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Why Crickets Just Won't Shut Up
Episode overview
Original Title: Crickets Use Their Wings To Sing Male crickets have a different song for every occasion: to advertise their fitness, woo a mate or keep their rivals away. So how do they make all those different chirps? One word: stridulation.
A Tsetse Fly Births One Enormous Milk-Fed Baby
Episode overview
Mammalian moms, you're not alone! A female tsetse fly pushes out a single squiggly larva almost as big as herself, which she nourished with her own milk.
You Wish You Had Mites Like This Hissing Cockroach
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Not all roaches are filthy. The Madagascar hissing cockroach actually makes a pretty sweet pet, thanks to the hungry mites that serve as its cleaning crew.
Kangaroo Rats Are Furry, Spring-Loaded Ninjas
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Kangaroo rats use their exceptional hearing and powerful hind legs to jump clear of rattlesnakes — or even deliver a stunning kick in the face.
A Flea's Fantastic Jump Takes More Than Muscle
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Before they can bite your cat or dog, these little "itch hikers" make an amazing leap 100 times faster than the blink of an eye. So how do they do it?
Walking Sticks Stop, Drop and Clone to Survive
Episode overview
Indian walking sticks are more than just twig impersonators. They even clone themselves into a surprising variety of colors to stay hidden in plain sight from predators.
This Dangerous Mosquito Lays Her Armored Eggs – in Your House
Episode overview
The Aedes aegypti mosquito, which can transmit dengue fever and Zika, makes a meal of us around our homes. And her eggs are hardy. They can dry out, but remain alive for months, waiting for a little water so they can hatch into squiggly larvae.
California Floater Mussels Take Fish For an Epic Joyride
Episode overview
The California floater mussel does a surprising amount of travel - for a bivalve. First it gets ejected from its parent's shell into the wide watery wilderness. Then it leads a nomad's .. show full overview
How The Coronavirus Attacks Your Lungs
Episode overview
The new coronavirus packs a devastating punch. It penetrates deep into your lungs, causing our immune cells to go haywire and damage tiny air sacs – the alveoli – where oxygen normally flows into our blood.
Sharpshooter Insects’ Sexy Vibrations Spell Trouble in the Vineyard
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Sharpshooter insects are beautiful, but they transmit a devastating disease that kills grapevines. When it's time to mate, they shake their abdomens to make strange calls that – when .. show full overview
Glasswing Butterflies Want To Make Something Perfectly Clear
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Ever wanted to be invisible? The elusive glasswing butterfly knows just how to do it. Its transparent wings, covered in an anti-glare nano-coating, help it hide from its predators in the rainforest.
These Sneaky Ensatina Salamanders Are Heading For a Family Split
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Ensatinas are a sprawling group of colorful salamanders, each one with different strategies for avoiding predators, from bold warning colors to confusing camouflage. Their diverse family .. show full overview
Cape Sundews Trap Bugs In A Sticky Situation
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Cape sundews are carnivorous plants that grow in bogs, where they don't have access to many nutrients. So they exude sweet, shimmering droplets from their tentacles to lure in .. show full overview
What Actually Makes Water Roll Off a Duck's Back?
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Ducks and geese spend *a lot* of time preening their all-weather feathers. This obsessive grooming – and a little styling wax from a hidden spot on their back side – maintains the .. show full overview
This is NOT a Dandelion.
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Not every yellow bloom ― or fluffy white globe ― taking over your backyard is a dandelion. Some of them are close relatives called catsears. But both of them have a little secret. To .. show full overview
Is a Spider's Web a Part of Its Mind?
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Orb weaver spiders build exquisite spiral webs not only to catch insects, but to extend their senses. Once they shrink-wrap their prey with silk, the nearly blind spiders can store them .. show full overview
Watch These Peregrine Falcons Become Fierce Parents
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High up in their 300-foot tower penthouse, falcon stars Annie and Grinnell's romance quickly gets real, as they face the tough demands of raising a family. They furiously guard their .. show full overview
Ever Seen a Starfish Gallop?
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OG Title: Starfish Gallop With Hundreds of Tubular Feet They may look cute and colorful, but starfish are actually voracious predators. To sniff out and capture their prey, they rely .. show full overview
See Sea Slugs Scour Seagrass by the Seashore
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Eelgrass sea hares may look like lazy, zebra-striped spoonfuls of jello, but these sea slugs are actually environmental heroes. Their voracious appetite for algae helps keep underwater meadow ecosystems in balance–which is great news for sea otters.
Here’s How That Annoying Fly Dodges Your Swatter
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A fly has a pair of tiny, dumbbell-shaped limbs called halteres that were once a second pair of wings. They wield them to make razor-sharp turns and land out of reach on your ceiling. .. show full overview