Mr. Adams and Eve

  • :
  • : 65
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  • CBS



Adult Western
Episode overview
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Taming of the Shrew
Episode overview
Howard and Eve are all set to appear in a production of Shakespeare's ""Taming of the Shrew"".
International Affair
Episode overview
Rajah Ahmed Khan, an Eastern potentate, visits the studio where Eve and Howard are making a picture. The Rajah immediately decides that Eve would be a lovely acquisition for his harem and offers to buy her from Howard.
Split Careers
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Joan Fontaine
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Episode overview
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The Life Story of Eve Drake and Howard Adams
Episode overview
When Hollywood scenario writers prepare a film biography of Eve and Howard, any resemblance to the real people are purely coincidental.
The Comedians
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Man with Raven
Episode overview
Howard decides to act ""Richard III"" and invites a thespian of the old school to his home.
The Artist
Episode overview
Eve is flattered and Howard skeptical when an egotistical artist asks Eve to sit for a portrait.
Active Duty
Episode overview
Howard, spending two weeks with the Air Force Reserve, finds his troubles with the commanding officer aggravated when Eve comes to the base to entertain.
Las Vegas Story
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The Producers
Episode overview
Eve and Howard turn producers and repair to a small town to film a simple story derived from real life. Their first mistake is the hiring of an Italian director.
The First Mrs. Adams
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The Service Story
Episode overview
The Adamses entertain at an Army camp. Howard can't understand why the wolf whistles from the darkened audience are only for him.
The Flack
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Jungle Madness
Episode overview
Darkest Africa is all aglow when a white hunter gets a yen for Eve while on location.
Me, the Jury
Episode overview
In the midst of making a movie, Eve receives a call to jury duty. She insists that she must fulfill her responsibilities as a citizen.
The Inheritance
Episode overview
Eve falls heir to a massive castle high on the desolate moors of Scotland.
The Big Top
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Come on to Mars' House
Episode overview
Studio chief J.B. Hafter hires an astrologer to advise him as to the best time for making movies. Stars Howard and Eve become intrigued with this method and decide to follow Hafter's example.
Episode overview
Howard is given the opportunity to direct a movie and receives enthusiastic support from Eve. But when Howard reads the script he is afraid the picture will be a flop.
Surprise! Surprise!
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The Writers
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Platter Place
Episode overview
Howard and Eve fall asleep in their producer's office. They discover that the ghosts of the silent-picture era take over in the wee small hours.
Brought to You Dead From Hollywood
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Episode overview
Ed Sullivan invites Howard and Eve to guest write a column for him. With visions of Pulitzer Prizes dancing in their heads, they set out among the city's teeming millions.
U.C.L.A. -- Eh!
Episode overview
Eve and Howard practically rewrite ancient history when they study the Etruscan Age in college.
The Lovey Doveys
Episode overview
Eve and Howard are asked to serve as hosts to a newly married couple who have won a ""perfect marriage"" contest on a TV program. But the Adamses find that the constant round of nightclubs is a strain.
Howard and Eve and Ida
Episode overview
In this episode, Ida Lupino plays both Eve and herself. Studio chief Hafter hires Ida Lupino to direct a Howard and Eve film. Howard used to date Ida, so Eve is jealous and gives her a .. show full overview
The Original MacDuffs
Episode overview
Howard and Eve overhear a telephone conversation in which J.B. Hafter, the studio head, grants many concessions to another star. When they make the same demands, Hafter tells them that .. show full overview
The Ghosts of Consolidated
Episode overview
After a hectic day at the studio, Howard and Eve decide it is too late to go home. So they fall asleep in their producer's office.
The Bowling Story
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Command Performance
Episode overview
Studio chief J.B. Hafter sends Howard and Eve to Europe to publicize the premiere of one of his films. They visit a small country where the ruler is a grand duchess. Eve tries to sell .. show full overview
The Stunt Man
Episode overview
A neighbor, who apparently hates movie people, complains to the police about Howard and Eve. Then he bombards them with phone calls. Eve, who has been reading up on psychology, devises a plan to cure the bothersome neighbor.
The Interview
Episode overview
While at a party, Eve is tricked into agreeing to appear on a nationwide television interview with a man known to hate the movie colony. On the show, Eve makes an unfortunate remark, .. show full overview
The Chowder Cup
Episode overview
Eve and Howard buy a half interest in a restaurant. They become so absorbed in their new enterprise that they incur the anger of their boss, J.B. Hafter, who demands that they either give up the restaurant or give up acting.
Dear Variety
Episode overview
Eve mistakes an old copy of Variety for a recent one and gets the impression that the studio is about to close down.
Steve's Girl Friend
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Planes That Pass in the Night
Episode overview
Howard and Eve take a vacation, but they can't decide where to spend it.
Teenage Idol
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