Johnny Harris

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  • Documentary History News Talk show


The REAL Reason Putin is Invading Ukraine
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War is heating up on the border of Ukraine and Russia. To understand what’s going on you have to understand what Vladimir Putin really wants.
Here’s What Happens If China Invades Taiwan
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What happens if China invades Taiwan? Here’s how the start of World War 3 might go down.
Putin Will Lose, Here's Why
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Putin is taking over land, but losing the war.
Here's Who REALLY Won the War in Afghanistan
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War is big business in the U.S. Here are some of the people who got crazy rich off the war in Afghanistan.
WTF Are Sanctions?? (and will they work against Putin?)
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We’re hearing a lot about sanctions against Russia. But what even are sanctions and will they work in pushing Putin out of Ukraine?
The Dark Side of Electric Cars
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China is snatching up the key ingredient for EV batteries.
The Danger of Ignoring Julian Assange
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Julian Assange has a long, complicated past. But regardless of what you think of him and what he did, you should care about what happens to him. Here’s why.
Cadavers, Explained
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What happens after you die?
INFLATION, Explained in 6 Minutes
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Why Everyone is Worried About Inflation
Without Roe v Wade, We NEED a Male Birth Control Pill
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This episode has no summary.
How The U.S. Ruined Bread
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I wanted to know why the bread in Europe tastes so much better than the bread in America, so I went to Paris to find out.
Why China is So Damn Big
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How China Stole All This Land
How Europe Stole the World
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How Europe Dominated the Planet
How SUBWAY is Taking Over Korea
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Subway has somehow taken over K-Dramas with some very on-the-nose product placement. I looked into it and discovered a pretty fascinating story about media, money, and foot-long sandwiches.
The Biggest Mapping Mistake of ALL TIME
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For 200 years map makers drew California as an island. The path to find out why led me on a pretty wild journey.
Putin's Land Grab Has Begun - What You Need To Know
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Note: This is a developing story, and it’s moving quickly. Since we recorded this video, Russia has taken massive steps to implement its annexation playbook over the eastern regions of .. show full overview
Why I will NEVER use the Metric System
Episode overview
The US decided not to join the rest of the world to go metric. Here’s why.
Why North Korea’s Neighbors Aren’t That Scared of Them
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The Border of North and South Korea can seem like a scary place. And yet, in the US we tend to think of everything wrong. In this piece, I jump into an alternative approach to the modern .. show full overview
Putin’s Energy War Against Europe, Explained
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Putin’s next move won’t be nukes. Instead he’s using a weapon he’s been holding on to for decades. Let me show you the moves and counter-moves of the next phase of the war in Ukraine.
The REAL Reason Europe Took Over the World
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The modern corporation was invented as a way to fuel imperialism. In Part 2 of our series on European imperialism we explore how Europe created private empires to help spread dominance and resource extraction across the globe.
What’s Really Happening in the Bermuda Triangle
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The Bermuda Triangle has been shrouded in mystery following a huge number of disappearances in the region. I wanted to answer the question: what’s really going on here?
How Qatar Bought the World Cup
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The REAL Reason Qatar is Hosting the World Cup.
What Qatar Doesn't Want the World to See | WORLD CUP 2022
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Qatar has trapped people in its country, and now they're hiding them from view.
Is This the End of Crypto?
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Things are changing in Crypto. Here’s how to think about it.
Why Recessions Happen
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You’re going to hear the word “recession” a lot in the coming months. In this video I want to explain what recessions are and why they happen.
Why Switzerland Has 374,142 Bunkers (and likely more)
Episode overview
I went to Switzerland to hunt for bunkers, something I’ve been planning and dreaming about for years. The result wasn’t just a wild trip through the mountains. It was an uncovering of .. show full overview
How Europe Stole Africa (so quickly)
Episode overview
The Scramble for Africa, Explained.