War and World History

  • : 2022
  • : 47
  • : 0
  • 0
  • History



The Historiography of War
Episode overview
20, 2022
A rich field of sources gives us knowledge of wars—from the haunting remains of fortifications and weapons to papyrus documents, stone steles, and written histories. Consider these and .. show full overview
The Stone Age War
Episode overview
20, 2022
When does war first appear, and where? This lecture traces the origins of warfare from the earliest evidence of mass violence in 12000 B.C. Investigate the question of the usefulness of .. show full overview
Peace, War, and Civilization
Episode overview
20, 2022
In early Mesopotamia, the wealthy southern cities had no walls or armies. Yet the northern cities had fortifications and intense warfare. Explore how and why this happened, and how .. show full overview
The Chariot Revolution
Episode overview
20, 2022
In the first of the major military revolutions, the chariot spread east across Asia. See how its evolving design created a lethal weapons system while revolutionizing pastoral life on .. show full overview
The Sword Revolution
Episode overview
20, 2022
The transformations of the sword played a major role in early warfare. Here, study how dramatic advances in sword technology from the Bronze to the Iron ages changed the face of combat and how war itself drove the evolution from bronze to iron.
Steppes, Standing Armies, and Silver Trade
Episode overview
20, 2022
This lecture explores another world-changing military system, as mounted warriors and cavalry rose on the Asian steppes and in the expanding Assyrian Empire. Learn about major Assyrian .. show full overview
Pirates and Hoplites
Episode overview
20, 2022
Greek seafaring culture led to distinctive approaches to politics and war. The Greek city-state blended rule by aristocratic clans with a class of free citizens. Study the system of the .. show full overview
Great Empires of West and East
Episode overview
20, 2022
Three powerful states rose in the first millennium B.C. In this lecture, encounter the groundbreaking Persian system of government, which adapted steppe military organization to control .. show full overview
War and the Rise of Religion
Episode overview
20, 2022
From ancient times, organized religions spurred complex conflicts. See how ancient mythologies of war arose and how themes of warfare were central to the early books of the Bible. In .. show full overview
The Greek Way of War
Episode overview
20, 2022
What gave rise to democracy in ancient Athens? The lecture answers this by tracing violent class conflicts and the outcomes of rule by tyrant-dictators. See how democracy was supported .. show full overview
An Age of War throughout the Core
Episode overview
20, 2022
Following the 8th century B.C., splintering empires and shifting economics produced a major era of wars from Persia to China. Learn how innovations in the ability to wage war shaped this .. show full overview
New Empires and an Armed Peace
Episode overview
20, 2022
Military strongmen forged the empires of Rome, Mauryan India, and Han China. Trace the groundbreaking transfer of power in all three systems—from nobles to military leaders who rose .. show full overview
Monotheisms and Militaries
Episode overview
20, 2022
Complex interconnections of religion and warfare arose with the "state" religions of the new empires. In this lecture, see how military force was integral in spreading religions .. show full overview
Barbarians and the Fall of Three Empires
Episode overview
20, 2022
Key political shifts accompanied the waning of the Roman, Han, and Mauryan empires. Follow the ascent of "barbarian" states that challenged the empires, leading to a blending of cultures .. show full overview
Conquest Links the Core
Episode overview
20, 2022
Track China's Tang dynasty as it expanded west in the 8th century backed by a vast military, and the Muslim caliphates as they conquered regions from the Atlantic to central Asia. Then, .. show full overview
The Middle Ages and a Common Way of War
Episode overview
20, 2022
Investigate broad advances in military technology in the Middle Ages as they spread across Europe, Africa, and Asia. As you focus on the cataphract, or armored horseman, you learn about .. show full overview
Armored Horsemen and Global Feudalization
Episode overview
20, 2022
Armored horse warriors were deeply linked to the rise of feudalism. Explore the feudal system across differing societies and its structure of autonomous states based in loyalty to .. show full overview
Crusade, Jihad, and Dharma Yuddha
Episode overview
20, 2022
Following A.D. 1000, many violent religious conflicts emerged. Probe the events of the Crusades and the Christian and Muslim ideologies of holy war, trace Islamic conquest in India and .. show full overview
The Mongols Conquer a World
Episode overview
20, 2022
Genghis Khan forged the legendary Mongol Empire as a great confederation of steppe tribes, pursuing world domination with huge and highly organized armies. Study the Mongols' .. show full overview
The Business of War in Medieval Europe
Episode overview
20, 2022
The lecture opens on China's economic supremacy in the Middle Ages, fueled by military strength, trade, and sophisticated technology. You investigate historic power shifts within .. show full overview
The Gunpowder Revolution
Episode overview
20, 2022
Gunpowder appeared in 12th-century China. Trace its creation and geographic spread, as well as the early weaponry of "fire lances," explosive devices, and rockets. Afterward, study the .. show full overview
War at the Margins
Episode overview
20, 2022
Warfare was central to societies outside the Eurasian core, though lacking the advanced technology of the core civilizations. Explore the culture of war in the kingdoms of Sudanic and .. show full overview
A World Apart--War in the Americas
Episode overview
20, 2022
Agriculture and population growth spurred violence in ancient Mesoamerica and South America. Uncover the records of the Mayans and Toltecs (which reveal warlike cultures with warrior .. show full overview
Renaissance and Military Revolution
Episode overview
20, 2022
