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  • Crime Drama Family Mystery News Podcast Reality Talk show



Should They Stay Together?
Episode overview
Dr. Phil’s guests say they’re at a crossroads in their relationship, and they’re not sure if they should leave their spouses. A Cry for Help Amber says her husband, Chris, is .. show full overview
Dr. Phil in New York City
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Dr. Phil hits the road to kick off an all-new season! First stop: New York City! From house calls to bridal boutiques, Dr. Phil meets you where you are to answer your most pressing .. show full overview
Live from Philedelphia
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Dr. Phil is LIVE from Philadelphia! First, it’s the story that has the city and the entire country divided: The NFL’s reinstatement of quarterback Michael Vick, who recently signed .. show full overview
Live from New York City, Part 2
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Ask Dr. Phil in Philly
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Dr. Phil Family returns
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When Does Discipline Go Too Far?
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How can you gauge when discipline crosses the line? In an exclusive interview, Dr. Phil talks to a mom accused of dragging her son through a store on a leash, and he explains how to .. show full overview
The Reality of Motherhood
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The Jaycee Lee Story
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All Aboard Amtrack with Dr. Phil
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Katherine In Court
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Ask Dr. Phil American Girl
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Drunk Driving Moms
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Girl World
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Race to the Altar
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Dr. Phil’s guests say they’re not getting any younger, and the race is on to say “I do.” Learn the biggest mistakes women make before walking down the aisle. Sharon is 48 and says her .. show full overview
The Dr. Phil Family Returns: Katherine's Boyfriend
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Dr. Phil's Family Surprise and Financial Dilemmas
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Teen Sex Trends
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Do you think you know what your teen daughters are doing at a school dance or even during the day when you’re not around? Think again. A new documentary, Oral Sex is the New Goodnight .. show full overview
Relationship Surprises
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You may think you know your loved ones, but could they be hiding a secret that would shock you? Dr. Phil’s guests reveal their personal stories about coming to terms with their sexuality .. show full overview
Ruined Reputations
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Inside Infidelity
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Dr. Phil peels back the curtain on cheating spouses when he talks to six women from the online group Mistresses Anonymous. Plus, learn how to inoculate your relationship from infidelity .. show full overview
Easier Than You Think
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Prescription-drug abuse is discussed.
Guilty Moms
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Should mothers stay at home with their young children, or should they pursue a career? Don’t miss an intense debate from both sides of this issue! The Audience Debate Jessica .. show full overview
Sibling Abuse
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Fifty-three out of every 100 siblings abuse their brother or sister. Is it happening in your home? If you’re a parent, learn the warning signs of when normal roughhousing and sibling .. show full overview
Have a Little Faith
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Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alex Speaks Out
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The Wesson Family Massacre, Part 1
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The Wesson Family Massacre, Part 2
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The 237 Reasons Why Women Have Sex
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“I wanted to make someone jealous.” “I was bored.” “I wanted to feel closer to God.” These are just a few of the 237 reasons why women say they have sex. Author and clinical psychologist .. show full overview
What No One Wants to Admit
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How do you really feel about the black person who is standing next to you on the elevator? What really goes through your mind when you pass an Asian person in the grocery store? Dr. Phil .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alex and Dr. Phil
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Sins of a Father
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Revenge: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
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Bleach, keys, bologna ” Do you know what these items have in common? They have all been used as weapons of retaliation. Dr. Phil, along with criminal defense attorney Anthony Pope and .. show full overview
A Family in Turmoil
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Affair Intervention
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Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alex Confronts Family
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Risky Teen Trends: Save Our Son
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Parents, listen up! Your A-student or football champion could be abusing ADD/ADHD medication right under your nose. Dr. Phil alerts you to the latest risky teen trends and gives you .. show full overview
Pressure for Perfection
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Whether it’s in school, sports or hobbies, all parents want their children to succeed. But can a competitive spirit go too far? Olympic champion Dominique Moceanu drops by to give pushy .. show full overview
Are You Ready For Divorce?
