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We Can't Stop Wildfires—But Here's How We Live With Them
Episode overview
05, 2020
The 2020 fire season is devastating communities, forcing thousands to evacuate, and choking the air with smoke. In this episode of Weathered, scientists and Native leaders tell us what .. show full overview
Can We Learn From 2020's Record-Breaking Hurricane Season?
Episode overview
02, 2020
Hurricanes are the most powerful and destructive storms on the planet. And 2020 surpassed all expectations, becoming the most active hurricane season on record. Have you ever wondered .. show full overview
The Worst Drought in 1200 Years
Episode overview
21, 2020
The Colorado Basin provides water to over 40 million people in 7 US states and it is currently experiencing its worst drought in 1200 years! But unlike other droughts, our actions may .. show full overview
Catastrophic Landslide in California: Can We Stop the Unstoppable?
Episode overview
11, 2021
Landslides occur in every US state, killing dozens and costing around $4 billion each year. One of the most devastating in US history struck on January 9, 2018 in the town of Montecito, .. show full overview
Why are Winters Worse if the Planet is Getting Warmer?
Episode overview
01, 2021
Over the last decade, the American Northeast has seen more than a 200% increase in the frequency of large, disruptive snowstorms. This trend surprised nearly everybody, including many of .. show full overview
Disaster Preparedness 101
Episode overview
22, 2021
What are the most important essentials you’ll need to comfortably survive a disaster? In this episode of Weathered, Maiya explains the basics of disaster prep and shows you what she .. show full overview
The Cascadia Earthquake: America’s Worst Disaster?
Episode overview
15, 2021
The Cascadia Subduction Zone is a sleeping monster lurking just off the Northwest coast of the United States. It extends 600 miles between Northern California and Vancouver B.C. and .. show full overview
Tornado Warning: Survive Nature's Wildest Winds
Episode overview
06, 2021
The awesome and devastating power of tornadoes is unlike any other that Mother Nature dishes out. The largest among them, known as EF5s, produce winds in excess of 200 mph and can span .. show full overview
The Rising Toll of Floods
Episode overview
21, 2021
Each year, flooding kills around 100 Americans and displaces some 75,000 from their homes. And as sea levels rise, storms dump more and more rain, and dams and levees continue aging and .. show full overview
How America’s Hottest City is Innovating to Survive
Episode overview
07, 2021
Perhaps no place in the United States more clearly illustrates the dangers of global warming than Phoenix, Arizona. 2020 was their hottest year on record, with 53 days reaching at least .. show full overview
Firenado: When Two of Nature’s Deadliest Forces Combine
Episode overview
16, 2021
A fire tornado, or “firenado,” is exactly what it sounds like: a tornado made out of fire… and it is truly the stuff of nightmares. The most famous example occurred when the 2018 Carr .. show full overview
Is The Dust Bowl Happening Again?
Episode overview
09, 2021
In the 1930s, the US experienced what has been called its greatest ecological disaster, when the dust bowl ravaged the midwest, eroding topsoil, destroying crops, and displacing .. show full overview
World Record Hail: Water Droplet To Wrecking Ball
Episode overview
27, 2021
Have you ever wondered how hail is formed? Or just how big it can get? The largest hailstone ever recorded, the size of a volleyball, fell in Vivian, South Dakota on July 23rd, 2010. .. show full overview
The Surprising Truth Behind Planting Trees
Episode overview
18, 2021
For decades we’ve been planting trees in hopes of reducing carbon pollution. But when it comes to carbon sequestration, have we actually been getting it all backward? As the UN .. show full overview
How Volcanic Lightning Is Making the World a Safer Place
Episode overview
08, 2021
Out of the 1,500 or so active volcanoes around the world, one erupts every week on average. And the hot plumes of ash they spew into the atmosphere are the most dangerous part of these .. show full overview
Could The Next Blackout Be More Deadly Than Katrina?
Episode overview
08, 2021
With climate change making temperatures more extreme each year, like we recently saw in the great Texas freeze and the Northwest heatwave, large-scale power outages become a matter of .. show full overview
Is THIS the Real Reason Weather is Getting Wilder?
Episode overview
26, 2022
If you feel like the weather has been getting a lot weirder and wilder lately, you’re not alone. While it’s easy to blame climate change, we need to dive deeper. There has been a recent .. show full overview
Is Earth’s Greatest Threat...The Sun?
Episode overview
22, 2022
Space weather is what causes beautiful Northern Lights, or aurora. But it also can have a major effect on the technology we rely on. In fact, it was space weather that brought down 40 .. show full overview
THIS Is the Safest Place to Live as the Climate Changes
Episode overview
21, 2022
We asked six experts where the safest, or least risky, places will be to live as the climate changes and weather becomes more extreme. And the answer is pretty surprising. In this .. show full overview
The Doomsday Glacier Is Collapsing…Who Is Most at Risk?
