Crash Course Media Literacy

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  • Documentary



Introduction to Media Literacy
Episode overview
First thing’s first: what is media literacy? In our first episode, Jay breaks this question down and explains how we’re going to use it to explore our media saturated world.
History of Media Literacy, part 1
Episode overview
In order to understand the history of media literacy we have to go all the way back to straight up literacy. In the first half of our look at the history of media literacy, Jay takes us .. show full overview
History of Media Lit, part 2
Episode overview
Jay continues our journey through the history of media literacy with the arrival of movies, television, and the other screens that now permeate our lives – along with some of the .. show full overview
Media & the Mind
Episode overview
You are constantly surrounded by media, so the question is: how does your brain handle all of that? The unfortunate answer is that our brains have a lot of processes that not super .. show full overview
Media & Money
Episode overview
Media isn’t just movies and newspapers and TV shows, it’s also a part of society that involves a lot of money. And all that money has implications for the media that gets created. Media .. show full overview
Influence & Persuasion
Episode overview
We’ve mentioned already that there’s a lot of money in media and a huge chunk of that money is spent on trying to get you to do something – buy something, vote a certain way, change a .. show full overview
Online Advertising
Episode overview
You're being watched. That sounded more sinister than I intended, but online, it's true. Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, Netflix... the list goes on and on. They're watching what you do, .. show full overview
Media Ownership
Episode overview
We’ve talked about how broad a concept “the media” really is – and given that, it can be hard to keep track of all the different forces that constitute “the media.” It can be tough, but .. show full overview
Media Policy & You
Episode overview
Copyright and other media regulations have always been a bit tricky, but the internet made all of that infinitely more complicated. But what does all of that mean for you, the consumer?
The Dark(er) Side of Media
Episode overview
Propaganda! Misinformation! Disinformation! Today we’re talking about the dark – or, shall we say, darkER – side of media. Understanding these media bogeymen is essential to being a more media literate citizen.
Media Skills
Episode overview
Now that you have a solid understanding of the media landscape, it’s time to equip you with the essential skills for navigating it.
Future Literacies
Episode overview
We’ve seen and discussed the ways in which the rapid pace of technological change has affected the media literacy landscape, and it’s clear that change isn’t slowing down. How will those .. show full overview