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Top Three Ways You're Making Your Child Obese
Episode overview
Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic, with reportedly 36 percent of children under 12 overweight. Parents: If your kids are tipping the scales, don’t miss the top three ways that you .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alexandra: Divorce and Custody
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Lazy Husbands and Cling-On Kids
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To save money, it may seem like a good idea to take in extended family members, but tough economic times shouldn’t be a free pass for freeloaders! Dr. Phil speaks with people fed up with .. show full overview
How to Negotiate Anything
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Abducted by a Predator
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“I Never Thought it Could Happen to Me”
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How many times have you heard a shocking story and thought, that could never happen to me? What if it something devastating did happen to you? Would you be able to pick up the pieces and .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Divorce and Custody, Part 2
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When Good Kids Go Bad
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Inside Infidelity, Part 2
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When Dr. Phil explored infidelity in a recent show, the debate sparked thousands of viewers to weigh in. Dr. Phil addresses the flood of comments he received on his Twitter and Facebook .. show full overview
Biggest Financial Mistakes
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Are your extravagant ways about to send you to the poorhouse? Learn the top five biggest financial mistakes you could be making. Plus, Dr. Phil talks to Vicki, Jeana and Lynne of The .. show full overview
The Rudeness Epidemic
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Dr. Phil Family Returns: Family in Court
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Biggest Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making
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How to Spot a Liar, Confront a Cheat and Escape a Scam Artist
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Snap Judgements
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Why do people make snap judgments and decisions about others based on minimal information? Dr. Phil is joined by TIME magazine contributor Joel Stein, who calls himself a professional .. show full overview
Dr Phil Family Returns: Alexandra's Divorce
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How to Get Along With Anyone
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Topic: improving strained relationships stemming from a divorce. Guests include Carol Marine and Jennifer Newcomb Marine, coauthors of "No One's the Bitch: A Ten-Step Plan for Mothers and Stepmothers."
Parents' Biggest Fears
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If you could customize your perfect child ” sex, eye color, height or IQ ” would you? What if you knew your child was going to be short or very tall or overweight? What if you found out .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Legal Matters
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Legal issues are discussed by a panel of attorneys, including Lisa Bloom (civil law); Areva Martin (family law); Chris Chatham (financial law); and Loni Coombs and Anthony Pope (criminal law).
Generation Me
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Self-absorption among the young is the topic. Guests include psychologist Jean Twenge, the author of "Generation Me"; and MTV correspondent Kim Stolz.
Inside Infidelity, Part 3
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Infidelity is discussed. Authors Sarah Symonds and Steve Santagati are guests.
When Should I Commit My Kids?
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Are you in over your head with parenting? Do you need help with an out-of-control child? What do you do when your child’s demands exceed your resources? Plus, how old is too old to be a .. show full overview
Are You Ready?
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Life-changing decisions are discussed.
Holiday Surprises
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A holiday celebration with Dr. Phil's family members, including wife Robin McGraw, sons Jay and Jordan McGraw and daughter-in-law Erica McGraw.
Adoption Dilemmas
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Adoption is discussed. Legal analyst Lisa Bloom is a guest.
Holiday Checklist: Is It OK to...?
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Holiday tips from etiquette expert Peggy Post and Robin McGraw.
Who Should Get Kate?
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A custody battle is discussed by the litigants. Included: comments from attorney Areva Martin and National Center for Men director Mel Feit.
Anti-Social Networking
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Electronic communication is discussed.
Ask Dr. Phil Show
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Viewers ask Dr. Phil about relationships, tattoos and old wounds.
Holiday Help
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Holiday stress is discussed.
Don't Do It Again in 2010!
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New Year's resolutions are discussed. Guests include Steve Harvey and Kathleen Madigan.
New Parenting Styles
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Parenting is discussed. Guests include Dr. Michele Borba and parenting expert Linda Murray.
