Big Brother (US)

  • :
  • : 940
  • : 1143
  • CBS
  • 20
  • Game show Reality



Season Premiere
Episode overview
Sixteen all new HouseGuests move into the newly-designedBig Brother house and will spend the summer of 2013 competing for $500,000. Each HouseGuest hales from a different background yet .. show full overview
Week 1 Nominations
Episode overview
After McCrae won the first Head of Household competition of the season, he must nominate two of his fellow HouseGuests for eviction. The third nominee for eviction will be made prior to .. show full overview
Week 1 POV
Episode overview
Tensions rise in the Big Brother house as McCrae faces the backlash of the two houseguests he nominated for eviction and America chooses the first Big Brother MVP who also nominates a .. show full overview
Week 1 Eviction/Week 2 HOH
Episode overview
It's the first live episode of the season and one of three Houseguests up for eviction will be sent packing.
Week 2 Nominations
Episode overview
The results of the HOH are in. The new HOH chooses two people for eviction and new alliances are made.
Week 2 POV
Episode overview
The second MVP of the season is named as the Power of Veto is once again up for grabs. Plus a Big Brother favorite returns with surprising news for the Houseguests.
Week 2 Eviction/Week 3 HOH
Episode overview
Another houseguest is eliminated as the remaining houseguests gear up for the next HoH competition.
Week 3 Nominations
Episode overview
The new HOH chooses two people for eviction and the house is divided between two big alliances.
Week 3 POV
Episode overview
A new MVP is in the house and there is a new house guest up for eviction. Plus, will the power of veto be used on one of the three nominees?
Week 3 Eviction/Week 4 HOH
Episode overview
Aaryn, Spencer and Jeremy are up on the block. Whichever Houseguest goes home, the house wins. Plus a new HOH is crowned.
Week 4 Nominations
Episode overview
As Judd nominates two Houseguests for eviction, tensions run high and two Houseguests begin to turn on each other. Also, a new showmance begins to blossom.
Week 4 POV
Episode overview
The house guests find out who America voted for as the third nominee for eviction. Plus, they get down and dirty in a fight for the veto.
Week 4 Eviction/Week 5 HOH
Episode overview
Three girls are nominated for eviction and the claws are coming out on tonight's live episode.
Week 5 Nominations
Episode overview
After winning HOH, Aaryn must decide whether to honor a deal she made with other the Houseguests. And, the pressure of the game starts to take its toll on Candice and Howard.
Week 5 POV
Episode overview
The Houseguests still have no idea that America is the MVP, and your nominee shocks the house! Also, it's a battle back in time for the veto.
Week 5 Eviction/Week 6 HOH
Episode overview
She's kept calm in the chaos but no more miss nice girl as another houseguest is sent packing.
Week 6 Nominations
Episode overview
With another Houseguest out the door, a battle for HoH resumes with a surprising winner, all leading to a dramatic nominations ceremony.
Week 6 POV
Episode overview
America's pick for the third nominee will be named and all three must battle it out in the Veto competition.
Week 6 Double Eviction
Episode overview
With one live veto competition and a double eviction hanging over their heads, the Houseguests are freaking out on this special live episode of Big Brother.
Week 7 Nominations
Episode overview
Watch the dramatic turn of events that lead to Judd's unexpected eviction. The HOH competition reveals where loyalties lie.
Week 7 POV
Episode overview
Their numbers are dwindling, and the Houseguests can't hide their alliances anymore. Will the veto save one of the nominees?
Week 7 Eviction
Episode overview
In the Big Brother house, be careful who you nominate. Another Houseguest joins the jury.
Week 8 Nominations
Episode overview
With only 8 Houseguests left, the pressure begins to build. Also, the Houseguests play a competition that leaves them completely in the dark.
Week 8 POV
Episode overview
Helen and Elissa fight for their lives in the veto compitition. Plus Aaryn and Amanda go head to head.
Week 8 Eviction
Episode overview
A power player and a perennial pawn are both up on the chopping block, and for the first time in Big Brother history, a Jury member will fight for a chance to come back!
Week 9 Nominations
Episode overview
A new HoH is crowned and one of the Jury returns with a vengeance!
Week 9 POV
Episode overview
Elissa is HOH and ready to flip the house, and Zingbot returns
Week 9 Eviction
Episode overview
Will Big Brother's most deceptive power couple lose their strongest competitor or their stealthiest informant?
Week 10 Nominations
Episode overview
Will the power shift as a new Head of Household is crowned? Plus, will 'McCranda' continue to run the game?
Week 10 POV
Episode overview
Amanda melts down after being nominated. Plus, who will win the power of veto and will it be used to save Amanda or McCrae?
Week 10 Eviction
Episode overview
Big Brother's queen bee attempts to claw her way out of trouble along with the teflon pawn on a Double Eviction episode.
Week 11 Nominations
Episode overview
With only 5 Houseguests left, no one is safe from the chopping block. Also, a new Head of Household is crowned.
Week 11 POV/Eviction/Week 12 HOH
Episode overview
Can McCrae out play the exterminators in the Veto competition in order to save himself? Plus, Big Brother winner Ian is back and another houseguest will be evicted
Week 12 POV/Eviction
Episode overview
The final four become three. There's only one last nomination ceremony, one last veto challenge, and one last chance to compete in the live Season Finale!
Final Three HOH Part 1
Episode overview
The Exterminators must now fight against each other as the final three-part HOH competition begins. Plus, Andy, Spencer, and GinaMarie look back on the most emotional, volatile, and humorous memories of the summer.
Episode overview
After a summer of controversy, outrageous behavior, showmances, tears, and epic battles, it all comes down to this. Who will win the final HoH and walk away with a half a million dollars?