Episode overview
18, 2022
Sea level rise is a problem that is garnishing increasing attention among both scientists and the media. And as climate change continues to warm the earth, the current rate of 1.4 inches .. show full overview
Do You Really Need a Gun to Survive the Next Disaster?
Episode overview
14, 2022
Life on the ground following natural disasters is often chaotic and scary. And with global warming gradually adding energy to our atmosphere, driving more extreme weather and worse .. show full overview
How Hurricane History Has Hidden What's Coming
Episode overview
05, 2022
Both climate models and the laws of physics are clear: more greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere means warmer air and oceans, which means more energy for bigger, stronger hurricanes. So .. show full overview
What if Forests Aren't the Problem with Wildfires?
Episode overview
26, 2022
Wildfires have been consuming homes at a staggering pace over recent years. In fact, structure loss in these fires has grown by 10,000% in the last 13 years! And as climate change .. show full overview
As Heat Waves Worsen, THIS Policy Predicts Where People Will Die
Episode overview
16, 2022
With extreme heat waves in Europe, Asia, the United States and beyond, it’s clear climate change is making summers more dangerous and deadly. Urban areas are feeling the worst effects; a .. show full overview
What Will Earth Look Like When These 6 Tipping Points Hit?
Episode overview
06, 2022
A “tipping point” is when a system, with just a small amount of additional energy, is pushed from one stable state to another suddenly and dramatically. This can be a chair falling backwards. Or it can be a major earth system collapsing.
What Will Life Look Like as MAJOR Rivers Run Dry?
Episode overview
27, 2022
Rivers and reservoirs around the world are drying up this summer as record droughts rage on. Lake Mead along the Colorado, the largest reservoir in the nation, hit record lows. And .. show full overview
Here's EXACTLY What to Do When the Next Megaquake Hits: Cascadia Subduction Zone
Episode overview
18, 2022
Subduction zone earthquakes are the largest and most destructive on earth. In 2004 a 9.1 megaquake hit Sumatra off the coast of Indonesia, unleashing a massive tsunami and killing .. show full overview
Historic Megaflood Reveals Major Risk... in the United States' Driest Region?
Episode overview
08, 2022
Massive floods have been sweeping the globe lately. British Columbia flood of 2021, Pakistan flood of 2022, Hurricane Ian, New Zealand, Las Vegas, Kentucky, Yellowstone National Park .. show full overview
The MOST IMPORTANT Storm Footage of 2022 Shows the Risk for Millions
Episode overview
29, 2022
Global sea level is rising at about 0.14 inches per year. This gradual change may seem small until something catastrophic happens. That’s what happened when category 4 hurricane Ian made .. show full overview
Have We Made ANY Progress on Climate Change? Here's The Data, You Decide
Episode overview
20, 2022
RCP 8.5 has often been referred to as “business as usual.” It describes a world in which the world chose to take no action on climate policy and fossil fuel use continued expanding .. show full overview
Is THIS the Climate Tipping Point of No Return?
Episode overview
14, 2023
Arctic air is warming, causing scientists to worry that melting arctic ice and snow could also lead to a sudden permafrost thaw and release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) that .. show full overview
What Could THOUSANDS of Mysterious Whales Tell Us About Our Weather?
Episode overview
07, 2023
The Arctic is experiencing global warming much faster than the rest of the world. A new study shows four times faster, in fact! One of the effects of this accelerated warming is the .. show full overview
Can Green Energy Make The Grid SAFER?
Episode overview
28, 2023
The climate community has gotten pretty loud about telling us that we need to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050, which is fast approaching. And in order to do this, we’re going to .. show full overview
Why Is The U.S. Warming Faster Than Average?
Episode overview
19, 2023
We’ve all heard that we should keep global climate change under 2 degrees of warming, but did you know that there are many places around the globe that have already surpassed that? Some .. show full overview
Too HOT and HUMID to Live: Extreme Wet Bulb Events Are on the Rise
Episode overview
09, 2023
As climate change continues warming the planet, a new and invisible killer is emerging: extreme wet bulb temperatures. This refers to a potentially lethal combination of heat and .. show full overview
Will Climate Change Pop the Housing Bubble?
Episode overview
01, 2023
Remember the 2008 Financial Crisis? Experts warn that the same thing may be happening again, but this time, CLIMATE CHANGE is the culprit. Increasing natural hazards, from wildfires and .. show full overview
Is Earth's Largest Heat Transfer Really Shutting Down?
Episode overview
22, 2023
With unprecedented heat waves and record-breaking global temperatures, it’s hard to believe that there might be a place on earth that has actually COOLED since the industrial revolution. .. show full overview