• :
  • : 27
  • : 3500
  • FX
  • 22
  • Action Drama Science-fiction Thriller


Inside Season 1: The World of Legion
Episode overview
A set so beautiful... it's insane. Go behind the scenes of Legion for an inside look at the unique production design.
Inside Season 1: Costume Design
Episode overview
The clothes make the character. Go behind the scenes with the cast and crew to see how wardrobe helps tell the story.
Inside Season 1: Locations
Episode overview
How was a new world created? Go behind the scenes to see how locations help tell Legion's story.
Inside Season 1: Cast of Legion
Episode overview
A show is only as strong as its actors. Get an Inside Look at how the Legion cast was assembled.
Inside Season 1: Visual Effects
Episode overview
How does David make objects fly? Go behind the scenes to see how visual effects help shape Legion's reality.
Inside Season 1: Uncanny Romance
Episode overview
Extraordinary power creates a difficult kind of love. Go behind the scenes to see how Legion reshapes traditional romance.
Inside Season 1: Powers
Episode overview
Unknown. Unlimited. Get an inside look at the characters' unique powers with the cast and crew.
Inside Season 1: Making the Devil with the Yellow Eyes
Episode overview
Creating a creep takes extraordinary effort. Go behind the scenes to see how Legion’s special effects artists created the Devil with the Yellow Eyes.
Fractured Reality: A Different Kind of Hero
Episode overview
This extra has no summary.
Fractured Reality: A Different Kind of Hero
Episode overview
This extra has no summary.
Season 1 Deleted Scenes
Episode overview
A collection of deleted scenes from Season 1.
Where We Left Off Recap
Episode overview
A conversation between David Haller (Dan Stevens) and his rational mind, summarizing the events of Season 1.
Inside Season 2: Composing Legion
Episode overview
H—w doEs MusIc influence LeGiOn's rEAliTy? (Get) AN insidelook AT hOw thE s…c…O…r…e hELps tELl tHe s…t…O…r…y.
Inside Season 2: The Dance Battle
Episode overview
It's not your NORMAL fiGHht SCene. Go b...e...h...i...n...d the scenes for an INSiDe LooK at tHe dANce bAtTle.
Inside Season 2: What's Your Maze?
Episode overview
Get lost in their m...i...n...d...s... NaviGate the ChARacTers' mAZes wITh thE caST and CRew.
Inside Season 2: Light Writing
Episode overview
It tAkeS maGIc to crEAte a MAgicAL mOmEnt. GO bEHiNd the s...c...e...n...e...s for a lOOk at the LighT wRITing.
Inside Season 2: French with Farouk
Episode overview
Pardon his French. Go bEhInd the sCENEs fOr an INSidE LooK at hOw FAroUk UsEs laNgUaGe.
Inside Season 2: Upside Down Room
Episode overview
The l...a...w...s of rEaLity dON't applY. Get an InSiDE LoOK at tHe prOducTion dESign of LeGiOn.
Inside Season 2: Fashioning Legion
Episode overview
80s? 90s? 60s? See hOw THe c…o…s…t…u…m…e…s hELp deFy tiMe in Legion.
Inside Season 2: The Nature of Reality
Episode overview
HoW yOu tell a s...t...o...r...y is as iMpoRTant as tHe stORy yoU Are teLLIng. GET an InSiDE LoOk at NOah HaWley’S p...r...o....c...e...s...s.
Inside Season 2: Experiencing Legion
Episode overview
Frantic. Fun. Energetic. Go behind the scenes to see how the stars of Legion push the boundaries of normal.
Inside Season 3: Designing Legion's World
Episode overview
It's always different than you imagine, never what you expect. See how production design and trippy sets bring Legion's world to life.
Inside Season 3: Time Travel
Episode overview
Disorienting. Surprising. Limitless. Noah Hawley and the cast discuss how the final season's time travel pushes the limits.
Inside Season 3: Wardrobe - Legion Style
Episode overview
Their style provides power. Go behind the scenes with the cast and crew to see how wardrobe influences their performances.
Inside Season 3: Practically Weird: Prosthetics of Legion
Episode overview
Everything is outside the box. See how prosthetics allow crazy ideas to come to crazier life.
Inside Season 3: Visually Limitless
Episode overview
Boundless imagination rules the day. See how visual effects allow Legion to always pushes the limits of creativity.
Inside Season 3: Switch
Episode overview
She’s trying to find her place in the world. Meet actress Lauren Tsai, and learn more about her character, Switch.
Inside Season 3: The Creator, Noah Hawley
Episode overview
Noah Hawley's mind is an experience. The cast describes what it's like to work with the creator of Legion.
Inside Season 3: The Last of Legion
Episode overview
Ambitious. Weird. Beautiful. The cast and creators say goodbye to Legion.
