Bible Uncovered

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  • : 8
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  • National Geographic
  • Documentary



Search for Noah
Episode overview
In Search for Noah, we consider the geological evidence for the Old Testament’s Great Flood. Could it have been the result of a comet hitting the Earth? We also use satellite imagery to search for the final resting place of Noah’s Ark.
Hunt for the Ark
Episode overview
We ask whether this golden casket that contained the Ten Commandments really existed, and if so, whether there is any logical explanation for its mysterious disappearance. Was it really spirited away from Solomon’s Temple by the Knights Templar?
Lost Cities
Episode overview
Scientists investigate evidence for the existence of the two lost cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, allegedly destroyed in retribution for their wickedness
Episode overview
Exodus revisits the story of Moses parting the Red Sea to save the Israelites from the Egyptian army, and searches for historical evidence of the ten plagues famously visited upon Egypt.
Secret Code of Revelation
Episode overview
Secret Code of Revelations dissects the final book of the Bible’s predictions of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who traditionally symbolise pestilence, war, famine, and death, .. show full overview
Lost Kings of Israel
Episode overview
Scientists and religious scholars search for evidence of the first kings of Israel to see if the Biblical figures were based on real people. David, according to the Bible, came to power .. show full overview
Cain and Abel: Brothers at War
Episode overview
This Bible story of sibling jealousy and murder has puzzled scholars for centuries. From Egyptian burial tombs to the mountaintops of Iran, archaeologists investigate a tale that impacts .. show full overview
Dead Sea Scrolls Mystery
Episode overview
How the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 changed religious scholars' understanding of the history of Christianity and Judaism.