Into the Fire

  • :
  • : 18
  • : 4
  • Really
  • 22
  • Documentary



Episode 1
Episode overview
Birmingham's gay pride parade is under heavy security days after the Manchester Arena bombing.
Episode 2
Episode overview
Firefighters take on a blaze on the sixth floor of a high rise only weeks after the London Grenfell tragedy.
Episode 3
Episode overview
Firefighters find themselves in a tense confrontation with a gang burning metal cables on waste ground.
Episode 4
Episode overview
Firefighters are mobilised and sent to a blazing house with a three year old reportedly trapped inside.
Episode 5
Episode overview
Birmingham's busy motorway network is brought to a halt when an unexploded bomb from the Second World War is discovered
Episode 6
Episode overview
Fire Control assist a terrified family with young children trapped on the second floor of their home.
Episode 7
Episode overview
Hay Mills Green Watch are called to rescue a young mum trapped in the wreckage of her car.
Episode 8
Episode overview
Fire crew from Sheldon station attack a fierce house blaze to stop it spreading to neighbouring properties.
Into the Fire
Episode overview
Looking back at some of the most incredible moments from the series.