with you guys.
The Vortex SMP Episode 1! Just Derping Around and Explaining Things.
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In this video we just mess around and I talk about my plans on the server as well as show you around! Hope you like this new style of video from me.
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This is my 100th video, and I combined clips from my 99 previous videos.... Hope you enjoy, and I will be uploading tons more videos soon!
Does Spam Work?????
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In this video I talk about spam comments on youtube. We all hate reading them and there not effective at all....
I Hate Pewdiepie!!!!!
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I pretty much explain it in the video. I dont hate pewds I just want to see how many little 12 years olds will come and dislike this video. This is just an experiment.
Vanoss vs Speedy! Which is better?
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In this video I compare Vanoss vs Speedy. They are both pretty much the same and I love both there videos. Make sure to leave a like if you enjoy.
Top 5 NON-COPYRIGHTED Songs!!!!!
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These are my favorite Non-copyrighted songs that you CAN use in your videos.
Minecraft Mansion Timelapse
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Thanks for stopping by and watching what I hope to be a weekly series. I thought this build turned out well, and make sure you let me know what you think down below.
New COD Zombies In 2014?????
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I pretty much tell you everything I have been thinking about in the video. What do you think should bo2 make a new DLC? Would you buy it?
Flappy Bird - Builders Showdown, Which is Better?
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My friends were bored and wanted to see who could make the better flappy bird. So comment down below which one you think is better, Left or Right.
How Many Youtubers Are Millionaries?????
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In this video I talk about how many youtubers have made over a million dollars off of youtube. I hope you enjoy!
How Much Money Does KyR's Speedy's Crew Make?????
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In this video I talk about how much kyr speedy and all his friends make hope you enjoy!
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In the video I pretty much explain everything.
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I pretty much say everything in the video.
How Much Money Do I Make?????
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Thought I would mix it up and instead of talking about a different youtuber, I talk about my self :)
How Video Games Boosted My SAT Score. Lol
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Yup kids play minecraft a lot because it will help you get into a better college and make a million more dollars in your life.
What It Takes To Be A Full Time Youtuber...
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In this video I talk about what it takes to do youtube as a job. I think its a very interesting topic and hope you like the video.
Should College Athletes Be Paid?????
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In this video I voice my opinion on whether or not college athletes should be paid. Let me know what you think!
How Much Money Does "Skydoesminecraft" Make????
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In this video I talk about how much money sky makes from his "army." I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
How Much Money Does "Element Animation" Make?????
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In dis video I talk about how much money they make.... Enjoy!
Two Years of Youtube.
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In dis video I talk about a couple of things I have learned and they may seem like common sense but some many people don't do these things.
Youtube Networks Requirerments. (Machinima, TGN, 8byte....)
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In this video I talk about what it takes to join these networks. It was not easy finding the requirements.
Should I join FaZe?????
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**Sorry for how short it is** I will be doing funny montages like this for a little while. Hope you like it!
Yup I is the best at the game.
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Hope you enjoy this funny montage. leave a like if you did. I thought it turned out pretty good.
1k Subs
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Hey thanks for subscribing to me. I will upload daily soon. The first part of April is always busy for me because I am playing for two baseball teams atm. Hope you enjoy!
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I pretty much say it all in the video. Hope it helps.
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Today I play the impossible game. Much rage and much frustration is involved.
Youtube ad.
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So youtube has this program called "Fan Finder". Which allows a person with over 1,000 subs to run a youtube ad campaign for no cost. So here it is this is my ad that will be running .. show full overview
Hearthstone - All Beards Challenge!
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In this video I play a couple duels only using cards with Beards. Hope you enjoy!
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I got out of school early and apparently there are tornado's around, so I made a vlog because I was really bored.
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This is a parody me and my friend chris wrote of "Best Day of My Life." It turned out really well and I hope you guys enjoy this video about cod and maybe it will make you play it again :)
How Much Money Does Tobuscus Make?????
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I decided after reading all the comment's and messages that I would bring this back. So to kick it off I talk about Tobuscus and how much he makes!
How Much Money Does CaptainSparkles Make????? 2016
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In this video I talk about how much the minecraft god captian sparkles makes off of youtube. Its pretty crazy and I hope you enjoy.
