• : 2001
  • : 311
  • : 21
  • Food Network
  • 21
  • Documentary Family News



Episode overview
30, 2002
Get ready for a walk on the wild side as host Marc Summers looks at the bizarre side of food. Visit a strange superstore, bite into cockroaches, take a look at a collection of burnt food, and belly up for a taste of deep-fried twinkies.
Faux French
Episode overview
11, 2002
Marc Summers travels to French toast restaurant and then learn the origin of the waffle fry. Unwrapped those crunchy onion toppings, and see what goes into French Dressing, the French Chew, and French Bread.
Hold Everything
Episode overview
18, 2002
Hold it! Don't miss this episode that gets the skinny on the foods and their container counterparts. We find a mustard pot collector who knows cute from kitchy and a picnic basket .. show full overview
Mini Mouthfuls
Episode overview
25, 2002
We start off at M&M's World followed by a trip to the Lance cracker factory. Think you know the facts about treats like Mini Bomb Pops, Red Hots, and Munchkins? Think again. And meet a woman whose hobby is to create mini's out of clay!
Dips & Dippers
Episode overview
09, 2002
Take a look at foods that dip and their saucy sidekicks. Learn the secrets to Pace Picante, Nacho Sauce and Torrengo tortilla chip. Next its on to Fondue! And what better to dip into your coffee than a Dunkin' Donut, or Biscotti.
Sugary Treats
Episode overview
16, 2002
Find out how Gumdrops, Powdered donuts, and Sugar cubes are made. Then its on to Mrs. Fields for a look at Sugar cookiesr. Finally, we visit a shop where selling sweets is its specialty and end with an ice cream that has a not-so-sugary twist.
Canned Foods
Episode overview
06, 2003
Marc Summers opens the can on foods that are sealed for storage. Check out how soda is canned, and learn what makes pringles different. Have fun at a 'Canstruction' competition and Spam-fest, then meet a woman with a 'souper' Campbell's collection.
Soda Fountains
Episode overview
13, 2003
Marc Summers explores Soda Fountains. Stop by a place straight out of yesteryear, and watch as classic counters are restored. Sign up for soda fountain summer camp, get a taste of the .. show full overview
Vending Machines
Episode overview
20, 2003
Marc Summers is hitting up vending machines. Go from the Automat, to the new & improved Vending 2000. Learn what goes into hot dog vending carts, and take a look at hi-tech gumball machines. Plus, check out a Vending Expo.
Hidden Treasures
Episode overview
27, 2003
Marc Summers discovers the tricks to knowing what centers are inside a box of chocolates, and how gold coins are minted. Watch as calzones get stuffed, what's inside some pretzels, how TastyKakes get their filling, and learn about King Cake.
TV Dinners
Episode overview
03, 2003
Marc Summers meets the TV-dinner's inventor, then watches as theset meals are made and tested today. Visit a restaurant that serves Swanson's, check out the 'Single Man's Guide to Frozen .. show full overview
Episode overview
17, 2003
Marc Summers is getting a look at appetizers. Watch as ready-made hors d'oeuvres go from factory to freezer, discover the Tapas craze, and learn about chips that are made to be dipped. Plus, check out some retro, finger-food favorites.
Quick Snax
Episode overview
24, 2003
Marc Summers is serving up snacks meant to grab on the go. Learn the history of 7-11, and discover the secrets behind the Slurpee. Watch as granola bars are made, Pringles are packaged, and nuts are prepared for vending.
Crazy Colors
Episode overview
07, 2003
Check out some classic snacks that have developed a new, colorful character. Learn how Pepsi got the case of the blues, and the trick to giving chips a new blue look. Watch as applesauce goes Technicolor, and brown brownies get rainbow accessories.
Fun & Games
Episode overview
14, 2003
Watch how bubblegum can be made by kids, and take a sweet trip down memory lane with the history of Candy Land, Mr. Potato Head, and other yummy classics. Then, it's time to make .. show full overview
Food Fanatics
Episode overview
21, 2003
They're wild...they're crazy...they're food fanatics. Meet a duo who are serious about their cereal, and join the ultimate coffee fan in his quest to visit every Starbuck's location. .. show full overview
Midnight Snax
Episode overview
28, 2003
Marc Summers opens the fridge on America's favorite midnight snacks. Take a look at rocky road ice cream. Hit up a diner, or a trendy club serving kiddie classics. Learn how to make the .. show full overview
Episode overview
05, 2003
Blur the lines between food and everyday objects with these treats you can eat. Visit the Lollipop Paint Shop, FooDoodler, and a candy lipstick factory. Explore the chocolate novelty business, and meet a man who carves a living out of pumpkins.
Morning Munchies
Episode overview
19, 2003
Explore what goes into your cornflakes at Kelloggs Cereal City and peek behind the scenes at the Quaker Oats factory. Find out how many eggs go into Abbeville, LA's Giant Omelette and .. show full overview
Episode overview
31, 2003
Watch as Marc Summers pops the question about weddings and the festive foods that go along with them. Find out how to carve the perfect ice sculpture, find out the history behind bubbly, and watch as candy bars get dressed up for the special day.