My Number One Complaint About My Spouse
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Topic: Effective communication in a marriage. Guests include celebrity spouses Ed Begley Jr. and Rachelle Carson, and Edyta Sliwinska and Alec Mazo.
Three Biggest Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making
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From marital spats to disagreements on discipline, learn the biggest mistakes you may be making. Plus, a money expert reveals financial faux pas. Fighting in Front of the .. show full overview
“Am I the Only One?”
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Have you ever wondered, “Am I the only one who....?” Dr. Phil’s brave guests confess their unique issues and wonder if they’re the only ones. Confessions on the Street Dr. Phil .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Custody Battles
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Erin, mom of the Dr. Phil Family, returns with Alex’s soon-to-be ex-husband, Chris, and his mother, Cheryl. Find out the latest shocking news regarding the custody battles of Nathan and .. show full overview
Affair Repair
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If you discovered that your spouse was unfaithful, would you stay in the marriage or end it? This is the dilemma that Matt and Rochelle face as Matt’s cheating ways threaten to destroy .. show full overview
How Do You Define a Modern Family
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In the 1950’s, the ideal family consisted of a mother, father, two kids and a white picket fence. But the traditional family unit has evolved with extended families, single parents, gay .. show full overview
Hurtful Lies and Shattered Trust
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“I told my girl my dog died to get out of going on a date with her.” “I faked an orgasm and said sex was great when really I just wanted it to be the hell over with.” These are some of .. show full overview
Mom's Biggest Battles
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Whether you’re a new mom or a mother with years of experience under your belt, this show is for you! Dr. Phil tackles some of the biggest parenting issues, and he has help from his panel .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Katherine Storms Off
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Erin is worried about the choices her youngest daughter, Katherine, is making. When Dr. Phil questions the teen about some of her recent behavior, she storms out of the room. Find out .. show full overview
Desperately Seeking Love
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How far would you go to find the love of your life? Dr. Phil talks to a woman who says she considers prison inmates as potential soul mates, and a man who’s advertising for his dream .. show full overview
Trends for 2010: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Episode overview
When you recall the biggest events of 2009, what comes to mind? The recession? Going green? The release of the iPhone? Twittermania? Dr. Phil takes the guesswork out of 2010’s trends, as .. show full overview
Biggest Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making With Your Child
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Childhood behavioral problems are discussed. Guests include Dr. Jim Sears.
What's Your Personality?
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A woman wonders if her perfectionist tendencies are taking a toll on her health; a woman has high dating standards; a woman says she and her husband have totally different personalities.
84. What's Your Personality?
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Dr. Phil Family Returns: Katherine's Aftermath
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During the last show, Katherine abruptly ended her conversation with Dr. Phil and stormed out of the room. Now reunited with her family, what does the future hold for the teen? And, get .. show full overview
Controlling the Chaos
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Is your household in turmoil? Do you feel overwhelmed by your child’s temper tantrums? Dr. Phil, along with educational consultant and author Dr. Michele Borba, reveals the best .. show full overview
Haiti Survivor Stories
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Two weeks ago, a 7.0 earthquake devastated the country of Haiti. Early estimates suggest that the earthquake killed 200,000 people and left 1.5 million homeless. Victims are still in .. show full overview
Am I the Only One?
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Parenting and mental illness are discussed. Guests include legal analyst Lisa Bloom.
Attention Seekers
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Topic: people seeking attention. Guests include blogger Suzette Valle.
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alexandra's Resentment
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High School Reunion
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Controlling Husbands
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Are you married to a controlling person? Dr. Phil’s guests are wives who say their husbands try to control every aspect of their lives, and they’re headed for divorce if their spouses .. show full overview
Could You Be an Eyewitness?
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Could You Be an Eyewitness? Part 2
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Dr. Phil Family Returns: Erin's Dilemma
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Brandon Returns
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The Fight over Your Child
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Teens Obsessed with Love
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Love Dilemmas
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Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alex's Announcement
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What Really Happened to Susan Powell?
