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Barking Mad
Episode overview
To launch our 41st season, host Erica Johnson reveals how pet owners may be paying hundreds of dollars for questionable treatments and procedures at the vet. On hidden camera, the .. show full overview
Movin' Day Showdown
Episode overview
It's the wild west for moving companies, so this week, Marketplace is wiring up a house with hidden cameras and getting ready for a showdown. We found a great deal online, but what's .. show full overview
The Dirt On Hotels: We're Back!
Episode overview
Marketplace is checking back in to six of Canada's largest hotel chains, testing to see if they have cleaned up their act after we revealed The Dirt on Hotels last year. Are the stains .. show full overview
Renovation Horror Story
Episode overview
Canadians are installing spray foam insulation in their homes in ever-expanding numbers. It's sold as energy-efficient, easy-to-apply solution, but when the job goes wrong, it can be a .. show full overview
Knock It Off
Episode overview
Are you sick of door-to-door salespeople and their high-pressure tactics? Watch as we reveal the secret psychology of persuasion used by door-to-door salespeople, and show how some Canadians are fighting back.
Greasy Business
Episode overview
When you trust someone else to take care of your car, can you trust that they're not taking you for a ride? This week, our undercover investigation reveals ripoffs at a popular oil .. show full overview
Food Secrets
Episode overview
It's a shopping trip you won't want to miss. We're doing some testing - and about to reveal secrets behind the food lots of us buy every week. Erica Johnson and Tom Harrington will reveal food secrets that just may change the way you eat.
Price Wars
Episode overview
"I'm afraid we're being gouged." Marketplace hits the road putting prices to the test in Canada and the US checking in on products at some of the largest retailers. It's no .. show full overview
A Shock to the System
Episode overview
It's a little machine that can save your life... if you can find it in time. Are those publicly accessible defibrillators really that accessible? It's a scavenger hunt like you've .. show full overview
You're Not Covered
Episode overview
You think you're covered... but what if you're not? Ordinary Canadians are in financial ruin after discovering they lacked the coverage they thought they were paying for. This .. show full overview
Wrap Rage Awards
Episode overview
Had it with frustrating packaging? Tape, twist-ties, impossible-to-open plastic... we asked for your nominations for Canada's most frustrating package and now we're handing out the .. show full overview
Detox Challenge
Episode overview
Eight sorority sisters take the Marketplace Detox Challenge, testing the claims behind TV star Dr. Oz's "detox" cleanse. Detoxing has become a multi-billion dollar industry and .. show full overview
Point of no Returns
Episode overview
Marketplace puts retailers' return policies to the test. Out of luck, because you've lost your receipt? Don't have the original packaging? Missed the 30-day deadline? Retailers don't .. show full overview
Farther, Faster, Fitter?
Episode overview
Can sport products make us push farther, run faster, become fitter? We're holding our own trials and asking some of Canada's greatest Olympians what works for them. Clara Hughes and .. show full overview
Show Me the Money
Episode overview
It's tax season, and Marketplace is putting financial advisors - the people you trust with your cash - to the test. We talk to ordinary Canadians who've felt the bite of bad financial .. show full overview
Up in the Air & Strange Brew
Episode overview
Nearly 60% of Canadians have tried an adventure sport like rock climbing, parasailing or ziplining. But those adventure sports can lead to terrifying misadventure... or worse. What's .. show full overview
The Trouble with Turkeys & Spot Check: Social Media
Episode overview
Erica Johnson investigates turkey and reveals the darker side of white meat. Undercover footage shows what one activist calls "the worst abuse I've ever seen inflicted on an animal," .. show full overview
Plane Wrong
Episode overview
From lost luggage to lengthy delays to oversold flights, who's looking out for you when you fly in Canada? Tom Harrington reveals the rights you have as a passenger when things go plane wrong - and when airlines won't give you the straight goods.
Canada's Restaurant Secrets
Episode overview
When we're eating out, we expect the places that make our food to be as clean as possible. But almost two million of us get sick every year. What's happening behind the .. show full overview
