Junkyard Wars

  • :
  • : 118
  • : 7
  • TLC
  • 21
  • Game show Reality



Flying Machines
Episode overview
Challenge to build a non powered glider. The winner the one who stays aloft longest Contestants Team Yellow: The Brainy Bunch Team captain Dr. Chess Micheal David Expert Dr. .. show full overview
Episode overview
Challenge to build a cannon that can hit the target the most accurately. Contestants Team Purple Brothers in Arms Team captain Richard "Dick" Strawbridge David Strawbridge Bobby .. show full overview
Amphibious Vehicles
Episode overview
Challenge to build a vehicle that can race from a start on land to across a lake to end the race with a stretch on land to the finish. Contestants Team Turquoise The Navy .. show full overview
Land Yachts
Episode overview
Challenge to build a vehicle that is wind powered and can carry all four team members. Contestants Team Orange The Megalomaniacs Team captain Nosher Kevin Dax Expert Jacquie .. show full overview
Mileage Marathon
Episode overview
Challenge to build a vehicle that can carry one member at a time in a relay contest to see who can achieve the greatest distance with one cup of fuel. The winner got a amazing 178 .. show full overview
Marine Salvage
Episode overview
Challenge to find a way to lift a mini from a stand under water and then get it to a designated spot onshore. Contestants Team Red The Chemical Brothers Team captain Paul .. show full overview
Walking Machines
Episode overview
Challenge to build a vehicle that could navigate a course the fastest. The catch it can't use wheels. Contestants Team Orange The Megalomaniacs Team captain .. show full overview
Jumbo Trucks
Episode overview
Challenge to build a vehicle that can jump crushed cars, race down a dirt straight away, but can still be agile enough to handle tight turns. Contestants Team Blue The Law .. show full overview
Portable Bridge
Episode overview
The Challenge is to build a vehicle that not only must carry all members to a gap, but then span the gap without leaving any parts behind, retrieve a flag, and go back to where they .. show full overview
Heavy Artillery
Episode overview
Challenge to build the most accurate and destructive cannon. The objective to break the most concrete bricks in the opponent's wall. They both get three shots both teams thinking the 1st .. show full overview
Power Raft
Episode overview
Challenge for each team to build a raft that can carry two team members out of scrap. Then race the rafts up and down a white water course trying to avoiding rocks and not capsize. The .. show full overview
Episode overview
Challenge to build a glider that can stay aloft for the longest time. The course is a large hill. One team goes for a traditional design the other goes more .. show full overview
Naval Warfare
Episode overview
Challenge to build to a torpedo that can maneuver around obstacles in the water to reach the enemy ship and hit a target to register a kill. The best of five head-to-head rounds .. show full overview
Building Bashers
Episode overview
Challenge: Each team has to build the most powerful demolition machine they can. Then, they'll try to destroy 9 panels of wall built from concrete blocks. The team that completely .. show full overview