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Sugar Mamas, Single Moms and Smart Women
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A discussion of "modern women" focuses on women who earn more than their husbands. Also: a segment featuring author Lori Gottlieb ("Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough").
Moms Who Drink
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There are killers among us, and they’re not terrorists … they’re mothers who get drunk and then get behind the wheel, often with their kids in the car. More moms than ever are admitting .. show full overview
In-Law Drama
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Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alexandra Confronts Chris
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Surrogacy Follow Up
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An update on a case involving a surrogate mother who decided to keep the child she carried for a Michigan couple. Guests include legal analyst Lisa Bloom and Bill Handel, director of the Center for Surrogate Parenting.
Are You an Enabler?
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Exploring situations in which parents might be enabling their children's substance abuse.
Repeat Offenders
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Topic: destructive behavior. The hour explores difficulties people can face when trying to stop it.
Spouses Under Suspicion
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Topic: marital infidelity. The hour explores situations in which one spouse suspects the other of cheating but can't prove it.
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Dr. Phil Scolds the Family
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Relationships among a family in crisis are reexamined.
Biggest Money Fights: Will and Prenups
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Wills and prenuptial agreements are discussed. Guests include legal analyst Lisa Bloom.
Missing Mom
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Dr. Phil digs further into the heartbreaking story of a father’s desperate search for his missing daughter, and the loss he felt when his grandchildren were taken away by the man who may .. show full overview
What's Wrong With People?
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Dr. Phil and HLN’s Nancy Grace dissect recent headlines that demonstrate how they believe the U.S. system has failed. “I want to talk about some stories that I’ve just got to tell you .. show full overview
Seven Days to Change: Can Amanda Be Saved
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Dr. Phil follows up with Terry and Laurie, whose 20-year-old daughter, Amanda, admits to abusing drugs. Did the parents get a wake-up call about their enabling? Backstage .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Alexandra and Katherine's Rivalry
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Feuding siblings discuss their rivalry.
Spouses Under Suspicion, Part 2
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Allegations of infidelity are discussed.
What's Wrong With People? Part 2
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Topics include a shooting rampage; the use of Webcams to spy on students; and allegations of child abuse.
Wrongful Convictions Follow-Up
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Wrongful convictions are discussed.
Teens Under Pressure
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Teenagers today are more stressed than ever before ” from the pressure to get into college to helping with family finances ” and many find themselves at the breaking point. The alarming .. show full overview
Snapshots from a Serial Killer
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Dr. Phil delves into the case of convicted rapist and serial killer Rodney Alcala. Although the 66-year-old photographer recently received a death sentence for the murder of four women .. show full overview
Child Obsessed
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Backstabbing Friends
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Topic: fractured friendships.
Prescription for Disaster
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Celebrity addictions are discussed. Guests include Kelly Osbourne; Chris Jacobs ("The Insider"); Dr. Harold Urschel; California attorney general Jerry Brown; and Mark Heaslip, former agent for Corey Haim.
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Marriage in Question
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A family in crisis receives ongoing counseling.
Are Moms Really That Busy?
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Topic: moms' busy schedules. Panelists include Dr. John Robinson, TV host Teresa Strasser, comedians Paul Rodriguez and Leanne Morgan and reporters Amy Hatch and Brigid Schulte.
Dangerous Fads
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The dangers of excessive tanning and inhaling fumes from household cleaners to get high are discussed. Dr. Drew Ordon offers advice.
Secrets to Becoming Smarter and Happier
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Topic: improving memory and cognitive skills. Included: foods to sharpen the mind. Magazine editor Liz Vaccariello offers advice.
The Fat Debate
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A panel discussion on obesity featuring Kelly Osbourne; trainer Jillian Michaels; comedienne Erica Watson; author Marianne Kirby; National Action Against Obesity president MeMe Roth; .. show full overview
The Fat Debate, Part 2
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Obesity is discussed by comic John Pinette.
