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  • YouTube
  • Comedy Podcast


Feminism Did Not Destroy Atheism
Episode overview
A love/hate letter to the YouTube atheist community.
Criticism or Bullying?
Episode overview
Play nice with others or go kill yourself in a fire.
What Makes a Trans Chick "Cool"?
Episode overview
Bearing has the answer—just be more like Blaire White!
Western Rape Cultures
Episode overview
I spent too long working on this and missed the moment when people cared about Brock Turner. Everyone has moved on to a mass murder, and the rapist is forgotten, along with that gorilla, .. show full overview
Everyone's a Little Bit Racist Sometimes (Response to ArmouredSkeptic)
Episode overview
Following Armoured Skeptic down "the deepest rabbit hole of bigotry" he's ever experienced.
Is Trump Racist?
Episode overview
A lot of people are saying that Trump is racist. Others say that's just liberal media bias. But is it? Let's find out!
For Whom the Belle Trolls
Episode overview
Milo Yiannopoulos is an abrasive troll with nothing serious to say. Why do people like him anyway? Let's drink a 40 of King Cobra malt liquor and discuss it.
How I Became a Feminist SJW
Episode overview
What if brainwashing is just a word for education you disagree with?
Why I Quit Academia
Episode overview
Obviously I'm in the midst of an anti-academic tantrum of some kind, so consider that when deciding how seriously to take this. On the other hand, my tantrum is based on years of experience.
Pop Feminism
Episode overview
Problematically problematizing problematic feminism. Also, some yoga and Bob Dylan impersonating.
Non-Binary Genders
Episode overview
A defense. Also: freedom, identifying, cannibalism, psychiatry, Night Mother Anita Sarkeesian, pronouns, Wittgenstein, the nature of language, gender roles, and the apocalypse.
Alpha Males
Episode overview
Can men really be divided into alphas and betas? How does one become alpha? Why do so many guys calling themselves alpha also turn out to be crazy racists?
Pick-Up Artists
Episode overview
A critical look, in which I finally get my hetero on.
Cultural Appropriation
Episode overview
My take on this classic 2016 Culture War topic. It's dumb to talk about it, because someone will get offended no matter what, but I'm talking about it anyway because I'm dumb.
President Trump
Episode overview
How did this happen? How bad is it? What do now?
Fat Acceptance
Episode overview
This episode has no summary.
Baltimore: Anatomy of an Uprising
Episode overview
The story of the Baltimore uprising is not mine to tell. This is a video about how to witness and respond intelligently to events like this.
Episode overview
This is not an anti-psychiatry video. However, I think my experiences suggest that there are reasons to be cautious about, for instance, over-diagnosis, and profit-oriented clinical research.