How Much Money Does Penguinz0 Make????? 2016
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In this video I talk about how much Penguinz0 makes off of youtube. He is almost at 1 Million subs and if you have not heard of him you need to go watch him!
I Got Really Really Really Bored....
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I started editting a little (if thats what this is called). I have no idea how it got to this so here ya go lol. I hope you enjoy and this is a joke :)
How Much Does PewDiePie Make????? 2016
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Yes I have made 2 videos like this in the past but this is the last one I will make. Pewdiepie is the number one youtuber and alot of people want to know what he earns.... Enjoy!
5 Youtubers I Think Will Be Famous...
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I this video I talk about 5 channels that I think will get a ton of subs over the next year and more than likely make it big.
Computer vs Console My Perspective.
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I talk about pc's and consoles in this video. I used to be a full all out console person but now with my new pc things have changed.
This Kid Should Quit COD....
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The video says it all.
Minecraft Build-off Fun!!!!!
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We have a build off competition in minecraft. Leave a comment on who you thought won each build!
Fun In COD. - Insane Reactions Lol
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This is my playing COD with my friends and just derping and goofing. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
Crazy Nub Tub Reactions! Bo2 Fun!
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These montages are a ton of fun to make, I hope you enjoy and be sure to like if you did!
G2g Brb
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So I pretty much explain it in the video I am going to a basketball camp for the next week and will not be able to upload every day like I have been doing.
How Much Money Does FaZe Rain Make?????
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This is something I get asked alot so here you go I talk about how much he makes. I used real numbers and tried to be accurate.
How Much Money Does Tmartn Make?????
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In this video I talk about how much tmartn makes off of youtube. Hope you enjoy and check out my other ones if you did.
Hacker in Ghost???? I Couldn't Kill Him.
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I decided to give ghost one last chance and it did not even take more than a minute to realize why I quit playing it :)
Youtube Grind
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In this video I talk about how youtube can sometimes become a grind and I also explain why i have not been uplaoding.
In Dis Video I Play Minecraft. (Factions)
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I show you guys around my base and just let you see all the things I have built on woodycraft. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.
Youtube Dream
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This video is a little random and covers a range of topics but none the less I hope you enjoy!
Top Youtube "ShoutOuts"
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This video is a little different but I think it is still very entertaining. Let me know what you think in the comments!
How Much Money Does FaZe Make?????
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In this video I talk about FaZe and how much money they make. Hopefully you enjoy and let me know what you thing down below.
How Much Does "Epic Rap Battles" Make?????
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I really enjoy ERB, so I decided to make a video about them. If you enjoy be sure to let me know what you think down below!
How Much Does WhiteBoy7thSt Make????? 2016
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The title says it all, I talk about how much whiteboy makes off of youtube. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
How Much Money Does Yogscast Make????? 2016
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Yogscast actually gets a ton of views (more than I thought they did) I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down below!
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I am trying to get back into youtube and just want to know if you guys would watch minecraft. I don't want to upload it if its only going to get disliked.
Vanoss vs Speedy! Who is better? Updated.
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Let me know what you think down below and who you think is better.
Money Problems
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This is a little different of a video and I just want to know what you think!
How Much Money Does "Chris Smooth" Make?????
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The title says it all, I hope you enjoy!
20 Best Websites?????
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In this video I talk about the top websites on all of the internet. Let me know what you think down below!.
Opening Old Basketball Cards! Ep. #1 (Michael Jordan Found)
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As I stated in the video my dad had tons of old basketball and football cards. I decided to open them and make videos for you guys to enjoy. Let me know what you think!
How much money does VanossGaming Make? 2016
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Hey guys I realize I have not been uploading much but maybe I can start back up again!
MageCraft - Beginners tutorial. (The app)
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This app was just released two weeks ago, and I thought I would help out some of the newer guys with a quick tutorial.
Best League Player In The Universe.
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Let me know what you think. I personally think this is a good video.
How Much Money Did Gangnam Style Earn??? 2016
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Yup, he earned over a million dollars off of a single youtube video.
Milestones And Plans For My Channel
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Just talking about what I plan on doing in the coming months.
Five Facts You Didn't Know About Youtube.
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I pretty much go over it all in the video, let me know what you think down below.
Pewdiepie Was On T.V.
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I wonder if I will ever be on t.v.