Bullied to Death
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The suicide of 15-year-old Phoebe Prince has rocked the Massachusetts town of South Hadley and shined a spotlight on the increasing problem of school bullying. How many more young people .. show full overview
Are You a Modern Woman?
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What defines a modern woman is discussed by legal analyst Lisa Bloom and author Lori Gottlieb ("Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough").
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Tough Choices
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Alex discusses her role in her family's crisis.
Ask Dr. Phil
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Dr. Phil answers audience questions. Guests include Dr. David Lechuga.
Crisis in Family Court
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Family-court nightmares are discussed.
Fighting for Your Child
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Topic: when children's rights are violated at school. Guests include attorney Areva Martin.
Dating and Married to Distraction
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Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are just a few of the social networking sites millions of people visit each day to reconnect with old friends, meet new ones and keep friends and family in .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Tough Choices Part 2
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Custody battles are discussed.
Kelly Osbourne Helps a Drug Addict
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Have you ever heard the expression, “You never stop being a parent”? Dr. Phil says it’s never too late for a do-over when it comes to parenting, even if you feel you did everything wrong .. show full overview
Meddling Moms
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What happens when you can’t escape the tight grip your mother has on you? And as a mom, how do you know whether you’re caring or overbearing? Dr. Phil speaks with mothers who have a .. show full overview
Bullied Teens Fight Back
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Muslim youths discuss ways they fight intolerance.
Discipline Dangers
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When it comes to discipline in the classroom, where should the line be drawn? Dr. Phil continues his discussion about the use of restraints in school, and he talks to parents who say .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Behind the Bruises
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Counseling for a family in crisis.
Why Men Cheat
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What if you could find out if your man is at a higher risk for infidelity before you married him? Controversial research suggests there is a cheating gene, and tests can tell you if your .. show full overview
A Predator Next Door
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With approximately 704,000 sex offenders in America, you may bump into them more often than you think – at the mall, the grocery store or the movies. But how would you feel if a sex .. show full overview
Revenge Revisited
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Revenge is discussed.
For Better or Worse?
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There’s nothing more beautiful than two people falling in love and committing to a lifetime together, but do the vows “For better or worse” still apply when the bad times outweigh the .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Erin's Outrage
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Child-abuse allegations are discussed.
Bully Moms
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Mothers who bully their children are discussed.
Severed Ties
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Shattered mother-daughter relationships are discussed.
Meet the McGraw Baby!
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Dr. Phil and Robin McGraw welcome their first grandchild, Avery McGraw, the daughter of their son Jay and his wife, Erica. Also present for the family reunion is Dr. Phil and Robin's .. show full overview
Runaway Moms
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Topic: the case of missing Austin, Texas, mom Julie Ann Gonzalez, who was last seen on March 26, 2010, by her estranged husband, George, who's interviewed. Also interviewed: legal analyst Lisa Bloom and attorney Anthony Pope.
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Katherine Fired
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Topic: a troubled family.
Dr. Phil Confronts Animal Abusers
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Topic: animal abuse. Guests include cast members of the National Geographic Channel reality show "Rescue Ink Unleashed."
Dying to Be Thin
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Topic: anorexia nervosa among teen girls.
Alienation of Affection
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Guests include Jenny Sanford, who discusses why she left her former husband, South Carolina governor Mark Sanford; and Cynthia Shackelford, a North Carolina woman who sued her husband's mistress for alienation of affection (and won).
Runaway Mom: The Polygraph
Episode overview
Dr. Phil examined the shocking case of Julie Ann Gonzalez, a Texas wife and mother who vanished more than a month ago. Learn what happens when her estranged husband, George, submits to a .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: The Trouble With Alexandra
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A family in crisis continues to be counseled.
Ultimate Betrayal
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Betrayal in a marriage can come in many forms. Dr. Phil speaks with two wives who are facing duplicities so shocking, they have filed for divorce. Inappropriate Sexual .. show full overview
Troubled Teens: An Intervention
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Out-of-control teens are discussed.