In Renaissance Europe, spiraling costs of war shifted power to central governments and merchant city-states. Probe the intellectual revolutions that came with the rediscovery of .. show full overview
Conquest and Colonies
Episode overview
01, 2022
European expansionism was aided by groundbreaking naval technology, particularly the armed galleon. Learn about the Portuguese conquest of sea routes in Africa and Asia and the entry of .. show full overview
The Gunpowder Empires
Episode overview
01, 2022
Changing global economics and large-scale arms trading led to the rise of empires backed by gunpowder technology. Study the many forms of gunpowder weaponry and the multilayered .. show full overview
More Holy Wars
Episode overview
01, 2022
The 16th and 17th centuries saw deepening religious conflicts. Trace the clash of Portugal and Spain with Islam, the Ottoman conquests of Europe, and the Mughal-Hindu wars in India. .. show full overview
The Rise of the Regiment
Episode overview
01, 2022
In the late 17th century, European power began a historic ascent. Learn about the revolutions in military organization that made this possible and the evolution of the regiment—which .. show full overview
The Wooden World
Episode overview
01, 2022
Europe's growing power was built on a vast maritime culture, serving trade, warfare, and exploration. Delve into the fascinating details of the highly structured crews that manned .. show full overview
The Global War to Control Trade
Episode overview
01, 2022
Eighteenth-century trade created world-spanning conflicts. European trading companies, backed by private armies and warships, battled for profits from silver, fur, and cash crops. Trace .. show full overview
Warfare and the Nation-State
Episode overview
01, 2022
Europe's nation-states created a highly effective political system, with nobles and military centralized under governments operated by civilian bureaucrats. Study the culture of the .. show full overview
War and the Making of the Americas
Episode overview
01, 2022
Discover the many contexts of armed conflict in the New World. Study the Spanish wars of conquest from Chile to New Mexico, the powerful Native American tribal states, the brutal .. show full overview
War and the Unmaking of Africa and Asia
Episode overview
01, 2022
Military strength in Asia and Africa declined through the 17th and 18th centuries. Consider the core factors in this decline, including the failure by China and India to follow European .. show full overview
The Industrialization of War
Episode overview
01, 2022
The Industrial Revolution brought world-changing advances in military technology, as mass production and dramatic improvements in transportation saw the rise of both national and .. show full overview
The Nationalization of War
Episode overview
01, 2022
Nationalism became the most important political and military ideology of the 19th century, inspiring wars and revolutions across the world. Explore the emergence of nationalism; .. show full overview
Race and Class at War
Episode overview
01, 2022
Complex conditions of class, race, and gender shaped 19th-century warmaking. Track the historic rise of commoners to high military ranks; the "racial theory" that affected blacks, other .. show full overview
Imperialism and the Triumph of the West
Episode overview
01, 2022
European nation-states reached global political and military dominance in the 19th century. Uncover the core strategy and methodology of Western imperialism and see how European power .. show full overview
The 19th-Century Culture of War
Episode overview
01, 2022
Nineteenth-century wars left numerous marks on world culture, including military models in education and war literature, memoirs, journalism, and history writing. Here, explore the deep .. show full overview
A Common Way of War--The 20th Century
Episode overview
01, 2022
In this lecture, chart the spread of a common, global military methodology during the 20th century. Study the core weapons systems and naval technology, as well as the transformative .. show full overview
War and 20th-Century Ideology
Episode overview
01, 2022
Emerging political creeds played critical roles in 20th-century warfare. Fascist regimes deemed warfare necessary and pursued expansionism rooted in racist ideology. Communist ideologues .. show full overview
War and the Persistence of Nationalism
Episode overview
01, 2022
In the 20th century, nationalist sentiment remained a powerful force, despite many ideology-based regimes and wars. Study the conflict between Communist states and disputes over national .. show full overview
Economies and Economics at War
Episode overview
01, 2022
Enormous costs of war posed critical challenges for modern nation-states. See how capitalist economics and organization outstripped totalitarian regimes in managing wars, shaping the .. show full overview
Culture and War in the 20th Century
Episode overview
01, 2022
War's social imprints in democratic societies showed new trends. Investigate how popular culture in all media became the forum for heroic depictions of war, with an emphasis on the .. show full overview
The Weaponization of Information
Episode overview
01, 2022
Information and intelligence became critical to 20th-century conflicts as governments censored communications and restricted public media. Study the use of propaganda as a major tool by .. show full overview
Guerrilla War and Terrorism
Episode overview
01, 2022
Chart the history and modern practice of guerrilla warfare and terrorism, the subtle distinctions between the two, and their ideological roots. Also, probe the ambiguities that .. show full overview
The Struggle for Peace and Justice
Episode overview
01, 2022
New ideological movements and institutions arose in response to war in the 20th century. Consider the theories of "law of war" that underlay the Geneva Conventions and war crimes trials .. show full overview
Warfare at the Turn of a New Century
Episode overview
01, 2022
The series concludes with an analysis of complex conditions of warfare in the last 20 years. Study the military uses of computers and the Internet, critical legal issues of war, current .. show full overview