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  • : 391
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  • YouTube
  • 15
  • Comedy


The Game of LIFE (PlayStation 1)
Episode overview
Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together... today. Marriage, that blessed arrangement. That dream within a dream.
KISS Pinball (PlayStation 1)
Episode overview
You wanted the best?! You don't got the best. The most average pinball game in the world... KISS Pinball.
Gauntlet (Nintendo NES)
Episode overview
We finally play Gauntlet... sort of. Also, all of November is Fantasy Month!
Defender of the Crown (Nintendo NES)
Episode overview
We're defending the crown while we play Defender of The Crown. Also, all of November is Fantasy Month!
The Immortal (Nintendo NES)
Episode overview
Come forth young wizards! Ye shall be cursed to play The Immortal! Also, all of November is Fantasy Month!
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun (Sega Genesis)
Episode overview
Roll them d20s bitches! It's time for D&D! Also, all of November is Fantasy Month!
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (Nintendo NES)
Episode overview
Link, he come to town. Come to save the princess, Zelda. Ganon took her away, now the children don't play, but they will when link saves the day! Hallelujah! Also, all of November is Fantasy Month!
Rival Turf (SNES)
Episode overview
The guys defeat a plethora of enemies using fists, feet, and various weapons!
Star Wars Masters of The Teras Kasi (Playstation 1)
Episode overview
The guys practice the art of "Steel Hand" to become Star Wars: Masters of the Teräs Käsi!
Golden Axe (Holiday Episode)
Episode overview
Paul loses a bet to Luke and is kicked off the show. It'll take a Golden Axe Holiday Miracle to save it. Praise Beesus.
Episode overview
The Winter Classic is in Philly this year and the Flyers are playing. We'll predict the winner using our Super Nintendo Computer.
100th-ish Episode
Episode overview
Luke buys the rights to the 'Continue?' show and recasts Paul, Nick, & Josh. Looking for new shows to be on, they contact JonTron, Peanut Butter Gamer, The Completionist, & Underbelly to try and join their shows.
