
  • : 2019
  • : 60
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  • YouTube
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  • Talk show



الحاجب المنصور 1 | من كاتب إلى حاكم
Episode overview
18, 2020
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الحاجب المنصور 2 | أسس دولة داخل دولة
Episode overview
27, 2020
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رضية سلطانة | أول إمرأة مسلمة حكمت الهند
Episode overview
04, 2020
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Bilal bin Rabah | From slavery to sovereignty in Islam
Episode overview
11, 2020
The great companion Bilal bin Rabah, may God be pleased with him, was a slave to Bani Jamah, when he declared his Islam and was one of the pioneers in Islam, his master tortured him, .. show full overview
Harun Al-Rashid 1 | Caliphate and the calamity of House of Barmaki
Episode overview
18, 2020
Zamakan Harun Al-Rashid 1 | Caliphate and the calamity of House of Barmaki The fifth Abbasid Caliph, Harun al-Rashid, was mentioned frequently in Arab and foreign sources, so his .. show full overview
Harun Al-Rashid 2 | Romans and Europe
Episode overview
26, 2020
In this episode, we continue the story of the Abbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid. In the last episode, we discussed the beginnings of Harun al-Rashid until he took over the caliphate and .. show full overview
Imru’ Al-Qais | The Lost King
Episode overview
04, 2020
He is the poet Jandah bin Hajar bin Al-Harith al-Kindi, who was a master of his time in poetry and it was said about him the most famous poets.
Ahmad Bin Hanbal | The trial of Quran creation
Episode overview
11, 2020
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal is one of the four imams in the doctrine of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa'ah and he is the owner of the Hanbali school He faced one of the greatest temptations of .. show full overview
King Philip of Macedon | Unifier of Greece
Episode overview
19, 2020
King Philip II of Macedon, ruler of Macedonia and the first unifier of Greece, is the father of Alexander the Macedonian, or Alexander the Great
Alexander of Macedon | Part 1 | Conquers the East
Episode overview
02, 2020
He is Alexander III, son of King Philip the Macedonian. He took power when he was young. He became one of the most famous military leaders of his time. It is said that he was not .. show full overview
ابن رشد | الشارح العظيم
Episode overview
06, 2020
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Alexander of Macedon |Part 2 | The fall of the Achaemenid Persian Empire
Episode overview
09, 2020
He is Alexander the third son of King Philip the Macedonian, he took power when he was young, and became one of the most famous military leaders of his time. It is said that he was not .. show full overview
كافور الأخشيدي | من العبودية إلى حكم مصر و الشام و الحجاز
Episode overview
24, 2020
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ابو جعفر المنصور | قيام الدولة العباسية الجزء الأول
Episode overview
31, 2020
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ابو جعفر المنصور | عمارة بغداد المستديرة الجزء الثاني
Episode overview
07, 2021
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عمر بن الخطاب | أعز الله به الاسلام الجزء الأول
Episode overview
14, 2021
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عمر بن الخطاب | ملازمته للنبي | الجزء 2
Episode overview
22, 2021
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أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب | قاهر الفرس والروم | الجزء 3
Episode overview
30, 2021
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أمير المؤمنين عمر بن الخطاب | شؤون البلاد والعباد| الجزء 4
Episode overview
06, 2021
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عنترة بن شداد
Episode overview
12, 2021
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عبد الملك بن مروان | الجزء الأول | من فقيه إلى مؤسس الدولة الأموية المروانية
Episode overview
19, 2021
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عبد الملك بن مروان | الجزء الثاني | عمرو الاشدق وتوحيد الدولة الإسلامية
Episode overview
26, 2021
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عبد الملك بن مروان | الجزء 3 | حرب الخوارج وبناء الدولة الإسلامية
Episode overview
05, 2021
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الامير يوسف بن تاشفين | الجزء الأول | دولة المرابطين وتوحيد المغرب الاقصى
Episode overview
20, 2021
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الأمير يوسف بن تاشفين | الجزء2 | معركة الزلاقة وانقاذ شعب الأندلس
Episode overview
28, 2021
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الامير يوسف بن تاشفين | الجزء 3 | وحد الأندلس وقضى على ملوك الطائف
Episode overview
12, 2021
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حمزة بن عبد المطلب | أسد الله وسيد شهداء غزوة أحد
Episode overview
18, 2021
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الإمام الشافعي | الفقيه و الشاعر الفصيح ..وقصص من ذكائه وعبقريته
Episode overview
27, 2021
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الجاحظ | رائد البيان الساخر الحكيم
Episode overview
05, 2021
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ابن الهيثم | مؤسس علم الضوء
Episode overview
12, 2021
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معركة ذي قار | من أعظم أيام العرب
Episode overview
23, 2021
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ابن المقفع | نهاية مأساوية لسيرة أدبية عظيمة
Episode overview
28, 2021
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