Breaking the Cycle of Abuse
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How does your family’s emotional history affect the person you are today? Dr. Phil talks to three generations of women who fear that they are repeating a cycle of violence and pain. A .. show full overview
Too Young, Too Fast
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Teenage sex is discussed. Author Kerry Cohen ("Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity") is a guest.
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Warning Marty
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Love Triangle
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Imagine meeting the man of your dreams. He’s your Prince Charming and completely sweeps you off your feet. But there’s a small problem; you’ve only known him three weeks ” and you’re .. show full overview
Dr. Phil Family Returns: Erin's Reveal
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A family in crisis is counseled.
Extreme Teen Dangers
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Parents: If your children have access to the Internet, you don’t want to miss this show. The latest trend popping up online is videos of teens who are attempting outrageous stunts and .. show full overview
Locate Your Love with Steve Harvey
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Most people know Steve Harvey as one of the original Kings of Comedy, but the funnyman is also author of the best-selling book Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. He joins Dr. Phil to .. show full overview
Silent Darkness
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P.I. Moms
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Topic: private-investigator moms. Guests include PI Chris Butler, owner of Butler & Associates Private Investigations.
Adoption: Return to Sender?
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When a Tennessee mom put her 7-year-old adopted son on a one-way flight back to Russia, it caused an uproar that made the subject of international adoptions front-page news. Dr. Phil .. show full overview
Behind the Scenes
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Since its debut in 2002, the Dr. Phil show has helped thousands of people get real about their lives and has touched millions of viewers. Do you ever wonder how much work goes into .. show full overview
Teens Obsessed With Love: Sami's Struggle
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Unhealthy teenage relationships are discussed.
Driven To Succeed
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Having a strong desire for success is discussed. NFL coach Sean Payton is a guest.
Ask the Experts
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America is fast becoming a “litigation nation” with new and sometimes outrageous lawsuits cropping up every day. Joining Dr. Phil to answer your burning legal questions are five of the .. show full overview
Am I the Only One?
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Guests struggle with unique issues, and Dr. Lisa Masterson offers advice.
I Can't Live Like This
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Dr. Phil speaks with guests who say they can’t take it anymore, and something has to change! House of Chaos Rob and Kara have seven children, including 5-year-old twins. One of the .. show full overview
Meddling Moms
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What happens when you can't escape the tight grip your mother has on you? And as a mom, how do you know whether you're caring or overbearing? Dr. Phil speaks with mothers who have a conflict with their child.  
Spouses under Suspicion, Part 2
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Cheating, lying and sexual misconduct. Public figures such as John Edwards and Tiger Woods have admitted to this behavior, but how would you handle accusations of infidelity in your own relationship?
Wedding Woes
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What happens when your family members are not exactly jumping for joy over your upcoming nuptials? Dr. Phil’s guests say as their wedding days approach, they’re struggling to make their .. show full overview
A House Divided
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The chaos of having a teen with bipolar disorder is tearing apart a family.
“I Want My Parents to Divorce”
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Young people who grew up listening to their parents' constant screaming matches say the family would be better off if the couple divorced.
Can You Get Over Your Past?
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What if you embraced a lifestyle so terrible and so violent that it cost you your family, your friends and your freedom? Can you ever get over your past and make things right? Dr. Phil .. show full overview
Am I the Only One?
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Guests struggling with feelings of isolation include a married woman questioning her sexual orientation; a young woman who loves horror movies; and a woman who has a master's degree but can only find work as a model.
Teens: Life on the Street
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The lives of homeless teenagers are examined. Kelly Osbourne is a guest.
For Better or Worse?
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Considering a divorce while one's spouse is dying is the topic.
Crossing the Line?
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A woman says her husband is verbally and emotionally abusive.
Rude Teens
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Topic: rude teens.
When Enough is Enough
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What do you do when life’s problems seem so overwhelming that it feels like there’s no way out? Dr. Phil talks to a man who says he’s still haunted by memories of September 11, and a .. show full overview
